Eox Campaign


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Male Half-Elf/ Skeleton Champion Sorcerer 1

"I don't know, I'm pretty sure my bones are sweating" Zerric casts mage armor on himself, and loads his crossbow.

sorry I posted my first round actions with my iniative roll, I wasn't sure how you wanted the precombat rounds to go.

Male Human (Skeletal Champion template) Rogue 2

Philip will site down the lead wolf and fire his bow at the lead one once they get within 60'

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 includes the -2 for partial cover

Damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

*Edited post to include damage roll

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

philip you have hit the wolf, roll for damage

Aerian, wolves won't reach combat for 2 rounds, are you sure that you wish to ready your actions until then? (if you do, i'll keep the attack roll)

Male Elf Monk 1
ulgulanoth wrote:

philip you have hit the wolf, roll for damage

Aerian, wolves won't reach combat for 2 rounds, are you sure that you wish to ready your actions until then? (if you do, i'll keep the attack roll)

The way I see it, the only person who is suited to go head to head against a pack of wolves' charge is Thraxx (which, now that I think about it, is a pretty good idea). Unless everyone else is charging forward to meet the wolves, Aerian is content to let the battle come to him. What do you all think?

Male Orc/Skeleton Champion Barbarian 1

Thraxx charges at the wolf pack, brandishing his large two handed axe, waiting until the last possible moment to switch into a rage.

"Thraxx going to smash bone dogs!

Thraxx will hustle for the first round, hoping that the wolves are moving in the opposite direction, meaning that Thraxx will, hopefully be able to attack next round

Male Elf Monk 1
Thraxx Ummguud wrote:

Thraxx charges at the wolf pack, brandishing his large two handed axe, waiting until the last possible moment to switch into a rage.

"Thraxx going to smash bone dogs!

Thraxx will hustle for the first round, hoping that the wolves are moving in the opposite direction, meaning that Thraxx will, hopefully be able to attack next round

Since it takes the wolves 2 rounds to reach us, perhaps all you have to do is charge them the second round, once they have closed the distance on their own?

Male Orc/Skeleton Champion Barbarian 1

Either way, we will meet next round, the only difference is that I will be 30-50 ft. away from the spellcasters instead of 10-25 ft. away.

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3
Thraxx Ummguud wrote:
Either way, we will meet next round, the only difference is that I will be 30-50 ft. away from the spellcasters instead of 10-25 ft. away.

so you are moving?

Male Orc/Skeleton Champion Barbarian 1

yes, my original plan hasn't changed, move at the enemy, activate Rage as a free action just before combat next round,a nd then attack with gusto.

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3
Thraxx Ummguud wrote:
yes, my original plan hasn't changed, move at the enemy, activate Rage as a free action just before combat next round,a nd then attack with gusto.

Deseco moves just behind (5ft away) Thraxx

wolves move closer and are now 30ft away

Filleox, your turn

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2

Sorry for the delay. I haven't had access to a computer in a while.

My turn? Ho boy. You know, if I had any sense, I'd be staying behind and casting Magic Stone on my sling bullets, to prepare to fire at the wolves next turn like most of the others.

But... I don't know. I have a feeling that Thraxx will need some healing very soon. Maybe Desesco too, depending on his stats. So...

Fileox advances side-by-side with Deseco, 5 feet behind Thraxx.

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3
Filleox Amaretle wrote:

Sorry for the delay. I haven't had access to a computer in a while.

My turn? Ho boy. You know, if I had any sense, I'd be staying behind and casting Magic Stone on my sling bullets, to prepare to fire at the wolves next turn like most of the others.

But... I don't know. I have a feeling that Thraxx will need some healing very soon. Maybe Desesco too, depending on his stats. So...

Fileox advances side-by-side with Deseco, 5 feet behind Thraxx.

ok, well thats the end of round 1, round 2... Aerian your go

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2
ulgulanoth wrote:
unfortunately I’m rather bad at making battle maps...

Okay, I took a little liberty here. I'm no good at making battle maps either - I've never used any mapmaking tool in my life - but I can copy and paste to MS Paint as well as the next guy.

So I just created an account on Photobucket. (Does anyone know of a better place to host files?) And I created a little experimental battle map here. (This is my first time, and I think it looks pretty bad until you zoom in.)

ulgulanoth, if you don't want to use my maps - or don't want to use maps at all - that's fine; just say so.

If you DO want to use maps, but feel that I positioned the wolves all wrong, or have any other criticism or change you want made, that's fine too.

(For instance, the other players might complain that they're left out of the map. I didn't try to make a long enough one that would include them, and I don't know if their exact position matters so much when they're so far from the frontline. But maybe it does.)

Oh, and I didn't know what image to use for Deseco, so I used the GM's avatar.

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3
Filleox Amaretle wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
unfortunately I’m rather bad at making battle maps...

Okay, I took a little liberty here. I'm no good at making battle maps either - I've never used any mapmaking tool in my life - but I can copy and paste to MS Paint as well as the next guy.

So I just created an account on Photobucket. (Does anyone know of a better place to host files?) And I created a little experimental battle map here. (This is my first time, and I think it looks pretty bad until you zoom in.)

ulgulanoth, if you don't want to use my maps - or don't want to use maps at all - that's fine; just say so.

If you DO want to use maps, but feel that I positioned the wolves all wrong, or have any other criticism or change you want made, that's fine too.

(For instance, the other players might complain that they're left out of the map. I didn't try to make a long enough one that would include them, and I don't know if their exact position matters so much when they're so far from the frontline. But maybe it does.)

Oh, and I didn't know what image to use for Deseco, so I used the GM's avatar.

that is rather cool, if i can work out how to use it with enough competence to do what i need i'll use maps, but if that doesn't happen then there won't be any map, though this should be discussed further in the discution thread

Male Elf Monk 1

Aerian moves next to Deseco (B3 on the map), forming a protective wedge around the party's strongest caster. Kama in hand, he braces for the wolf pack's charge (ready action to attack the first wolf in range).

Can I keep that attack roll I got from before? Pretty please? If not, I'll reroll it.

Filleoux, nice job on the map. There are programs out there that allows you to do complicated mapping, but I think this should suffice.

Male Half-Elf/ Skeleton Champion Sorcerer 1
Philip Welstin wrote:

Philip will site down the lead wolf and fire his bow at the lead one once they get within 60'

1d20+3 includes the -2 for partial cover

Damage 1d6+2

*Edited post to include damage roll

"Good shot man!" Zerric will aim at the same wolf and shoot his cross bow.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

I included -2 for partial cover, and I assumed they are 30 ft from those who advanced not 30 ft from me so the dice roll doesn't include point blank shot

assuming I hit my damage roll is
1d8 ⇒ 8

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

ok Aerian you can keep that dice roll

Zerric, the wolf you hit is looking pretty damaged

Male Human (Skeletal Champion template) Rogue 2

Philip, not wanting to lose his weapon, puts away the bow, and draws his sword, then shifts to the rear of the group, looking for an opportune time to strike.

Put away weapon(bow)/draw weapon(sword) is a move action, I think. standard action will be to Ready action to strike a wolf if a flanking position presents itself, striking a wounded one before a fresh one

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

Thraxx, you turn

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2

Dang it! I should have said I ready an action to attack the first wolf that comes into melee range. Is it too late for me to say that?

Just in case it's not too late, I'll roll for that attack. (If you don't let me make the attack, or if no wolf comes into range before my next turn, just ignore these results.)

Here goes...

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Damage for claw = 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3
Filleox Amaretle wrote:

Dang it! I should have said I ready an action to attack the first wolf that comes into melee range. Is it too late for me to say that?

Just in case it's not too late, I'll roll for that attack. (If you don't let me make the attack, or if no wolf comes into range before my next turn, just ignore these results.)

Here goes...

1d20 + 3
Damage for claw = 1d4 + 2

i'll keep them for the next round ok?

Male Orc/Skeleton Champion Barbarian 1

first thing Thraxx does is to enter rage as a free action, then he swings his axe at the nearest Zombie wolf.

Power Attack factored into all attacks

Attack:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

damage:1d12 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3
Thraxx Ummguud wrote:

first thing Thraxx does is to enter rage as a free action, then he swings his axe at the nearest Zombie wolf.

Power Attack factored into all attacks

Attack:1d20 + 7

damage:1d12 + 11

well that's one zombie wolf butchered

Male Elf Monk 1

Is it the wolves' turn?

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2

I believe it's Deseco's turn. Personally, I can't wait to see what he does. Does he have any good offensive spells? Or buffs?

Male Elf Monk 1
Filleox Amaretle wrote:
I believe it's Deseco's turn. Personally, I can't wait to see what he does. Does he have any good offensive spells? Or buffs?

I hope he lights them up with a fireball, which which the party can resume its peaceful discussion on how magic has changed on Eox.

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2

Heh. Of course, if he was going to do that, he should have done so BEFORE we got so close.

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

Deseco waves his hands and whispers a few arcane words, casting web on the wolves (covering an area in front of the wolves of 10ft)

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

So all the wolves are caught by the web and they are going to try to escape the web.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

two wolves manage to free them selves, the rest are still trap

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

Filleox, your turn

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2

In the event that I can reach a wolf with a 5' step, I would do so and make a full attack with 2 claws.

If I can't do that, I would still walk up to one of the two "free" wolves. Then I can make ONE claw attack, anyway. (I already rolled for that.) I would want to move in such a way that other PCs can reach the same wolf and make a melee attack, if they choose. But I don't want to provoke an AoO under any circumstances, even if this means I block other PCs.

Got all that?

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3
Filleox Amaretle wrote:

In the event that I can reach a wolf with a 5' step, I would do so and make a full attack with 2 claws.

If I can't do that, I would still walk up to one of the two "free" wolves. Then I can make ONE claw attack, anyway. (I already rolled for that.) I would want to move in such a way that other PCs can reach the same wolf and make a melee attack, if they choose. But I don't want to provoke an AoO under any circumstances, even if this means I block other PCs.

Got all that?

your not close enough to make a 5' step and attack but you can make a move then attack without provoking attacks of oportunity

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2
"ulgulanoth wrote:
your not close enough to make a 5' step and attack but you can make a move then attack without provoking attacks of oportunity

And without entering a "web" square?

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3
Filleox Amaretle wrote:
"ulgulanoth wrote:
your not close enough to make a 5' step and attack but you can make a move then attack without provoking attacks of oportunity
And without entering a "web" square?


M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2

And still leaving room for other PCs to attack the same wolf, I assume. Make it so. Attack 17, damage 5, remember. Claws are both bludgeoning and slashing. (But I'm sure you knew that.)

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3
Filleox Amaretle wrote:
And still leaving room for other PCs to attack the same wolf, I assume. Make it so. Attack 17, damage 5, remember. Claws are both bludgeoning and slashing. (But I'm sure you knew that.)

yup, yup

Male Elf Monk 1

Let me get this straight. Deseco casted web on the wolves, and none of them made their saving throws? And then only two broke out? Man that's some sticky and strong web!

Aerian moves forward to intercept the other freed wolf, but his kama swishes through empty air. "I suddenly remembered that I am not that great of a warrior..."

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 71d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Male Half-Elf/ Skeleton Champion Sorcerer 1

"That is handy spell indeed!! Seems we have much to talk about you and I. And by we I mean you talk and I write" Zerric says jovially Deseco.
Assuming on of the wolves not trapped by web is within 30ft my action is as follows:

Zerric lifts his hand and muttering arcane words under his breath casts "Disrupt Undead" on the closest wolf.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Damage:1d6 ⇒ 1

Zerric then reloads his crossbow.

If the wolves are out of range his actions are as follows:

Zerric hurriedly reloads his crossbow sights down it at the nearest wolf and pulls the trigger.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Damage:1d8 ⇒ 3

Male Human (Skeletal Champion template) Rogue 2

Philip, seeing the combat unfold before him, watches intently, guaging for the best opportunity to strike.

I will wait for a flanking opportunity , then move in (avoiding AOO's) then sneak attack one of the wolves attacking Filleox or Aerian, preferably one that is already wounded.

Attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24, includes +2 flank bonus

Dam 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 + sneak attack 1d6 ⇒ 2

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

Zerric, your probably in range for the disrupt undead
Philip I guess you flank the wolf that Filleox is attacking

Male Orc/Skeleton Champion Barbarian 1

made a miscalculation for power attack, i thought it was -1 for +1 not, -1 for +2, amended my profile.

Thraxx charges at the nearest wolf, again swinging his axe at the reanimated wolf, gore flying off the large metal axe as it swings through the air.

Attack:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Damage:1d12 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

congratulations Thraxx, you just killed another wolf (i'm starting to feel sorry for the poor things)

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2

I hope people aren't waiting around for ME. I thought Deseco and the wolves go before I do.

Male Orc/Skeleton Champion Barbarian 1

Not really, I'm just waiting for everyone to do their actions for the round, as I can't kill more than one a round, unfortunately.

Male Elf Monk 1

Yo ulgulanoth, can you post the initiative order at the beginning of every round so everyone knows when to post? And is it Deseco's turn?

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

sorry about that, my pc crashed :(

Deseco casts disrupt undead on one of wolves

1d6 ⇒ 2

wolves try to escape

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

one wolf charges Aerian and one charges Thraxx (i guess that give attacks of opportunities for you guys)

Male Orc/Skeleton Champion Barbarian 1

Thraxx swings his axe at the enemy wolf, the morbid gore from the previous wolf flying through the air.

Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Damage: 1d12 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2
ulgulanoth wrote:
sorry about that, my pc crashed :(

I'm sorry to hear that.

ulgulanoth wrote:
one wolf charges Aerian and one charges Thraxx (i guess that give attacks of opportunities for you guys)

Does "you guys" mean only Aerian and Thraxx, or ALL of us?

Male Human (Skeletal Champion template) Rogue 2

AOO attack, if applicable: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 add +2 to hit if he is still flanking.

Damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Sneak attack damage if applicable 1d6 ⇒ 4

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