Iliyan |
I have done a level-progressing plan for my Necromancer for Curse of the Crimson Throne, and at the seventh level, I'm going to take a Improved Familiar. What would be the best of them? Homunculus-same alingment as me? Mephit? IMP?
What would be good improved familiar?
Obviously you've figured out that the 7th level ones are really the only ones worth it.
Those are listed as follows:
Now, they all have their own roles and foci, but of them all I feel the Salt Memphit is the most powerful.
Gliterdust 1/hour and the pretty cool dehydrate ability make for a solid familiar. Top that with the usual goodness of Use Magic Device and outsider HD and you're golden.
Besides, it might have some flavor with your necromancer. Use Dehydrate to drain moist from undead. Embalm bodies, preserve organs... silly stuff like that :D
Hope that helps!
PS: If your DM allows you to get the "special" Imp, that's the most powerful one.