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Female Human Barbarian/2

As difficult as it is for her to tear her eyes away from the spectacular display of the Qin, as the warrior woman approach he ship Anya's naturally competitive nature pulls her up to stand beside her sister. Crossing her significantly muscled arms over her ample chest she glares at the women during the exchange.

However after a moment, offended by the posturing harlot's words she suddenly speaks up boldly, her temper near to alighting "Watch your tongue wench! Call my sister a liar or suggest she be an oath breaker or murderer again and those shall be the last words ever to pass your lips!"
Intimidate:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

The Exchange

The red haired Breda closes her mouth and narrows eyes at Anya then she laughs turning away to her two cohorts. One laughs openly and shaking her head at the half-elf Helga.

Everyone can see the thin bearded man waking across the rope bridge from the high Hall. Once over the river he slowly descends, showing his age until he reaches the level of the quay and then he approaches bearing the valknut of a full druid leader.

He passes Breda and her friends, and stops at the end of the wooden quay. Old and covered in straggly grey hair, he speaks, raising his carved staff for quiet.

A feeble, rasping voice just reaches the Albatross, "I am Tavnia of Stuvoy, godi and priest to this village, servant of Samthain and Lord Mercik. Who speaks for you?"

Breda stands behind the druid and starts staring at Anya, staring hard.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

Kurn stands tall and shouts " I am acting Captain of this ship and my name is Kurn Thornsson, servant of Krakis. It is by his will and the courage of this crew that we have survived to reach your fair port. We are no threat to you, as Helga states. We come only seeking shelter from the sea and if you will allow it, to sample your no doubt fine food and ale. I'm happy to give a full report to your Lord at his convenience."

Diplomacy 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Female Human Barbarian/2

nice one Kurn!

Anya returns the glare full force. The sound of her knuckles cracking as she tightens her fists is audible in the silence between the cleric's and druid's conversation.

Female Human (Krieglander) Frost Sorceress 2

Saorise stays back with Jorgen, watching the others as they try to keep those on shore off balance with multiple sources of speech. She smiles and whispers again to Jorgen, "it appears that some of them are good for something after all, even that bastard Priest."

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Helga ignores the women on the shore, and let's Kurn and Stefnir do the talking for now.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

While waiting for a reply from the shore, Kurn looks at Stefnir. "Putting aside our differences for the moment for everyones benefit, I've had very little dealings with Druids. What is your view on the best way to proceed with this one, assuming they allow us to land?"

Male Human Druid 2
Kurn Thornsson wrote:
While waiting for a reply from the shore, Kurn looks at Stefnir. "Putting aside our differences for the moment for everyones benefit, I've had very little dealings with Druids. What is your view on the best way to proceed with this one, assuming they allow us to land?"

Stefnir continues to watch the other Druid. "Normally we would provide gifts for those we are visiting, but I don't think we really have anything to gift".

"Our best option now is to arrange a meeting with the elders of the village...between them and myself, and the captain of the vessel", he finished looking at Kurn.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2
Stefnir Ogmundrsson wrote:
Kurn Thornsson wrote:
While waiting for a reply from the shore, Kurn looks at Stefnir. "Putting aside our differences for the moment for everyones benefit, I've had very little dealings with Druids. What is your view on the best way to proceed with this one, assuming they allow us to land?"

Stefnir continues to watch the other Druid. "Normally we would provide gifts for those we are visiting, but I don't think we really have anything to gift".

"Our best option now is to arrange a meeting with the elders of the village...between them and myself, and the captain of the vessel", he finished looking at Kurn.

"Ok, agreed. I defer to your judgement in the matter"

The Exchange

The druid neither smiles nor seems offended by the words of Kurn. He simply nods and has a quiet word with Breda.

The viking girl, Breda, breaks gaze with Anya for this and listens earnestly to the words of Tavnia. Then she looks back and there is an honest smile on her face aimed purely at Anya.

Meanwhile Tavnia turns back and concludes the conversation, "you may have shelter here for the night. Anya will see you to one of our empty lodges for your stay and I shall speak with Mercik about staying longer. Maybe a meeting can be arranged for this evening."

Then the druid stalks off heading back up the slope and over the rope bridge towards the High Hall.

Nearby the Qin gets back aboard his drakkar and starts wiping his torso down with a white fleecy towel.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

"Thank you for your kindness" Kurn shouts back. He then turns to the crew "Ok, start rowing at a nice easy stroke and I'll steer us into the dock area."

Kurn is steering the ship to dock/land in the area numbered 14 and 15 on the map

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Helga breathes a sigh of relief and steps down from the prow.

here is the the Map of Stuvoy.

"I swear, I think the best thing you could do with this ship now is burn the damn thing," she mutters to Anya.

The Exchange

The Albatross creaks and a wooden plank springs up with a loud twang.

Soon the vessel is beached and leans over to one side as it becomes stuck fast in the stones and pebbles.

Breda and her two warriors come down from the quay and wait for people to disembark.

Meanwhile the Qin dry and clothed comes down a line and picks up a paddle in a coracle, then standing and paddling he heads for the shore by the fishing boats. His sword is scabbarded on his back and pokes up over one shoulder.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

"Well done everybody. Your courage will be remembered" says Kurn addressing the crew. "Our task and your service to this ship is done as far as I am concerned. Wait here pleasw while Stefnir and I make shore it's safe you to come ashore and go about your business". Kurn makes his way to the side of the boat, steps on to the shore and looks at Stefnir. "Are you ready?"

The Exchange

"Up yours!" says Freki and he jumps down onto the beach with a smile of joy when he lands. crunch goes the stony beach.

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

Ragnar hoists his sack of personal belongings over his shoulder, slaps Kurn on the back and follows Freki ashore.
There's no cargo to unload or anything, right?

Male Human Druid 2
Kurn Thornsson wrote:
"Well done everybody. Your courage will be remembered" says Kurn addressing the crew. "Our task and your service to this ship is done as far as I am concerned. Wait here pleasw while Stefnir and I make shore it's safe you to come ashore and go about your business". Kurn makes his way to the side of the boat, steps on to the shore and looks at Stefnir. "Are you ready?"

"It appears as though our plans have changed Kurn". "As usual we jump in first, and determine if the water is safe afterwards". Stefnir then prepares to make his way ashore with dignity. (Though in fact he can't wait to be away from this cursed ship.)

Female Human Barbarian/2

Smiling broadly at the actions of Freki and Ragnar, Anya also gathers her sack of meager belongings and secures it and her weapons about her. Her new masterfully made longspear she carries upright in one hand.

Jumping nimbly off the ship, she turns to offer a hand if her sister or any of the boys need one. That done she strides boldly up to the waiting Breda, plants her spear and simply waits. Staring stonily into the woman's eyes it is obvious Anya is not in the least intimidated by their three to her one.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari puts his shield on his back, picks up his mace and heads onto the beach. Keeping his cloak tight about his body and his head well back in the hood.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

Kurn shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders. "It would seem so Stefnir. I guess we had better make the best of the situation. At least they are no longer my concern, so it's up to them". Kurn moves towards Breda.

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Helga follows her sister and shakes her head sadly as she strides up to Breda, and decides to hang back - not out of fear, but out of a desire to ensure that she has the best range to help her sister should the worst happen.

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

Jorgen looks over to Saorise, shaking his head slightly.

"That one might just be more abrasive than you, and with less reason,"he mutters indicating Anya.

Female Human (Krieglander) Frost Sorceress 2

Saorise sniffs at Jorgen's remark, but doesn't correct him. "I want to be in a nice soft bed tonight instead of that Gods forsaken wood, but I also want to make sure nothing happens to the ship in the mean time. What do you think, should we stay here for the night or go ashore? I must admit that my funds are lacking at the moment so even though I want that bed, I won't fight you if you say to stay." She looks longingly at the shore as she finishes.

The Exchange

Anya points up the slope to a thirty foot long lodge, one of the smaller ones, "the Murgor's is empty now. You can all stay there. How you doing for food and drink?"

She is all business now, following the orders of Tavnia. "So why Ackrieg? I cannot think why anyone would want to come here from the safe and comfortable south, especially with winter coming."

There are patches of grass and trodden tracks about the village, tracks that lead to and from the lodges and stockade, but the snow from the storm has covered most of the ground.

Three young children are building a long worm of snow. Two girls are bossing a little boy about all dressed in thin furs.

While you are in Stuvoy, there are various clues that can be picked up visually if the right questions are asked showing what any character is interested in or observing. I don't like to hand the answers over on a Perception plate.

The Qin warrior has left the beach and moved up the slope to a lodge above.

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

Ragnar looks about on the walk up, but mostly stays quiet.
It seems like there aren't any people around but older men, women and children. Does Ragnar see any men? Or, more pressing to him, any sign of Svart? And did the Albatross pass any fishing vessels on the way in?

The Exchange

There are no young Krieg men (just the Qin warrior) about at all, Ragnar does see a couple of women loading nets carefully onto a fishing boat. But the Albatross didn't pass any vessels on its way in.

Female Human Barbarian/2

Privately somewhat impressed that the woman seems able to put aside her animosity and do her duty, Anya's gaze softens a bit, say from iron to merely stone, as she replies "I cannot speak for the others here, but my sister and I gave our oaths of loyalty and service to the captain in exchange for his gold." after a brief pause to consider to decides to simply be honest and continues "the Last captain that is, before injury took his leg and his cowardly first mate and the rest of the useless crew decided to try and seek safety and shelter by foot instead of by sea and took him along with them. You can clearly see the fools they were as here we have reached our destination while they are more than likely still wandering the wilderness somewhere. The captian was a good man though. Even though he will never again be the warrior he was, I hope he is aright."

While her words make it obvious to the others that diplomacy is not her strong suit, Anya herself feels good that she told the truth while still managing to hide from the woman the real reason she wanted to get Helga and herself aboard the boat, any boat, just as she has kept it hidden from her sister all this time. Also, she suddenly realizes that the coward Taggrik made off with gold promised to her and her sister and she silently promises herself to beat it out of his hide if necessary if she ever sees him again.

I'm refering to the blood fued trait I rolled for Anya back at the begining. I can't quite recall now but it seems right that Anya would have kept the exact nature of the danger from Helga and simple tried to get her as far away as possible. If this is incorrect or needs to be changed, just let me know. Also, if you feel a bluff is needed vs the woman's sense motive, feel free to roll it for me.

PS FW, you keep mixing up Breda with Anya. I guess they're more alike than I realized ; )

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

Ragnar pulls the scarf down from his mouth and nose and speaks as slowly and clearly as he can for Breda.
"Thuh uhn't uhnnuh yuhn muhn uhbuht. Duhd suhmthuhn huhpuhn?"

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Helga looks around curiously.

She notices the lack of men ... in fact other than the Qin, one child and the old man, she has seen no men at all. She glances back at the fishing boats pulled up on the shore, wondering how many men it would take to man them and if the men aren't here, why the boats are.

"Aye, it'll be a while before we see that gold, though," Helga laughs. "Easy come, easy go, although joining that ship's company was not one of your better ideas, dear sister. I suppose I have a tale to sing of tonight, though, if the village want to hear it."

Then she winces as Ragnar asks what she avoided asking, but listens for the answer just the same.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

Kurn watches and listens to the others, shakes his head again and talks to Breda "We could do with some food and drink if you can spare it please? Just point us in the direction of your village tavern" says Kurn smiling.

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

Jorgen contemplates for a moment.

"I'm loathe to leave the ship as well. I'm sure Drago had a bed."

Male Human Druid 2

After his casual disembarkation Stefnir will head towards where the ancient Druid disappeared. He intends to have a word with him.

The Exchange

Thanks for putting it so politely Khal, I did and I can only put it down to how busy a kid and a baby is making me. No excuses but I was thinking about Anya and Breda as I was typing, more of that later.

Breda doesn't notice Stefnir slip away from the rest, she is too busy trying to answer the rest. Everyone apart from Jorgen, Saorise and Ari has now left the Albatross. That means that Freki and the three boys are standing around Anya unconsciously following her and her sister.

Breda is still walking away so the rest of this is beyond the hearing of the Albatross. Breda's Linguistics check on Ragnar 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

"Young men, no, they all left with Bombur to fight the dwarves. Or upped and joined Voltagor. Or that brigand in the Darkwald." She stops walking towards the lodge and looks at everyone as it dawns on her what the question means, "you mean no one knows about us and the dwarves in Urgen or is that all over?"

Kurn would know that in this society there aren't many taverns outside of major cities, most of the drinking takes place in the Halls or lodges, they are certainly large enough for that.

Without thinking Breda answers Kurn, "if you wait in the lodge, I'll bring food and cavemead, but we haven't much of either."

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari leaves the ship and the beach, hoping no-one has seen him.

Stealth Check 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21


He will move to the hut where the Qin man went, and observe what he is doing

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

"Thank you Breda". Kurn then moves to a position where everybody can here, including the people in the ship. "If you didn't hear Breda, there will be food and drink for you all in the Lodge". Kurn will then move back to the ship and carry out a full inspection of the damage.

FW - Could you provide a list of damage please, along with an approximate time frame for repairs and of course an estimated cost based on Kurn's knowledge of ships! Thanks

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6
French Wolf wrote:

Thanks for putting it so politely Khal, I did and I can only put it down to how busy a kid and a baby is making me. No excuses but I was thinking about Anya and Breda as I was typing, more of that later.

Breda doesn't notice Stefnir slip away from the rest, she is too busy trying to answer the rest. Everyone apart from Jorgen, Saorise and Ari has now left the Albatross. That means that Freki and the three boys are standing around Anya unconsciously following her and her sister.

Breda is still walking away so the rest of this is beyond the hearing of the Albatross. Breda's Linguistics check on Ragnar 1d20+1

"Young men, no, they all left with Bombur to fight the dwarves. Or upped and joined Voltagor. Or that brigand in the Darkwald." She stops walking towards the lodge and looks at everyone as it dawns on her what the question means, "you mean no one knows about us and the dwarves in Urgen or is that all over?"

Kurn would know that in this society there aren't many taverns outside of major cities, most of the drinking takes place in the Halls or lodges, they are certainly large enough for that.

Without thinking Breda answers Kurn, "if you wait in the lodge, I'll bring food and cavemead, but we haven't much of either."

Ragnar shakes his head.

"Uh've nuht huhd uhv uht. Cuhn 'ou tuhll uhz muh?"

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2
French Wolf wrote:
"Young men, no, they all left with Bombur to fight the dwarves. Or upped and joined Voltagor. Or that brigand in the Darkwald. You mean no one knows about us and the dwarves in Urgen or is that all over?"

"We hear little enough news, indeed to gather such is one reason I agreed to come on this voyage."

Helga pauses to think of what she can recall of the news and rumours from the far north.

Knowledge (local or geography): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

The Exchange

Ari Thornsson wrote:

Ari leaves the ship and the beach, hoping no-one has seen him.

Stealth Check 1d20+6

DM ** spoiler omitted **


He can hang at the back of the group and keep an eye on the lodge, yours isn't far from the Qin's lodge. But for now the lodge wooden door and shuttered windows are all shut. Smoke from a fire shows that someone is being warmed.

The Exchange


Ackrieg is rumoured to have problems, ones that have been mentioned for the last six months or so. This is mainly because Ackrieg is one of the best sources for metals, especially weapon quality irons. There is some kind of trade agreement between the dwarf miners and the Krieg sailors led by their Jarl.

Breda sort of follows what Ragnar asks, "let's get you inside and settled down. Perhaps Tavnia would prefer to give you the details tonight with Sawrik and Lord Mercik. But the rub is that we are at war with the dwarves."

The Exchange

Stefnir gets after Tavnia and since the old man moves slowly up the rise, the much younger Unfettered druid is soon within a few yards of him.

Male Human Druid 2
French Wolf wrote:
Stefnir gets after Tavnia and since the old man moves slowly up the rise, the much younger Unfettered druid is soon within a few yards of him.

"Excuse me". "Honored one" Stefnir rushes to catch up with the wizened one. "Might I speak with you a moment". "Somewhere private perhaps"?

The Exchange

The old man stops, turns and raises an eyebrow to the Unfettered Druid, taking in his valknut symbol.

"Fine," he says after a few seconds. "Come." The man walks out onto the swaying rope bridge and stops in the middle, above the river. "This spot good for you?" He looks down at the serene river about 70 feet below.

The rope bridge is canted and rises up to the stockade side as it goes.

Ari - Perception DC13

There is a shuttered window which hangs slightly open or broken, anyway it certainly may provide a way to look in to the Qin lodge. Luckily the window is on the door side of the home.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari will stealthily move to the shuttered window.

Stealth 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

And will take a look inside.

The Exchange

Ari slips in some slops, then he manages to get a partial view inside.


There is another Qin warrior asleep on the wooden floor near the window. He is moving reflexively before he settles again, may have heard Ari's slip. He too has the dragon tattoo on his back one that denotes his tong and is unfamiliar. Must be a rival tong. Not much else can be seen but the smell of incense takes Ari back to the Empire.

Ari - Perception check DC20

Someone else is humming quietly out of sight.

The Exchange

Breda gives everyone a moment to let that be absorbed then one of the other women blurts out more before she can be stopped.
"They broke faith with the Jarl and stopped selling us metal. When our Jarl went to discuss it inside Verkorhall, he was captured and imprisoned. Naturally we went to -!"

"Gerd, no more!" interrupts Breda with a voice of command and a hand to her throat. "Go and fetch some food. Bruna, go with her and see to the cavemead."

Breda opens the wooden door to the lodge. It is about thirty feet long on the inside and ten foot high thanks to the ground being dug out. There is black and wet hay or straw strewn about the floor and thick cobwebs in every corner. Down the left side are three empty animal pens. Down the right a firepit and storebox, again empty. At the far end is a wooden floor for about twenty feet square with several pallets and an empty woven crib about two feet long. The windows are heavily shuttered so that dark shadows fill all the crevices and corners. Several pails hang from the rafters in an old mildewed net.

"This one is yours for now. Is there anything else you want?"

The Exchange

Khaladon, don't forget to level up when you get a chance. Ta.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

As Kurn examines the ship for damage he spots that Jorgen and Saorise are still on board. "May I ask if you two intend to stay on board, or go to the lodge? I will be staying here for a while to assess the damage to the ship, but after that who knows." Kurn smiles at them both "I know we didn't get off to a good start, but I hope all goes well for you both." Kurn offers his hand to Jorgen "good luck if we don't cross paths again and no hard feelings I hope".

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Ari will move around the building stealthily to see if there is another way in.

Stealth 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6
French Wolf wrote:

Breda gives everyone a moment to let that be absorbed then one of the other women blurts out more before she can be stopped.

"They broke faith with the Jarl and stopped selling us metal. When our Jarl went to discuss it inside Verkorhall, he was captured and imprisoned. Naturally we went to -!"

"Gerd, no more!" interrupts Breda with a voice of command and a hand to her throat. "Go and fetch some food. Bruna, go with her and see to the cavemead."

Breda opens the wooden door to the lodge. It is about thirty feet long on the inside and ten foot high thanks to the ground being dug out. There is black and wet hay or straw strewn about the floor and thick cobwebs in every corner. Down the left side are three empty animal pens. Down the right a firepit and storebox, again empty. At the far end is a wooden floor for about twenty feet square with several pallets and an empty woven crib about two feet long. The windows are heavily shuttered so that dark shadows fill all the crevices and corners. Several pails hang from the rafters in an old mildewed net.

"This one is yours for now. Is there anything else you want?"

Ragnar shakes his head.

"Nuh. Thuhngk 'ou."

FW- since Ragnar was nursed back to health by a forsaken dwarf healer, would he have learned anything important about dwarves and their culture, besides the language?

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