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Female Human (Krieglander) Frost Sorceress 2
French Wolf wrote:
Saorise, I like what you did and the mood is definitely on your side so I'd like you to make a Perform (acting) check and because Stefnir spoke so eloquently, treat his fine words as a +2 bonus; even if they weren't well received.

Perform (acting) Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

yep... it is all dice rollers that hate me... :/

The Exchange

Maybe its the overt display of magic, maybe its the storm bursting overhead but like sheep the fisher folk and others are looking fearfully at the Storm Druid and the Ice Magic above.

Ragnar, Kurn, Ari and Jorgen all have the opportunity to garner more crew. You have gathered an extra four but that still leaves space for two to four more.

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

Well, let's see how Mumbles does...
Reluctantly, Ragnar approaches the side of the ship, facing the remaining crowd. He surveys them with a scowl as he unwinds the scarf around his neck and lets it fall to the deck to reveal his ruined throat. A knot of fresh scar tissue lay just below his adam's apple, stitches standing out livid against a patchwork of burns. A gruesome sight. He speaks slowly and loudly, crossing his arms.

"Muhrk me, Uhgen fulk! I, Ruhgnrr Stolln-voyz huv mutt Duhth uhnd triemmphed! Suberstitnn huhs no swaye wit' me now, ptty strries no hum in my hrrt! Drggo Lngax hus a fuhr offr far uhble seamnn un' eff you'r too scrred vy strries 'n spucks, tuh th' Duhpths wit' yuhs!! I fuhllw Lngax wit'r wit'uht yrr hnnds on t'orrs!"
Intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

He picks up his scarf and sits down again, scowling still.

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

"Gods! Now even the mutes are making speeches, " Jorgen grumbles rising and making his way towards the gangplank. Knowing his way with words Saorise almost cringes at the thought of the effect of what may come next.

The lanky hunter strides up to the captain's side and glares at those on the docks.

"Are there no men here?? Each of these women is more MAN than any of you! Boys with clean cheeks rush into adventure where grown men shudder in cowardice? You snicker at Ragnar's words? He may be lacking a tongue....." he pauses, making sure to look into the angry eyes of those assembled.

"...but at least he is graced with a set of balls! Go back to your homes and curl up under the bedclothes with a teat in your mouths. It would seem to be all that you are good for."

Without another word Jorgen sullenly turns and makes his way back to his seat at the oar, heedless of the stunned looks from his crewmates.

Diplomacy?? 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (10) - 2 = 8

What skill do you roll to deliberately annoy and embarass people?

Female Human Barbarian/2

As Helga moves to stand beside Anya and perform, Anya frowns slightly. She did not want her sister to embarrass herself nor, more importantly, embarrass her. For though she had named the girl a bard to the captain, the truth was that she really had no idea if her half-blood sister really had any talent at all.

As the performance begins though, none are more surprised than Anya at it's pure magic and beauty. Her mouth agape, the large woman stumbles backwards towards her bench, sitting down heavily once she reaches it. Closing her eyes, the captivating melodies of her sister's lute and voice transport Anya back to happier, simpler times. Back to an age before it seemed she was angry all the time, to the memories of being a small child and playing wild and free, and marveling as her mother's belly seemingly grew bigger by the day.

As the performance nears it's end, Anya opens her eyes and her heart swells with pride as she sees that the majority of the crowd have fallen under the same spell of her sisters marvelous talent and the usually scowling woman actually smiles; a tender smile, directed at the young bard's back.

Yet, and for what exact reason she cannot rightly say, the moment Helga turns around, breathless and glowing and seeking the approval of her elder sibling, Anya's smile instantly turns back into a scowl. And as she sees the hurt and heartbreak spreading across Helga's face, the scowl only deepens as a wave of guilt joins it and washes over her. Turning to look out over the sea the warrior woman silently curses the Gods, curses her mother and most of all curses herself, while her powerful hands grip the oar so tightly the wood begins to creak.

The Exchange

After Ragnar and Jorgen finish speaking, the crowd straining to understand one or listen to the insults of the other, Drago puts a big hand on each man's shoulder and squeezes it gently. Before they sit down he mutters quietly, "bravery comes in small buckets."

He looks back at Taggrik and makes a swift count, "I'll be rowing, Taggrik can steer and that makes fifteen, including the Frost Princess there. One more would have been good. Maybe one of us can take turns manning an oar on his own?"

Then he looks around for final time, just in case a sixteenth can be convinced.

I'll allow Helga one last attempt to sway the audience, if she wishes, and the same for Kurn or Ari who haven't had a go yet. Otherwise we can move on.

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Seeing that she still has an audience, Helga sings again, this time of the sea and the adventures to be found thereon, and the wonders of different lands, of soaring free like the albatross on the waves ...

Perform (sing): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Edit: flash, I think I know where all your good rolls went ... sorry, it wasn't deliberate!

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

"Hnn.",grunts a sullen Ragnar.

Female Human (Krieglander) Frost Sorceress 2
Helga Evadottir Alfchild wrote:
Edit: flash, I think I know where all your good rolls went ... sorry, it wasn't deliberate!

Nope, it seems it isn't just the dice rollers that hate me. I had Pen & Paper D&D tonight and my Character died. In 2 hours I rolled two d20 dice over 8 (and this was in battel, so there were quite a few Attacks and Spell Saves to be rolled). One was an 11 and still missed and the other was an 18 and all that did was mean that I didn't confirm a Critical Fumble. I seem to have really good luck whenever I have to roll up a Character's Stats (it's happened before Saorise) but lousy luck when I'm actually playing. :(

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari, gets up and removes his cloak, and takes off his jute woollens, looks at the crown in an intimidating way and flexes his muscular torso.

Intimidate 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

And says to the crowd, "Come on you bunch of wet fish, these women are willing to sail, what about you"

Ari, then does a few acrobatic flips to show off.

Acrobatics 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

"Sit down Ari!" hisses Kurn. "You have no idea of the history of this ship". Kurn shuts up, knowing that to say any more may be dangerous and that encouraging others on to the ship may well mean their death.


Any chance of some background history for the Albatross please?

The Exchange

Helga's words are like honey into mead, an almost audible sigh goes up from the people on the quay, they smile and nod as three more men break away from the nets and crowds of watchers. The locals look happy to see them join the adventures, charmed by the snow elf and her words and music.

Then Ari, all muscle and power, starts showing off. Everyone gets a laugh the instant he tumbles down the gangplank by mistake nearly ending up in the drink. He ends up in a torn net, trying to free his feet.

Drago points to the prow and the carved albatross, "you can stand over there with the Ice Lady. I don't want those delicate hands on my oars, in fact I have an idea that you can mark time for the rowing. You can handle a drum?" He quickly settles the three down finding seats for all.

With the crew established and mostly seated, Drago pulls out a skin and takes a swig, "a toast to the crew of the Albatross, now we shall lift that curse and show everyone tales a Krieglander can make!" The skin of potent sweet mead is thrown down to the first men and passed around.

Kurn, make a Profession (sailor) check to answer your question.

As Taggrik gets ready to start the ship, three fisherfolk run forwards to free the ropes tying the Albatross and Ari manages to free himself.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

Profession Sailor check

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Helga grins and takes up station.

"Aye, Captain, I can keep a beat," she assures Drago. "I have the eyes of my father's kin, too - I can keep a better lookout by night than any man."

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari, scrambles from the net and gets back on board, trying to shield his blushing face from the laughing crowd. He dresses again in his jute woollens and cloak. Sitting back in the seat chosen for him and ready to row, on the command.

Female Human Barbarian/2

Who's Anya's new bench mate now that Helga doesn't have to row? Actually, if it's not too much trouble FW, maybe you could draw up a crude map of the boat or something that indicates who's sitting where for the whole ship?

Even though she is once again transported by her sisters music, when it finishes still Anya cannot bring herself to openly praise her sister and instead rewards the bard with a tight lipped smile and a small nod of the head before turning once again to stare out into sea.

The bungled attempt of the one called Ari does succeed in arousing boisterous laughter from her though and, still laughing, she slaps him on the shoulder as he passes by.

Female Human (Krieglander) Frost Sorceress 2

Saorise watches the displays with mild interest, but then goes back to admiring the figurehead and looking out of the port in the direction they'll be heading. She's pointedly ignoring a place at the oars and at Drago's comment about Helga not taking a place she smiles to herself, thinking that she too has escaped a spot.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

"Who will sing us a song to keep us rowing in time Taggrik?" says Kurn with a smile. He then looks at Saorise. "Hey Ice Lady! If you are not going to row, how about some ale to sing with?". Kurn laughs doubting that such a fine Lady will have a clue about such things.

The Exchange

Saorise the Ice Maiden wrote:
Saorise watches the displays with mild interest, but then goes back to admiring the figurehead and looking out of the port in the direction they'll be heading. She's pointedly ignoring a place at the oars and at Drago's comment about Helga not taking a place she smiles to herself, thinking that she too has escaped a spot.

Another Perception check, same spoiler above as when Saorise last looked at the Albatross head, if you pass.

The Exchange

Anya Fiend-Fury wrote:

Who's Anya's new bench mate now that Helga doesn't have to row? Actually, if it's not too much trouble FW, maybe you could draw up a crude map of the boat or something that indicates who's sitting .........

....e one called Ari does succeed in arousing boisterous laughter from her though and, still laughing, she slaps him on the shoulder as he passes by.

Nice to see Anya making her mark on Ari. I'll put together a map of the drakkar in the next few days. Khaladon, yours is the only email address I need to have a full set otherwise we can rely on Dabbler as before to post the drawing after its done. If anyone cares who they sit with then let me know but otherwise I'll just assign everyone to an oar position, pretty much what I started doing with Kurn and Ragnar already.

The Exchange

Kurn Thornsson wrote:

Profession Sailor check



There are several tales associated to this ship, things like the way its raiders never came back with a decent haul of pillage and plunder. The fatal accidents and strange happenings in the sea and sky which those few sailors who survive mentioned. Maybe they are rumours, maybe not, but the Albatross has attracted its fair share of storms and growlers (lone icebergs) causing ripped sails and numerous drunken tales of the vessel limping into port.
The Albatross has had several captains and more than one has met with death, in fact the last captain, Kaor Redroar, fell ill in Urgen twelve month back and weakened and died in his bed. He had a foul reputation for rages and tempers, lashing his crew and hurting his slaves. Kaor even tortured and burnt to death a warlock on his ship. None minded his death much. Afterwards the ship was just left over winter and then into the spring and summer. Left to rot by the fisher folk too afraid to sail her, or add to the list of dead ship masters or captains. That is until Drago has taken that charge.

The Exchange

Gradually the ship starts to free itself from the quay, the ropes slowly slide into the water until someone coils them away.

Taggrik establishes a beat with Helga, slow at first, then one that will rise as the vessel heads out of the bay towards the sea. Its simple stuff but could be very effective.

Then he walks back to the tiller, while Drago paces impatient. The oars go up and then all down and out into the water together. A couple waver about but eventually get into place.

Taggrik shouts down to the rowers, "some of you have done this many times and some are about to learn but just keep to time and you'll be fine. remember to breathe if you get into trouble, this is all about rhythm, strength and endurance. Like going on a long run. And know this, if you make a mess of it, we will be back here in a hour because the riptides and maelstroms at the bay's doorway will draw us onto the rocks and I'll have to turn tail and run. So no damned mistakes. Once we get out the bay, the wind and our sail can take care of the journey, but you men, and women, are our horses until then. Got it? Good!"

It will take about thirty minutes to get the ship up to speed and out onto the open sea if all goes according to plans.

Can I have a Strength or Constitution check from everyone rowing unless they have a better skill like profession (sailor) to help. I will allow anyone with Endurance to add in that bonus since it seems appropriate too. On average, the rest of the crew are good at what they do, although one or two may be a bit green or nervous making the odd mistakes.

As the oars start to slowly bite, the Marked Albatross is about forty feet from the docks and a black-haired large man breaks through the crowd, knocking an old man to the ground. He starts to unlimber and string a longbow, as the rest of the folk give him a wide berth.

"Drago! You have a wanted man on there! Come back now or face the wrath of my Chief!"

Drago looks about blankly.

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Helga concentrates on keeping the beat slow and steady, but glances shore-wards at the man on the dock.

I'm assuming that it's absolutely no big deal keeping the drum-beat going for a trained bard, even though I don't have Perform (percussion) (it's on my to-get list!).

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

Con check 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Focusing on the task at hand Jorgen looks up at the scene playing itself out. He catches Saorise's eye at the prow, raising an eyebrow quizzically.

Male Human Druid 2

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12 CON Check

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

Strength plus Endurance feat: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Ragnar keeps his head down, concentrating on the beat of the drums over all else.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Strength plus Endurance Feat1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Ari, hoping Helga will up the drum beat takes a quick look back at the dock.

The Exchange

Taggrik shouts down at Ragnar, "you, that's what we wanted! try to keep pace with him." he gives a small wave to Helga at the prow acknowledging her simple drumbeat and waves again to increase it now that everyone is getting the hang of it.

"Faster, ladies, this isn't a butter churning competition, I want sweat and effort if we are to clear those headland rocks."

Drago joins Saorise and jumps up onto the siderail of the ship, holding the head of the Albatross for balance, "I know you, Svart, and I know your bow serves that puling puking Chief Gimpihildig the truffle pig. What is this talk? Come swim over and we can drink a horn of mead. Can't swim. Oh no, well goodbye, Proud One."

The knurl laughs out loud then ducks protectively behind the prow as Svart notches an arrow, roaring angrily. Drago pulls the Ice Maiden behind the wooden prow too. Svart the warrior shoots but misses Drago by a wide mark landing in the bay.

"Never much liked him," breathes Longaxe at Saorise.

The archer pulls out a second arrow quick as a flash and fires that too, but this one sticks in a wooden plank. "I have more," he shouts. "Bring back that boat and my prey! Bring back the warlockspawn now."

Svart waits and Drago measures the distance to the dock, about 60 feet and widening with every second.

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Helga increases the drum-beat.

"Who is this criminal, and what's he supposed to have done?" she asks, astonished by the shore-man's virulence.

The Exchange

Drago shrugs, "that one serves the Chieftain of Ewesmir, he is a tracker, hunter and is called Svart the Proud. His chief enjoys throwing people in the wolf pit too much if you ask me. I once saw him fire three arrows through a ring at hundred feet so keep down."

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Helga tries to stay under cover, keeping the drumbeat fast.

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

Jorgen allows his vision to shift its field of perception, studying the man who is the archer's target. detect magic

Female Human Barbarian/2

I'm assuming that all we rowers are facing the stern of the ship and so can easily see all that transpires on the dock if we so choose?

Anya digs into the task of rowing, enjoying the chance to work out her anger and frustrations with hard toil.
Strength + Endurance:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Yet her technique is less than perfect as she is somewhat distracted by the show on the shore and she looks around her, curious as to which of her new crew mates the hunter is after.
Perception:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

The Exchange

Jorgen Ulrichsson Truesight wrote:
Jorgen allows his vision to shift its field of perception, studying the man who is the archer's target. detect magic

Perception check DC12 Jorgen

The first arrow was probably aimed at Drago but the second was definitely at the ship master, Taggrik.

The ship is now facing out to sea and the rowers can see the dock area. Most people are frozen in place watching Svart and his bow work. As for who Svart is talking about, so far there are no major clues other than the fact it is a man.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

"Ari, has this got something to do with you brother?" hisses Kurn, as he nods in the direction of the archer. "What the hell are you doing here anyway? You've always preferred to stay on dry land"

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Jorgen frowns scanning over the crew with his ability to see deowmers still active.

The Exchange


It may seem trivial but Taggrik is at the rear, exposed apart from the tiller. As for casting detect magic is Jorgen going to stop rowing? - to make the necessary gestures with his hand. If not, then I'll need some kind of Dex check because rowing one of these long oars is difficult one-handed.

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

Dex check 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Crap! When that fails he stops rowing for a moment

The Exchange

As Jorgen casts his minor spell, the man next to him loses control of the oar. "Here what are y-."

The man freezes as he sees magicks at work, something he was not prepared for. Nor has he seen many times in his life.

Meanwhile the oar crashes loudly into the one behind and then the one in front causing chaos among the other rowers. The man tries to grip the oar again and starting pulling as Taggrik and Drago fix their gaze on Jorgen.

The drum beat pounds away up front and things begin to calm a little however the Albatross has lost headway and the ship master is working hard with the tiller to stop the ship slewing around.


There is magic in the direction of Drago at the prow. If you keep it focussed I tell you more next round.

Svart yells again, "stop that ship and give up that outlaw!"

He quickly shots twice again. Both arrows head for the back of the Albatross.

Longbow arrow attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17, Damage 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8, Second longbow arrow attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19, Damage 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Both arrows take Taggrik in the back and he slumps, vainly trying to stop the tiller swinging free.

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

Jorgen keeps his vision focused even as he makes sure he knows where his weapons are. This could get violent very quickly.

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

"The tiller, Captain!"

Helga gasps in shock and surprise.

To Saorise:
"You, sorceress - grab the rudder and hold it steady or we'll end up on the rocks!"

Forgetting the drum, she lunges toward Taggrik and casts cure light wounds.

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

The Exchange

See the discussion thread please.

The Exchange

Helga runs the length of the calm ship and helps Taggrik recover his poise a little. One of the arrows drops free of his back.


Saorise is stood at the prow at the moment. Drago has a faint magical aura or two on his person and axe but there is a much stronger aura of magic above both of them, on the neck of the wooden prow head of the Albatross.

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Apologies, if I had realised we were at the opposite end of the ship I would have asked Saorise to take the drum!

Female Human (Krieglander) Frost Sorceress 2
French Wolf wrote:
Saorise the Ice Maiden wrote:
Saorise watches the displays with mild interest, but then goes back to admiring the figurehead and looking out of the port in the direction they'll be heading. She's pointedly ignoring a place at the oars and at Drago's comment about Helga not taking a place she smiles to herself, thinking that she too has escaped a spot.
Another Perception check, same spoiler above as when Saorise last looked at the Albatross head, if you pass.

Perception Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Saorise goes to berate Drago for manhandling her until she sees the arrow come flying near them. She furrows her brow and looks back towards the man on the docks. Striding towards the stern, she almost loses her footing when the ship lurches due to Jorgen's mistake at the oar but continues on. She sees Taggrik slump and instead of rushing to aid him and pointedly ignoring Helga's command, she instead stands and begins to speak. Arcane syllables flow around her frosty breath and as she finishes, she pulls forth a small bone whistle and blows a sharp note. Suddenly, a wind begins to swirl around their attacker.

Casting biting wind at Svart (Ranged Touch Attack): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Non-lethal Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3
DC15 Fortitude Save to avoid being Shaken if any damage is taken

Biting Wind:

School: evocation [cold]; Level: sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a whistle made of walrus or bear bone)
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: animated breeze
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance: yes
This spell creates an animate wind of freezing cold air that moves and attacks a single target as directed by the caster. The breeze must make a touch attack using the caster’s ranged attack bonus, dealing 1d6 points of non-lethal damage. The wind is invisible, and gains all the bonuses of an invisible attacker (though it cannot be used to deliver sneak attacks). The wind strikes as a spell rather than a weapon (and thus can hit incorporeal creatures for 50% damage) and always strikes from the direction of the caster. It attacks its designated target once each round unless directed to a new target by the caster (which requires a standard action).
Creatures that take damage from the wind must make a Fortitude save. On a failed save the target is shaken and suffers a –2 penalty to all attack and damage rolls and skill check for 1 round/caster level.

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

Ragnar leaves Ari to handle their huge oar, running across the deck (and into Svart's line of fire) to grab the tiller while Taggrik recovers.
Profession (Sailor): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

Seeing Saorise go into action Jorgen stands up drawing a javelin as he keeps his eyes on the spot above her, from which magic seems to emanate.

Female Human Barbarian/2

Seeing Jorgen threatening to flounder the boat again, Ayna roars at the man, fury in her voice "Sit down you fool and grab your oar! Let go of it again and I'll shove it so far up your arse you'll never be free of it!"

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2
Anya Fiend-Fury wrote:
Seeing Jorgen threatening to flounder the boat again, Ayna roars at the man, fury in her voice "Sit down you fool and grab your oar! Let go of it again and I'll shove it so far up your arse you'll never be free of it!"

Jorgen's expression promises to attend to the loud mouthed woman when he has nothing more important to do, meanwhile he keeps his focus trusting to the oarsman next to him to keep going. "Just a few moments more, I'm trying to keep us alive here," he mutters.

you do realize only 6 seconds passed since he let go right? ;)

Male Human Druid 2

Stefnir looks at the chaos going on around the boat as he pulls hard on the oars.

"We've a long way to go to function as a team at this rate", he whispers to Ragnar. "Everybody seems to react without thinking". "If given a moment I could have whisked up a little fog to hide our retreat, but the boat really would flounder then".

He then resumes his rowing, trying to make up for the imbalance.

Then gasps as his silent travelling companion, jumps up and leaves him to row alone.

1d20 ⇒ 7Str check

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