Xum |
Here's a crazy question... is there anyone playing pathfinder in a non-english language? My friend plays D&D in german. Just curious...
Got kinda late to the thread. We play in portuguese here, but we deal with every rule and stuff in english, luckly most of the players speak english perfectly.
MaverickWolf |
Well, I've gone through the sheet, and I have to say I'm quite impressed. That said, I am missing something. All those weapon slots and no magical properties space for them. And I'd like to see detail slots like that for armor, shields, and barding also. We have more detailed slots for containers than we do for armor, unless I'm being blind (a distinct possibility). Another thing that seems off is the lack of space for intelligent items that aren't weapons.
Wicked K Games |
Well, I've gone through the sheet, and I have to say I'm quite impressed. That said, I am missing something. All those weapon slots and no magical properties space for them. And I'd like to see detail slots like that for armor, shields, and barding also. We have more detailed slots for containers than we do for armor, unless I'm being blind (a distinct possibility). Another thing that seems off is the lack of space for intelligent items that aren't weapons.
I appreciate you pointing this out, I am one of those type of people that are always striving to better my work. Since you've seen the sheet, and I'm all about upgrading/ongoing updates, I'd like to fix this as best and quickly as possible. I originally had a bar along the bottom for weapon information that got sacked for buffing slots. I'd like to add a slot still now, and if you have any input on what can be removed, I'd love to hear from you.
Another thing, I'll try to add the additional place for armor and shields (intellegent), but I'm gonna have to mull over where to put it. I can condense the second page along the top, and perhaps create new slots on the other sheet....
I could create an intellegent item sheet or half sheet for all the intellegent item entries like a mini version of the contingecy sheet or familiar half sheet.
I'm really wanting to know what all of you think, also, for space reasons, should the traditional sheet continue to be developed or at this point is it outdate?
Thank you all again for all of your feedback. In the next update you will notice there is a sheet with a list of all the names of those helped with development. Just wanted to add that... :D
MaverickWolf |
While I wasn't actually referring to intelligent armor, I like the separate half-sheet or full sheet for intelligent items (especially since that leaves room for the special powers and maybe a snippet about its personality). Probably half-sheet (or maybe a quarter sheet, so the half-sheet has room for two intelligent items). As for the detailed armor slots, I was more thinking of detail slots like the current weapons slots, with the hardness, HP, etc.
As for things to remove, I'm not 100% certain. I think there's more ammo slots than necessary, but most campaigns I've played in kind of blow off keeping track of ammo (but we don't bother enchanting it either). I'm also not sure exactly what the attack buff/damage buff/duration slots are supposed to be for. They sound like they're for temporary things, which I feel are best tracked off of the character sheet (to save on eraser marks).
If those lines are unnecessary, the weapon slots could be condensed enough to leave room for armor/shield slots, but I'm not certain on their necessity (or their use), so I can't say much more than that.
Wicked K Games |
While I wasn't actually referring to intelligent armor, I like the separate half-sheet or full sheet for intelligent items (especially since that leaves room for the special powers and maybe a snippet about its personality). Probably half-sheet (or maybe a quarter sheet, so the half-sheet has room for two intelligent items). As for the detailed armor slots, I was more thinking of detail slots like the current weapons slots, with the hardness, HP, etc.
As for things to remove, I'm not 100% certain. I think there's more ammo slots than necessary, but most campaigns I've played in kind of blow off keeping track of ammo (but we don't bother enchanting it either). I'm also not sure exactly what the attack buff/damage buff/duration slots are supposed to be for. They sound like they're for temporary things, which I feel are best tracked off of the character sheet (to save on eraser marks).
If those lines are unnecessary, the weapon slots could be condensed enough to leave room for armor/shield slots, but I'm not certain on their necessity (or their use), so I can't say much more than that.
EDITED: I had to second thought the nixing of the ammo slots, there are many ranged builds out there that may already be using this, and I think I'll have to be careful not to eliminate as much as expanding, unless it really warrants this. I hope that makes sense.
Thank you for reponding so quickly, I see where I misunderstood you. As far as the half-sheets, consider it done. I'll start work on this immediately, as I believe this is a great idea. If you have an idea on what exactly you'd like to see with the intellegent item sheets, I'd like to hear it. I'm playing in a game with intellegent weapons that grow with the user in exchange for trade-offs. I'm thinking I'd like to build it to include similar open content.
The first sheets (summary sheets) have a spot for hp, hardness, and enhancement. I left this off the traditional sheet for space reasons (actually, the reason for the summary sheet in the first place was because of space management). I have the armor add ups on the second page, unless you are refering to the traditional sheet.
I had originally put them on as our group uses equipment from other books (blunt arrows, melf acid ammo, etc). I use eraser marks myself, but there are others who find the buff slots useful. I have included their suggestion the same as I will attempt to honor your great suggestion.
Are you requesting an armor slot like the weapons on the main page or a hp damage box? I'm unclear, but if you could please expand upon it, are you speaking of the traditional sheet witht the armor or the summary? I'm a bit confused... but if you clarify it, I'd love to figure something out. If you'd prefer the armor slots to be more like the weapons, that may be possible too. Yet again, thanks for the feedback! :)
Wicked K Games |
Okay, so, good news, bad news, I tried adding property lines to the summary pages, but even at elimination of 3 ammo slots, this wouldn't work without losing a weapon slot on the landscape page or a major redesign. What I came up with is this - I'm gonna redo the weapon slots on the add-up sheet. In the redo I'm dropping the intellegence bars as they will be available on a half/full sheet. In it's place there will be room for details. On the summary sheet there is enough room in the name slot I believe for +1 holy longsword, but not +1 shock/fire/ice large greataxe. Unfortuately, abbrevation would be needed and the details can go on the readily available add-page. There's only so much that can fit without going smaller, and I think it's as small as it should get already. Is this fix going to fulfill your needs?
I know I mentioned an update in a week, but I think due to the page 59-60 issue, and immediate update will be sent tomorrow sometime. Hopefully I've have the file finished shrinking on the first update. Still going to have an update a week from now as well (have to finish intellegent item before then). Version #s reflect the date...
Wicked K Games |
Good news! The file size is down from 25MB to a squeaky clean 1.5MB, but the sheets are lighter! As soon as I can fix the hue issues, tThis means I can start adding more formats (booklet legalfor example) andthere will be the right amount of space for forms. I'll be sending the update later today, it should be available as v11410 and I'll post here when I do.
Undeadlord |
Okay, so, good news, bad news, I tried adding property lines to the summary pages, but even at elimination of 3 ammo slots, this wouldn't work without losing a weapon slot on the landscape page or a major redesign. What I came up with is this - I'm gonna redo the weapon slots on the add-up sheet. In the redo I'm dropping the intellegence bars as they will be available on a half/full sheet. In it's place there will be room for details. On the summary sheet there is enough room in the name slot I believe for +1 holy longsword, but not +1 shock/fire/ice large greataxe. Unfortuately, abbrevation would be needed and the details can go on the readily available add-page. There's only so much that can fit without going smaller, and I think it's as small as it should get already. Is this fix going to fulfill your needs?
I know I mentioned an update in a week, but I think due to the page 59-60 issue, and immediate update will be sent tomorrow sometime. Hopefully I've have the file finished shrinking on the first update. Still going to have an update a week from now as well (have to finish intellegent item before then). Version #s reflect the date...
How do we get the new updates? Is it just a re-download from RPGNow?
Wicked K Games |
Wicked K Games wrote:How do we get the new updates? Is it just a re-download from RPGNow?Okay, so, good news, bad news, I tried adding property lines to the summary pages, but even at elimination of 3 ammo slots, this wouldn't work without losing a weapon slot on the landscape page or a major redesign. What I came up with is this - I'm gonna redo the weapon slots on the add-up sheet. In the redo I'm dropping the intellegence bars as they will be available on a half/full sheet. In it's place there will be room for details. On the summary sheet there is enough room in the name slot I believe for +1 holy longsword, but not +1 shock/fire/ice large greataxe. Unfortuately, abbrevation would be needed and the details can go on the readily available add-page. There's only so much that can fit without going smaller, and I think it's as small as it should get already. Is this fix going to fulfill your needs?
I know I mentioned an update in a week, but I think due to the page 59-60 issue, and immediate update will be sent tomorrow sometime. Hopefully I've have the file finished shrinking on the first update. Still going to have an update a week from now as well (have to finish intellegent item before then). Version #s reflect the date...
Sorry, I had to edit the last post a bit, yes, it's just a redownload. It shouldn't take nearly as long as the file size is greatly reduced. Send me an email Undeadlord... kakarasa at gmail dot com if you don't mind.
carborundum RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |
Wicked K Games |
I think I'll get this even though I still have two 3.5 campaigns to finish before we move to Pathfinder. I'm all for supporting people who turn out good stuff!
Is there also a 3.5 version of the sheet, or can it be adapted?
Many thanks for that! In all honesty, the only thing that would be lacking is the difference in skills. Otherwise I can't think of anything off the top of my head that is not there needed from 3.5... maybe when I get a little time I'll throw in a 3.5 skills sheet if people are interest. :D
MaverickWolf |
Are you requesting an armor slot like the weapons on the main page or a hp damage box? I'm unclear, but if you could please expand upon it, are you speaking of the traditional sheet witht the armor or the summary? I'm a bit confused... but if you clarify it, I'd love to figure something out. If you'd prefer the armor slots to be more like the weapons, that may be possible too. Yet again, thanks for the feedback! :)
Yes, I'm looking for something more like the weapon slots. Obviously, armor wouldn't need as much room, since it doesn't have as many little details, but I'd like a way to track my ACP/ASF/Max Dex separately for the armor/shield I'm using (just using the existing boxes for the total).
Wicked K Games |
Even though I play over Fantasy Grounds and use Herolab, I can't pass up a character sheet like this. :)
Looking forward to the future updates and smaller download^^
Coming right up! It was shrunk to 1.5Mb, but after adding back in the bookmarks, it returned to a still small 8MB (still much better than 25MB. I've sent the file, I think there's a notice sent out if you opted for that with your purchase that lets you know of the update. If not, check back, and it should be v1.14.10.
Heliocentrist |
I think I may be a little confused.
I bought the sheets last night -- they are truly fantastic! But from what I understood from the conversation above, the sheets would be editable by each individual user, at least to a certain degree. For example, I thought there were 7 slots for abilities, and that I would be able to type into them. But there aren't, and I can't.
Am I missing something? Am I confused? Do I need a fancy version of Acrobat?
Thanks --
Wicked K Games |
Wicked K Games wrote:Are you requesting an armor slot like the weapons on the main page or a hp damage box? I'm unclear, but if you could please expand upon it, are you speaking of the traditional sheet witht the armor or the summary? I'm a bit confused... but if you clarify it, I'd love to figure something out. If you'd prefer the armor slots to be more like the weapons, that may be possible too. Yet again, thanks for the feedback! :)Yes, I'm looking for something more like the weapon slots. Obviously, armor wouldn't need as much room, since it doesn't have as many little details, but I'd like a way to track my ACP/ASF/Max Dex separately for the armor/shield I'm using (just using the existing boxes for the total).
I see what you're saying now. I have spots on the sheet for the ASF/ACP but not max DEX. If I can bring it all together it'd be easier. do you think one armor and shield slot would suffice? Is more needed? Can this go on the second page as an adding factor or does it need to go up front in your opinion? I appreciate the clarification, I look forward to your response. :D
I just sent of the update, but I think this shouldn't be a problem. The weapon slots on the leveling sheets (or adding sheets) now have 2 lines for details as well as a place for weapon value and total market enhancement value. I'l get to the armor next, as I finally got the size down a bit. Next update I may scale back the bookmarks a bit and see if that number goes lower.
Wicked K Games |
I think I may be a little confused.
I bought the sheets last night -- they are truly fantastic! But from what I understood from the conversation above, the sheets would be editable by each individual user, at least to a certain degree. For example, I thought there were 7 slots for abilities, and that I would be able to type into them. But there aren't, and I can't.
Am I missing something? Am I confused? Do I need a fancy version of Acrobat?
Thanks --
Sorry about that, it is a feature currently being worked on. The reason the sheet is on sale is because that was one desired feature we decided to keep working on, but release the sheet so hungrily awaiting players could use it while we finished the forms. We didn't mean to see misleading, but there is updates coming. The sheets will first be fillable/saveable and then later have the option of auto-calculating.
In short, we wanted the paper version available for using as soon as possible. If you could elaborate on the seven slots, are you speaking of weapons or actual abilities? We appreciate your patronage, and would like to help further, I know the preview does not reveal everything. Just let me know what I can do... :D
EDIT: It just hit me, you're speaking of the sheet Dark_Mistress wanted... I'm almost done with that one. I was waiting to have more forms done before releasing it, but I'll put it high priority now that I know you're waiting on it.
Wicked K Games |
To clarify, the retype sheet is the US Letter Sized, Portrait Format, Summary Sheet with 7 ability boxes, blankable skills (40 something), 4 save lines, and I'm trying to squeeze 4 AC lines. I want to have a companion sheet (the leveling one that normally is paired with the summary sheet), but it is taking a while to finish because I have to use 2 different programs to make it (Illustrator and Acrobat). If ther was some misunderstanding or such, please email me at the address above. I believe the infomation just listed is what you speak of, yes?
I don't want to give the impression that this is a half-finished product, because the sheets fully function on paper. However, there will definately be upgrades and updates, and I hope to keep you all as up to date as possible on the threads.
Heliocentrist |
To clarify, the retype sheet is the US Letter Sized, Portrait Format, Summary Sheet with 7 ability boxes, blankable skills (40 something), 4 save lines, and I'm trying to squeeze 4 AC lines. I want to have a companion sheet (the leveling one that normally is paired with the summary sheet), but it is taking a while to finish because I have to use 2 different programs to make it (Illustrator and Acrobat). If ther was some misunderstanding or such, please email me at the address above. I believe the infomation just listed is what you speak of, yes?
I don't want to give the impression that this is a half-finished product, because the sheets fully function on paper. However, there will definately be upgrades and updates, and I hope to keep you all as up to date as possible on the threads.
Don't worry -- the sheet is great! I wish I had one-quarter of the design talent you have! It would make my life so much easier.
I know you can't please everyone all the time -- nor should you try. So, like Dark Mistress, I am not trying to ask for special favors. I am just trying to figure out how the sheet will work. I tend to play PF in a different sort of way -- I subscribe to the "Simulationist" philosophy, in that I like the game to reflect "reality" as much as possible. Therefore, my character sheets tend to be a little different, as I use 9 abilities instead of just 6, the skill list looks a little different, etc. I do not expect there to be that kind of flexibility in the sheet, but whatever flexibility you could build into it would be wonderful!
Thanks again for all your hard work.
MaverickWolf |
I see what you're saying now. I have spots on the sheet for the ASF/ACP but not max DEX. If I can bring it all together it'd be easier. do you think one armor and shield slot would suffice? Is more needed? Can this go on the second page as an adding factor or does it need to go up front in your opinion? I appreciate the clarification, I look forward to your response. :D
I just sent of the update, but I think this shouldn't be a problem. The weapon slots on the leveling sheets (or adding sheets) now have 2 lines for details as well as a place for weapon value and total market enhancement value. I'l get to the armor next, as I finally got the size down a bit. Next update I may scale back the bookmarks a bit and see if that number goes lower.
I think one slot for armor and one slot for a shield should be fine. I don't think I've ever seen a character who uses more than that (although some feats to let people use two shields and crush faces in with nothing but shield bashing would be fun, but that's another topic entirely).
Wicked K Games |
I just got my review from 3.5 Sanctuary, and it gives me a bit of a comparison as well as letting me know what to fix.
Heliocentrist - Thank you for the compliment! Perhaps if the first retype sheet is successful, when I tackle some other issues I can make another more expanded. This isn't something I'd mind doing if you can stick by until I get some flaws knocked out first.
Maverick Wolf - Not only does this sound doable, but I definately agree. I will however in the spirit of trying to accomplish much try to add the three slots total.
Big Bucket - I was planning on finishing the horizontal half-sheets, but I kind of hit a writer's block on how to keep the half-sheets in concert going with the horizontals. Essentially I either have to redo them over or make a horizontal full sheet. I'm still kind ofdebating on this, and would like to know if you think a full sheet is good or if you'd really like to see the half-sheets converted. I'd like the half-sheets eventually to be converted, I just need to figure out how to do so first.
A big priority now that the sheet is shrunk is making it fillable, as typed text would probably be useful to those with larger handwriting. I personally write very small, but there are many who have mentioned they write large, and I don't wanna hold them back.
LMPjr007 |
Advanced Character Portfolio (PFRPG) just got a 4- out of 5-star review at RPGNow.com. Read it here!!!
Wicked K Games |
Awesome! We hope to get the forms complete as soon as possible. We're submitting another update with a quick guide, as well as Maverick Wolf's armor idea on the "alternative setup" sheets in the bookmarks. This isn't a major update other than that and the 2 new summary pages, guide, and issue with page 11 fix. Next weeks update will include the retypable sheet, the intellegent magic items/animated object half sheet, and possibly a set of sheets for using with 3.5 backwards compatibility.
Maverick Wolf - I ended up remembering something important about the ammo slots that had slipped my mind - prepoisoned ammo. It's limited use, the GMs usually make you keep track, and as an assassin or alchemist, I'm sure with a magic quiver it'd be great to have it all ready to rock. There's slots on the weapons for mundane weapons. Just something to think about.
The 3 ac slots only ended up costing a single weapon slot and a single ammo slot. It gives room for a poison resistance stat, in addition to the blank resist/immune.
Do you all think the trade off is worth it?
Wicked K Games |
Is there a preview somewhere? Maybe scans of a filled-in portfolio? The thumbnail preview on RPGNow doesn't appear to be enabled.
It isn't? Oh... I see! I'm not sure why, it was working last night. We'll send out a notice... sorry about that. There isn't a scan of a filled in portfolio yet. I was thinking as I was working on adding forms, maybe of filling it in when it is downloaded and having a clear forms button to wipe it clean, but that way it's fully usable and lets the players scan over an example without adding that many extra pages (file size).
Wicked K Games |
Any chance of this appearing on other sites besides the two (RPGNow / Drivethru) it's on now. These seem to be the only sites that have a problem with my credit card... Well, I'll try again.
I had problems with my CC because the address has to match the bank or something and I couldn't remember which address it was. I used a paypal account, but later the drivethrurpg.com accepted it, then rpgnow accepted it. Unfortunately these are the only two for the time being.
R_Chance |
I had problems with my CC because the address has to match the bank or something and I couldn't remember which address it was. I used a paypal account, but later the drivethrurpg.com accepted it, then rpgnow accepted it. Unfortunately these are the only two for the time being.
Thanks, the product sounds great and just seems to be improving as you work on it. I'll keep at it until I manage.
Big Bucket |
Big Bucket - I was planning on finishing the horizontal half-sheets, but I kind of hit a writer's block on how to keep the half-sheets in concert going with the horizontals. Essentially I either have to redo them over or make a horizontal full sheet. I'm still kind ofdebating on this, and would like to know if you think a full sheet is good or if you'd really like to see the half-sheets converted. I'd like the half-sheets eventually to be converted, I just need to figure out how to do so first.
Wicked K, I think I'd prefer the horizonal full sheet but the half sheet would be fine too. Of course if I'm the only one that thinks its needed then don't worry about it.
R_Chance |
Much appreciated! I talked with Louis Porter this morning, and we can't figure why it isn't previewing. I hope you are pleased with you purchase... :)
Just curious though, how do you like the Summary Sheet on page 4 versus the Alternative Setup on page 7?
It is odd, but I already had a peek and knew I wanted your product. Very nice btw. I'm just now getting around to printing out samples. It all looks good. When I have a chance to compare I'll check back in and let you know what I think about the summary vs. the alternate one. Thanks again for all your effort.
Wicked K Games |
Big Bucket - I can put out a full-sheet horizontal for now with one of the updates. I'm sure others would want this. :)
R_Chance - You're very welcome. I appreciate you taking a look, thanks. I recommend using mechaincal pencils until I get the filling forms are complete.
There is one thing I'd like to ask... should the forms transfer from one to the other info? If you fill in the first page, should it go onto the others or would should every page be seperate?
Leonal |
There is one thing I'd like to ask... should the forms transfer from one to the other info? If you fill in the first page, should it go onto the others or would should every page be seperate?
I'm not familiar with the capabilities of a pdf, but if one could toggle whether it should transfer or not by using a check-box or something similar then that would be optimal.
If that's not possible then I'd definitely want the forms to transfer.
Wicked K Games |
I have a friend coming in to show me tricks for auto-calc and such. He said it'd be easier to connect by forms or not now. The individual box gets marked with the same name and whatever goes in one goes into the other (like STR[18] goes to STR[18]). I know that the 3.5 private sanctuary had mentioned turning on and off the boxes was an issue with Neceros's sheet. I'll have to see what can be done. :D
Marshall Jansen |
So I've spent some time working on this portfolio. I'm coming from the Neceros sheet that was made into a from-fillable, auto-calculating PDF by James the Bard (http://www.jamesthebard.net).
That's a three-page sheet, where page one is stats, skills, classes, weapons, and notes for feats and class features. Page two is gear and wealth. Page 3 is Animal Companion and Spell casting.
So, What will I be using instead:
So far, I'm not sure if I'm going to replace page one! The Neceros first page is clean and clear, and has some key things going on:
First, the stats and class recorder are very clean and user-friendly. Defenses and CMs are also nicely done.
Weapons space is lacking, but the space that is there is very clean.
But most importantly, skills are extremely neat, with class skills neatly marked, and armor penalties notated nicely. the page that Looks like my best bet for a replacement is 67, bt it's not ideal. I'd love for the skill block to get looked at and made a little nicer, and I'm specifically looking (for my character) a switch-hitter layout, that focuses on a ranged weapon and a two-hander. I'll have to look into this more later.
Then, though, we get to page 2. Page 2 of Neceros is easily trumped (for me) by page 22 of this portfolio. I love the outline for the items, the different weapon options, the consumables, everything. Awesome page.
the notes/details on Page 1 of Neceros will be moved to Page 13 of the portfolio. A great place to put a picture, all my feats and class abilities, backgrounds, etc.Page 3 will be replaced with two half-pages: page 56 (to track my spells) and Page 63 (for my animal companion). Note that this isn't ideal, but still good. Page 56 seems to be the best solution for a druidic caster, but maybe I'm missing something? I don't really need the chosen school bit. That said, the animal companion page is HOT.
Page 3 of Neceros is further replaced with pages 19-21 for keeping track of my spells. I'll have one of these with my 'most common' spells that I take on it. I'd like to see a simpler page that is just for 'spells known', as I'm a divine caster and have a TON of them, and for most of them I just want a simple list with a short description.
Finally, the best part... Pages 32-39 will be used. Page 32 to track the campaign overall, including key NPCs and PCs. Page 33 for general tracking of options... for when I'm in one place or another, etc.
Page 34: used once per session to track who was there and what we did.
Page 35: used multiple times per session, once per major location.
Page 36: used to track NPCs as we meet them.
Page 37: to keep track of odd jobs we completed
Page 38: to track over-arching jobs that stretch across multiple sessions.
Page 39: to track stated rewarrds for jobs/quests from the previous pages.
Thanks for the great portfolio, though... so far, figuring out which pages to use to put together my sheet has been a game in and of itself.
(For the record, I'm using this for a switch-hitting level 4 Half-Orc Ranger, currently running in Council of Thieves)
Wicked K Games |
Marshal - To start off, thank you greatly for such a well thought out review. I appeciate the thanks BTW, and if it wasn't for everyone contributing and standing behind this, I wouldn't have been able to work on it. I'm gonna list the names of the pages by bookmarked names to make sure I follow correct and in case the page numbers change as more content is added:
Psionic Alternative Setup (Summary - Replacement) Portrait
Leveling Portrait (not sure if you used this with the summary, intended as a pair, but for players not wanting to use this, that's okay too)
Inventory - Balanced / Magic Objects Portrait (Renaming "Balanced / Mixed" Portrait)
Full Page - Art Box with Class/Race/Feats Portraits
Half Sheet - Class and Spell Caster (Top Half)
Half Sheet - Companion / Mount (Bottom Half)
Adventure Log/Compaign Journal (Complete Portrait Set)
When the sheet was in development, I sent out two styles of boxes, and the plain style ended up winning. I always liked the box style on the skills, and thought about putting it back in, however I just wouldn't want it to look ascetically displeasing. I will go ahead and add the ACP notices to the skill, it's something that slipped by me, but a good idea. I have the used ammo slots for ranged characters, as silver tipped arrows, magically enhanced ammo, and such rocked to me. I'd liek to know more of what you'd like to see as time progresses. So many good ideas have been submitted by all of you on this forum!
I'm glad you enjoy the inventory pages, they're one of my favorite parts! =D I must be honest, I put all the spellcasters together due to future classes emerging. I know the schools are more wizards specific, but they were left in their for the racial bonuses. I'm also glad you found the animal companion / mount sheet hot! I always had to use extra papers or a post it note to have a dragon mout when in games like Dragonlance.
I'll admit the spell sheet was kinda a last minute thing. I am working on a set of spell cards right now, and was more focused on this. I've been thinking of making a prepared/chosen spells sheet for a while, I think this might work for you in that sense. One of my players only uses this for his "converted from 3.5" spells. I think your review has swayed me to include a daily spell sheet. It'd be great to use with a pencil, or even laminate and hand to the GM as well as mark for yourself with a dry-erase.
I'm hoping this will become less confusing with more bookmarks of ties together suggestions. I've had many people ask me what I suggest for their builds and I hope this answers some of these.
Good luck with half-orc ranger! Did you go urban ranger BTW? I read elsewhere in the boards that they're gonna errata that arcane archers to be usable by all races. Just a thought... ;)
Wicked K Games |
Big Bucket - The landscape full sheet of the Art Box / Class / Race / Feats is done and included in the next update.
The spells/powers per day page definitely on the next update. There's 24 slots per page for putting which spells are ready for the day.
Still working on the magic intellegent item/animated object page. I'm going to shoot for an update again on friday or saturday. The guide has been rearranged for each chapter and the bookmarks optimized.
I'm going to include the retype sheet and the forms if finished. I'm wanting to release the entire thing with forms all at once, because filling out the forms over and over each update is bound to cause mass frustration. If there's any other thoughts on this, I'm all ears!
I had a very close personal friend nearly die recently, and she's just got out of the hospital. I'm going to keep working on this, but I promised to help her as best as possible the next few days if she needs it this. Other than that I've occassionaly taken a break to peruse the boards and take care of my son. :D I'd rather be honest and let you all know what is up instead of leaving people hanging. I hope you're all enjoying the sheets and can't wait for finishing this. Thanks!