The Mr. Fishy Fan Club

Off-Topic Discussions

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

We still need one player. We moved the game to two of the players' house in Mandarin. That's a bit further south than Cool Stuff was. We're running a Savage Worlds conversion of Fallout.

Thanks for the nod. Mr. Fishy was beginning to wonder if someone bleached the bowl.

Mandarin is further South, but still pretty far. Mr. Fishy is looking for something closer to home. Thank you Green Air-breather.

Good to see you, Mr. Fishy. Your absence has been noted.

*drops a d20 into the bowl for FishyNitiative.*

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Mr. Fishy's Guppies declares that he is the eldest guppie of Mr. Fishy. Uou can ask him yourself once Mr. Fishy's Guppie convinces Mr. Fishy to rejoin! But that shouldn't take long, all I can say is he hasn't changed at all and that he may have distilled into a more concentrated visage of his self.

Yours Mr. Fishy's Eldest Guppie, or MFEG

Also AdAstraGames you d20 roll came back with a 13, with your init. Bonus of 3 and (((land lungs))) you struggle not to drown, but still manage a 16.

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My son Eric played some game called Traveller and moped about for days after his PC died during character creation.

"Son, you don’t have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you’re a dumbass." - Me

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*bumps into wall of fishbowl*

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It will be good to have you back, sir.

It has been a... trying few years to be a federal employee, as of late. I'm quite ready to return to liaison duty.

Grant damn it, I miss the rabbit and the dog. Those animals were less of a circus.

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>Mud stirs<
What is that smell? Oh. One of Mr. Fishy's guppies discovered the Paizo forums. Something else Mr. Fishy has to deal with. Mr. Fishy's Guppy needs to clean up in here.

Mr. Fishy is back less than a minute and there are air-breathers in here. So point Mr. Fishy to the new round of foolishness he needs to address. .

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