The save DC on Artificers items

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

Ok reading through the Artificer in the Tome of Secrets I cannot find what the Dc on saves vs the Artificers imbued items. Does it use Intelligence for arcane or wisdom for divine spells cast from the items? Do you use Charisma because he is similair to an oracle or Sorcorer?

So lets say he has a haircomb of fireball at 6th level caster.

Ok second question and this one i think i know just want clarification.

When the artificers creates a magicial item beginning at 2nd level, what level items can he actually create? By this i mean does he have to adhere to the item creation rules about having the required level to create items? So if a 4th level artificer wanted to make a handy Haversack can he do it? The way the book reads it seems like it says as long as you make the Craft(which craft is it? Is it Craft(craft wonderous items)?) check so it has a CL of 9th so is it a Dc 29 Craft check? Then a Dc 25 check for the secret chest spell? It is a bit confusing. The way i see it is that you have to be at least level 7 artificer to even attempt to make it as you get CL+2. Please help me out here.

Liberty's Edge

I know this(Tome of secrets) is sold at Pazio and at my gameshop but it is from Adamant Entertainment. I cannotfind any errata for the book and the sections i am talking about is unclear. How would you all go by about ruling the DCs and making(creating) magic items?

Tome of Secrets Errata/Q&A thread. I don't blame you for not being able to find it; it's in a forum that's not directly associated with rules and it's buried pretty deep.

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