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Had a fun time playing another two rounds on pathfinder, Thelonius spent more time on his back then a two dollar hooker in that last module. It is interesting how random rolls balance out over time. Kevin and I managed to prove the theory working together. Of course I would have preferred he rolled the ones twos, threes, and fours, and I rolled the 17s, 18’s,19’s and 20’s, but I guess you can’t have everything.

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So I've been thinking about this for a bit, and I think it would be best if I hand over coordination of the PFS group to someone else. I love playing with you guys, but with school heading into full swing in about a month now, I think a transition in leadership is a good idea. So, I'd like to offer the Coordinator position for our little group to LtlBtyRam, without whom I'm sure this group would have fallen by the wayside a long time ago. I'll still get the missing sessions from the games I was coordinator for entered in once she can get me the sheets for them, but going forward I think this is for the best. Thank you, everyone, for making this a truly amazing PFS group :)

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Heya Guys,
It's not that I don't read this thread. I would love the honor Dane. I haven't been at my computer much since Monday.
Dane, thanks for starting this group, welcoming me into the fold a few months ago, and carrying things forward to this point. I wish you well in the academic endeavor you are undertaking and hope you have time still to come to the gamedays now and again.
LtlBtyRam, I'm supremely confident that you can effectively apply your skill set to the oft-times thankless job of herding this bunch of cats. I look forward to more fun with this group.

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Heh, no worries. This thread is usually pretty quiet, but unfortunately it's the best way to get in touch with some of you.
Now don't worry, folks. I'm not going anywhere. But with a few things that may or may not be in the pipeline, I would love to pass along the Coordinator role to someone I feel deserves it.
Edit: Well, not going anywhere -yet-. I still may be moving sometime in the next few months...

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I can't find a list of potions available to purchase in game. Does such a list exist?
Uusing the guidelines for converting spells into potions I am presuming I can purchase the following potions at the following prices, am I correct in my assumptions?
Potion of "Sanctuary) (X2) 100 GP
Potion of "Cure light" (X2) 100 GP
Potion "Remove paralysis) 300 GP

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Hey, a new first, played an entire module on my own two feet. Got to use up a mess of cure light charges and all three of my lessor restoration spells. Thelonius appears to be a much more effective PC then I ever envisaged. A new first for me, a non healer healer. Love this new PC concept (almost as much as i like that scribe of Thoms).

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So if you haven't seen the announcement by now, I've been made the official Venture-Captain for the Seattle area. While this isn't why I stepped down as the coordinator for the Olympia group, it's something I would have done either way. I know that Angela will keep the group going and growing, and until there's an official Olympia-area Venture-Captain, feel free to contact me about anything you guys need help with in the Society. I haven't moved yet, but when I do I'll still try to make it down from time to time to play or run a game with you guys.

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So if you haven't seen the announcement by now, I've been made the official Venture-Captain for the Seattle area. While this isn't why I stepped down as the coordinator for the Olympia group, it's something I would have done either way. I know that Angela will keep the group going and growing, and until there's an official Olympia-area Venture-Captain, feel free to contact me about anything you guys need help with in the Society. I haven't moved yet, but when I do I'll still try to make it down from time to time to play or run a game with you guys.
Are there games run in the bellevue / redmond area?

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Well, I haven't heard from anyone hosting regular games in the Bellevue/Redmond area, once I'm able to relocate (by the end of the month ,at the latest) I'll be better able to facilitate games in the area. :)
I'm not sure, but I think there's at least one group in the Bel-Red area that's doing society stuff. Might wanna check the Grand Lodge listings to be sure.

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Greetings Master Thelonius,
Master Gnarsh wishes for me to inform you of my arrival. Like Master Gnarsh and yourself, I am a Monk of a different flavor. While he prefers his Great Axe & thrown odds and ends, and you prefer none, I myself prefer a Bow for the most part. Oh, yes, Master Gnarsh also wishes me to inform you that unlike him (at least, at present), I won't be "throwing off the curve" as he puts it.

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Greetings Rohan, you seem to be a polite young novice. I presume you are on your own personal quest for self enlightenment. Permit me to open to you the path of the WHITE FEATHER, where when finally mastered you will find pure contentment. This path may seem difficult at first; it was for me, let me assure you. however true happiness can only be found through self knowledge and pure contentment. As you follow the path you will become enlightened, and find that true happiness can only be found if you eschew material possessions, and care not a wit as to your place in society as expressed by the materialistic masses; if you remember and follow the expression "contentment is having nothing left to lose".
Archery should only be studied to allow you to be better a able to focus your mind so that the arrow becomes the expression of your thoughts by its placement in the target you envision. Too often a novice follows the path of the bow for the wrong reason`thinking that its mastery will improve your chances of survival while gaining the accolades of the masses. Such a path can lead you down false paths of ephemeral notoriety, and meaningless physical possessions

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Ah, my silly monk friends you seem to put to much value in being wholesome. Self denial isnt to be used for self-enlightenment, it is to be used for self-indulgence. There are times when I fast for days so that my savor every spice in the first meal I eat thereafter. To revel in the taste and texture of fine culinary perfection in ways you could not if one was feed recently. The same for drink and soft company. Dive into the sea of lifes comforts and do not hold back.
May you find the path open and the wind to your back,
Sumarranivayla, Pathfinder and Dedicated
Servant of the Exquisite Callistria.

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Sumarraniivayla, you will not be young forever, and someday in the future, you will look back on your self indulgence with regret, finding yourself overweight,out of shape, with problems with your digestion, inability, to sleep or find a comfortable way to sit or even lie down. I can not and would not force you to change your ways, merely point out the logical consequences of your current actions.

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OOC: We took back Tessa's body to be rezed, posting surety of payment to the temple, when rezed, tessa, reimbursed the temple, which then returned our surety bond.
In Character: Young lady I have never been so shamed in my entire life, you ran past me to your certain death, and I did not stop you. let me assure you the very next time you step in front of me, in combat, or similar situation where you put your life in imminent danger, I will be forced to stop you,even if it means it takes a "stunning blow" to bring you back to your senses. your place in not in front, your place is in providing support and healing when necessary.
...and you spitfire, while i admire your courage, I must question your good sense. You like the cleric have no place in personal up close combat. It was only fortuitous circumstances that allowed us to find you and bring you back to safety. let those who are trained in personal combat do their job, and that is for us to keep adversaries from getting close to casters in the party. That is the life we chose, to put ourselves in harms way in service of others. Should we fall in combat, it is because we made a life choice that came with the distinct possibility of our premature demise.
OOC: Thom and i were kicking ourselves all the way home. Thom noted that we should have spent the camped outside the sphynx, restored all lost spells, and then go inside fully prepared. My only excuse is that i was too tired to think straight, because a number of times in this campaign, i have suggest and attempted the same thing. This time there was no rush, whether we went in immediately, the next day, next week, or next month, it would have not mattered.
I will have another in character comment to make on this subject tomorrow once I confirm one piece of information.

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As for you Edzirka, I have dedicated my life eschewing all but the basic necessit9es of life, and use my gold for the benefit of those others in need. I abhor greed in any form, and you sir dwarf, are at the pinnacle of self serving, copper pinching, parsimonious, pusillanimous,persons I have ever had the misfortune to be sent on a mission with. I purposely, place myself in a position, where I can simultaneity be attacked by three warhorses, and three bandits swinging scimitars, while I myself was already cut and bleeding, just so none of them could get at you without first receiving a blow from me, all to allow you to cast your spells unimpeded. Yet rather then risk the POSSIBILITY of damaging a 15 GP cart, you decide to jump out of the cart, leaving me alone with what in essence was 6 opponents, all the while holding a 50 GP potion given to you to use at any time of need without compensation of any kind of being asked for or expected, or even accepted. Contentment is after all nothing left to lose. If Iori was to grant me one boon, it would be to never lay eyes on that dwarven form of yours ever again, and should by some mischance I find myself on a pathfinder mission that requires me to spend any time in your presence, or in time of necessary, you will never receive so much as a cup of tea from me. Also understand, if there are six lives in danger of being be lost, and I can only save five, let your acquired wealth be of some final comfort to you. If your worthless hide is going to be lost, and no one else is in danger I will of course always do my bound duty as any other monk of The White Feather.

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Hey Dojo, it was unfortunate that we started late, had no idea that we (myself and Angela) would need to help 2 new PFS players make characters for play, lesson learned. I assure you, we will try to leave the house 30 minutes earlier in the future, we have to stop and pick up 2 people along the way, i understand this is no excuse; However we shall strive to be at least 15-30 minutes early on PFS days.

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Yeah, that's one reason I always tried to be there at least half an hour early. That way we can make sure we have a table, and if people show up early we can start getting things organized before the 12 o'clock start time.
Anyway, hope things are going well with you guys. I'll try to pop by the group every so often in the future, if you guys will have me, as part of my monthly rounds :)

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I don't know what mods everyone has played, but if there is any interest in either #12 Stay of Execution or #33 Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible I'll step up to the plate and DM one or both.
Another option would to run one that you, Keven, could play since you seem to run a lot.
I don't think i have played either of those scenario's, so i am agreeable to whatever the concensus is as to what people want to play; However i would like to play #12, since it's almost run it's course for allowable Mods. I think it's rather magnanimous of you to DM. I don't mind DM'g i have a good time trying to find ways to make the game fun, and challenging to any that dare play under me.

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Dojohouty wrote:I don't think i have played either of those scenario's, so i am agreeable to whatever the concensus is as to what people want to play; However i would like to play #12, since it's almost run it's course for allowable Mods. I think it's rather magnanimous of you to DM. I don't mind DM'g i have a good time trying to find ways to make the game fun, and challenging to any that dare play under me.I don't know what mods everyone has played, but if there is any interest in either #12 Stay of Execution or #33 Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible I'll step up to the plate and DM one or both.
Another option would to run one that you, Keven, could play since you seem to run a lot.
Hey all,
Just to let you know...I have #12 purchased and printed out. Keven didn't know that when he posted. I will have this prepped and ready to run for October 23, 2010! I can't wait.Angela

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Got em sent. I was actually thinking you were going to just send the the compiled info and I would sift through it myself, but this works too. :)
Edit: Anyway, I know you've played through The Pallid Plague, Angela. Are there any requests? I don't have to bring that one on the 23rd if there's something else people want to play.
Also, if you folks need to get in touch with me at all, don't hesitate to hit me up on Facebook or shoot a message to me at SeattlePFS@gmail.com

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Dane Pitchford wrote:I actually haven't run the Pallid Plague yet, if anyone hasn't played through it. Any takers?I haven't done "Pallid Plague" and look forward to playing it.
Me either. I won't be there for the first slot, but might be able to be there for the 2nd slot. Depends on how quickly we get done in Oregon.

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Lol, really? Wow. Well, it was run for the group, but according to the list you didn't play it! lol. So, you're welcome to play it when I run it for you guys. :)
Also, whenever the Venture-Captain and 4-star GM scenario comes out, I'll be happy to swing by and run you guys through it. In both slots, if need be! Just to make sure everyone gets a change to play it. :)

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What is with all these fliers that I see all over town?
The Irate Revolutionary Authority asks you:
Are you self employed?
Can you come and go as you please?
Do you own the home that you live in?
Do you own enough arable land to support your family, provide them with the meat eggs, milk, vegetables; they need to live comfortably year round?
Do you live off the labor of others?
Unless you can honestly answer “yes” to the first four questions and “no” to the last you are being exploited by the parasitic gentry who live off the sweat of your labors.
Come Sunday at noon for the rally meet with the exploited workers like yourself, learn that you can indeed throw off the chains of oppression. You can live in a utopia, where there is no master, no slave, here every family is the equal to every other. Never again fear of losing your job, or your home. Or worry on how you will clothe and feed your family. Never bow your head to any man, nor bow and curtsey in their presence, because of an accident of birth, and inherited wealth an title.
A 5 silvers is requested as a donation to further the spreading of the word through the IRA.
Comrade Citizen Klutz, Regional leader of the political wing of the IRA. (While we share the goals of the militant wing of the IRA, we are on part of that wing, nor do we have any contact with members of that wing)