PFS in Olympia, WA

Local Play

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Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Hi all,

I live in Lacey also. I run a once a month Saturday game (currently CotCT).

We also have a game in Vancouver - same once a month schedule running LOF.

I would love to get involved in some of the game days if the timing works out.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Shem wrote:

Hi all,

I live in Lacey also. I run a once a month Saturday game (currently CotCT).

We also have a game in Vancouver - same once a month schedule running LOF.

I would love to get involved in some of the game days if the timing works out.

Awesome sauce! We meet on the second and fourth saturdays of the month.


samerandomhero wrote:
Shem wrote:

Hi all,

I live in Lacey also. I run a once a month Saturday game (currently CotCT).

We also have a game in Vancouver - same once a month schedule running LOF.

I would love to get involved in some of the game days if the timing works out.

Awesome sauce! We meet on the second and fourth saturdays of the month.

seconded...the more the merrier

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Thank you...

Grand Lodge

Dane Pitchford wrote:

10 and 15 sound great

Smells like a plan to me!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Have we got room for one more? The Mrs. is in town and I'm sure she'd like to join in this Saturday.

Silver Crusade 1/5

I have no probs there. We would either do multiple groups or run it heavy if we couldnt do two groups. play,play,play.


Charlie Bell wrote:
Have we got room for one more? The Mrs. is in town and I'm sure she'd like to join in this Saturday.

What another female player....I'm all for that one!! Can't wait, and if needed and it hasn't been run by either one of you we can run #29 or #30 again.

P.S. I'd love to see us need to run two tables.

Edit: Count Keven and I in for this Saturday too.

Shadow Lodge

I'll probably be running something different than 43. Money ran short before I could buy it. I've got a couple of others I can run, though.

Shadow Lodge

It's also come to my attention that I may be moving this Saturday, though I'll do my best to be there for at least one session. I'll keep you guys posted.


So...we are 2 days away from our game day. Keven and I are in for both sessions. Who else??

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Me and the Mrs. She's working on her character right now in fact.

Silver Crusade 1/5

My unit has decided to have me babysit troublemakers on saturday morning. to early afternoon. They have also just decided to inform of me of this.
I will however be up there around four o'clock to thirty minutes after four. I am prepped to run scenario ten.

Dark Archive

For those of you that didn't see it, here's the full picture of my character, Ailyn, done by the amazing artist Anna Rigby


Shadow Lodge

And also, it was great playing with everyone! All the sessions I had info for are reported (and last week's second session updated). Once I get the info for Session 4 (the second table. Hope you guys had fun too), I'll get that posted immediately.

Grand Lodge

Now if only I could find a supplier of +5 frying pans, we'll be set for a few adventures!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I had a great time on Saturday, as did the Mrs. It was nice meeting you all and I'm looking forward to playing again in a couple weeks. Now that I've played one, I'm available to GM whenever, just let me know. I enjoy GMing as much as playing so I'll be happy to run anytime somebody wants a break.

Are we planning to run season 0 #10 and #15 next event? I'd really like to do those before they're retired, and that's our last chance. I don't mind pitching in for the cost of the scenarios.


Charlie Bell wrote:
Are we planning to run season 0 #10 and #15 next event? I'd really like to do those before they're retired, and that's our last chance. I don't mind pitching in for the cost of the scenarios.

We are planning on running both #10 and #15 next week. Samerandomhero will be GM'ing #10 and Keven will be GM'ing #15.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Yep, I will be running #10 next time for those who did not get to play it.

Dane, I needed to give you a chronicle sheet for my character it seems, in order for me to be able to assign GM credit to my PFS character.
If you could enter my character into the reported session, that would be awesome.
the number is 8782-1. I will fill out the chronicle sheet at the next meeting in front of all of you, so there is no discrepancies or problems.

i think the system is designed with the GM reporting sessions, not the event coordinator. It is fine the way you are doing it, Gms will just need to make chronicle sheets for the character they want credit to go to, as it can be easy to forget since the character did not actually play.

Shadow Lodge

as far as I know, the coordinator is the one that's supposed to report the final results, hence the sheet the GM is supposed to fill out and hand back at the table. Otherwise, things like that don't really have much of a point. But I'll make sure you're added. :)

Edit: And there you go! All added up. Also, I'm still waiting on the sheet for the second table, so that'll be added once I receive it. But believe me, having this as a single, ongoing event makes it much easier to organize and keep track of than if every individual GM has their own event scheduled.

Silver Crusade 1/5

thanks for adding that Dane. And your right, it does make sense for you the coordinator to report the event. I just forgot the whole make a chronicle sheet for the GM character. Its awesome that you got this thing started.
Looking forward to the 27th.

Grand Lodge

LtlBtyRam wrote:
We are planning on running both #10 and #15 next week. Samerandomhero will be GM'ing #10 and Keven will be GM'ing #15.

Hmmm, smells like a rerun of "Death of a Pre-Gen" is in order.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

You might roll up a different character instead of a pregen to keep around for low level stuff for when we all get to be higher level. I think that it's legal to replay a scenario that way now.

Grand Lodge

Charlie Bell wrote:
You might roll up a different character instead of a pregen to keep around for low level stuff for when we all get to be higher level. I think that it's legal to replay a scenario that way now.

I've been considering the idea of making a second Society character. Guess it's time to start looking into the realm of possibilities.

Shadow Lodge

Yeah...sorry about that, lol. At least it was a pregen that got torn apart by that owlbear-thing.

And I couldn't have gotten this started without you guys. I may have gotten the ball rolling, but I'd still be trying in vain to get my home group together if you all hadn't answered my first post in this thread.

Side note: I totally want to make t-shirts

Scarab Sages

I think I'm gonna need a rules clarification on the whole play the same scenario with a different character thing, as I'm pretty sure that doing such is pretty much verboten according to the society manual...other than using a pregen.

Check this thread. It is now legal.

That language will be in 2.2 which I *hope* hits edit tomorrow.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Thanks for the heads up, Josh. Looking forward to the 2.2 guide. We definitely appreciate the work you and the rest of Paizo do.

Grand Lodge

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

Check this thread. It is now legal.

That language will be in 2.2 which I *hope* hits edit tomorrow.

Much coolness! Thanks for the advisory.

Shadow Lodge

And the data from Session 4 is in (that'd be the second table from Saturday). Once the new player sets up his character's name and everything, I'll finalize it and all. But it's in there, recorded. :)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Are we playing tomorrow, or the following Saturday?


Charlie Bell wrote:
Are we playing tomorrow, or the following Saturday?

Next Saturday March 27, 2010.

Sovereign Court

My player just finished up my sheet, so I'll be there!

Shadow Lodge

Looks like the move is this weekend, so I won't be able to make it. If LtlBtyRam could coordinate in my absence and e-mail the sheets to me (or do your own event if you'd prefer) I'd be super grateful.


Just to keep in step with things if we ever have to back track I'll e-mail you the sheets Dane. It's too bad you'll miss this week but rl takes precedence.

Silver Crusade 1/5

While our times are the second and fourth saturdays of each month, i have no problems with having catch up days. say a thursday or friday evening, maybe a sunday afternoon. There are even a few paizonians that cant do weekends but can do weeknights.
If say one wanted to bump their characters a little forward for paizocon or at least wanted to keep pace, I am down for setting up an occasional or even routine extra PFS meetup.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Dane, hate that we'll miss you Saturday. I'd offer to help you move, but I have this PFS game, see.... :)

Samerandomhero, I'd be up for more gaming. I know a lot of folks can't do more than twice monthly, but I'm always interested in more gaming. I'd even be interested in running an AP or something to avoid creating a big level gap in our PFS characters.


Hhhmmm...interesting. I know I'd be up for something on maybe Thursdays as Fridays are out for me. We'll have to talk more this weekend. PFS compared to an AP and such...


I need to let everyone know that I won't be quite myself this weekend. I want to play (and I'll be there to do so), but please don't press. I'll let everybody know why I was down, but not right now.

Shadow Lodge

I might be able to make it to the first session at least. We'll see

Silver Crusade 1/5

I guess we will need to see if chronicle pages will be sufficient for character xp credit for a scenario. it doesnt look like the report entered the system before the 29th. I do not mind losing out on DM credit, but I would like for our characters, especially the bard and charlie's ranger to get credit. As one doesnt get to play often and the other is just starting .

Hope to see you and your Dad next time, Dane. Shem, Fang, and Novarra, you too.

Shadow Lodge

We'll be there. And the reports are entered. I didn't get the info until just recently, but it's covered. :)

Silver Crusade 1/5

no prob, dane. I was just indicating that we need to make sure at least the bard and ranger get chronicle sheets so they can level with us.

I figured you might be out of the internet loop due to the move, not to mention the busy schedule that comes with a move.

We missed you and your dad and look forward to you two joining us this next time.

Shadow Lodge

No problem. The net's already up at the new place, though it's a bit out of the way. I need to get a car, because it's ten miles from my place to my work. Oh well, lol. It only takes me half an hour to get from there to OCC though :)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

2 thoughts:

1. I know LtlBtyRam was compiling our mailing/phone list and that there were some folks who didn't want their personal info distro'd. Maybe instead we could set up a Yahoo Group. My old group uses something like that quite effectively.

2. We had discussed an alternate event on off Saturdays, maybe an AP or modules or something non-PFS specific. I know there were some of us that couldn't make off Saturday afternoons, and weekday times limit participation for our military folks. What about Saturday mornings? We could run from 8 or 9 until noonish, or whenever folks needed to go do other things. As for the content, I'd volunteer to GM Second Darkness or Council of Thieves, or do a more episodic series of modules. I know some other folks were interested in possibly GMing as well.

Shadow Lodge

Definitely something to look into, and I'd be happy to participate. I've been itching to play something more long-term than the one-off adventures from PFS, as much as I enjoy those.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

LtlBtyRam, my outgoing email server is borked at the moment but I agree to allow all my info to be released to the group.

The Mrs. will be in town this Saturday so we'll both be there for 12-4 slot but probably not stick around for 5-1 (;D) slot. I'd like to GM if nobody's got a scenario laid on yet. I will take requests if there's any specific scenarios you want to play; otherwise, I'd like to run #24: Decline of Glory, because it's highly rated and Taldor-ish for all our Taldor faction folks.


Charlie Bell wrote:

LtlBtyRam, my outgoing email server is borked at the moment but I agree to allow all my info to be released to the group.

The Mrs. will be in town this Saturday so we'll both be there for 12-4 slot but probably not stick around for 5-1 (;D) slot. I'd like to GM if nobody's got a scenario laid on yet. I will take requests if there's any specific scenarios you want to play; otherwise, I'd like to run #24: Decline of Glory, because it's highly rated and Taldor-ish for all our Taldor faction folks.

Sounds good to me. I'm ok with whatever you want to run. I look forward to gaming w/ the Mrs. again too. Yay!! =]

Sovereign Court

LtlBtyRam wrote:
Sounds good to me. I'm ok with whatever you want to run. I look forward to gaming w/ the Mrs. again too. Yay!! =]

I concur! Any time we can get more ladies involved, the better.

Shadow Lodge

So after seeing some of the artwork from the artist I commissioned to do Ailyn, I couldn't resist a new pic of her. This one's all pinup style, definitely poster-worthy

Ailyn Dartherian

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