Mid-adventure crisis in the shrine of duplicity

Savage Tide Adventure Path

The party, originally consisting of a warlock, a druid, a barbarian, a spellthief and a wizard, has been severely battered by HTBM, and now only the warlock and druid are left alive. The combat capable NPCs have been abducted by Olangru, and only those two remain able to enter the Temple of Demogorgon and do anything. Should I make any changes?

I'd effectively call that a TPK. Maybe launch a new party from Farshore. The warlock and druid could either be found wandering in the woods (half-crazed), or they could've barely made it out (and got help from Farshore).

Laurellien wrote:
The party, originally consisting of a warlock, a druid, a barbarian, a spellthief and a wizard, has been severely battered by HTBM, and now only the warlock and druid are left alive. The combat capable NPCs have been abducted by Olangru, and only those two remain able to enter the Temple of Demogorgon and do anything. Should I make any changes?

How much is left? When you say they have been abducted by Olangru do you mean they are dead (which is also said)? If only abducted and most of the temple has been cleared I think a rescue could be mounted. You will have to add some bonus to the remaining players and have to make the rescue quickly to keep the other players from being bored, but let me know how far gone everything is and I will try and come up with some suggestions.

The druid and the warlock are the only two living party members. Due to good profession (sailor) rolls, all of the named NPCs survived the shipwreck. However, all barring Amella, Tavy, Thunderstrike and Avner were abducted by Olangru and his mates. The Druid and the Warlock have just figured out the Shrine of Duplicity, but have yet to enter the mirrors.

Although the situation looks grim, both the druid and warlock are powerful beyond their levels (being dragonborn whisper gnomes). Both can manage an AC of above 30, the druid can turn into a troll (MoMF) and the warlock is also a level one beguiler and has incarnate levels.

That is the situation as it stands.

They should be able to smoke the as-written scenario like cheap cigars with those characters.

Now, if you're a kind, gentle GM, you could permit the two other players to create new meat to be found on the other side of the mirror as they step through getting molested by the female bar-lgura...

I'm not going to let the other 3 players find new characters there, not until they get to the pit and find all of Olangru's sacrifices (one or two of which will be captured Olman (new characters). One of the dead characters has expressed the wish to be resurrected and so he won't get a new character (maybe let him control one of the NPCs).

Laurellien wrote:
I'm not going to let the other 3 players find new characters there, not until they get to the pit and find all of Olangru's sacrifices (one or two of which will be captured Olman (new characters). One of the dead characters has expressed the wish to be resurrected and so he won't get a new character (maybe let him control one of the NPCs).

You can have the character wanting to come back dangling in the... ooops

final room. As a sacrifice he need not have a whole lot of hit points, but Olongru would want him alive. an invisible abduction of the non-stabilized body could easily explain this, unless the rest of the party has already buried him/her.

Curaigh wrote:
Laurellien wrote:
I'm not going to let the other 3 players find new characters there, not until they get to the pit and find all of Olangru's sacrifices (one or two of which will be captured Olman (new characters). One of the dead characters has expressed the wish to be resurrected and so he won't get a new character (maybe let him control one of the NPCs).
You can have the character wanting to come back dangling in the... ooops ** spoiler omitted **

They've already buried him and taken a hand for resurrection in Farshore.

Laurellien wrote:
They've already buried him and taken a hand for resurrection in Farshore.

Oh, so they're assuming they're going to find a 13th level cleric (resurrection, rather than raise dead, being a 7th level spell) in a colony of less than 200 people? They're going to be rather shocked when they discover they can't get their former comrade brought back to life with just a hand, then.

Unless they want to have a character based on Thing from the Addams Family, of course. ; )

Actually, I ran a few sidequests in Farshore during which it was established that there was an open temple of Hextor in the city, and due to these sidequests the players were able to add two ships to Lavinia's fleet which they themselves recruited the crew for. They went to get a cleric from the Hextorites and

they got the high priest himself to come along. He will be an interesting future ally/adversary, but at level 13, he is capable of casting resurrection.

Not sure if I should have him running in Farshore's election.

Laurellien wrote:

Actually, I ran a few sidequests in Farshore during which it was established that there was an open temple of Hextor in the city, and due to these sidequests the players were able to add two ships to Lavinia's fleet which they themselves recruited the crew for. They went to get a cleric from the Hextorites and

** spoiler omitted **

Not sure if I should have him running in Farshore's election.

I'm confused. How did you run a few sidequests in Farshore if the PCs are still making their way down the coast from the wreck of the Sea Wyvern? That's where and when HTBM is set, after all... *puzzled look*

I added sidequests before TINH, between TINH and BG, and between BG and SWW.

Laurellien wrote:
I added sidequests before TINH, between TINH and BG, and between BG and SWW.

No, no, I've no problem with sidequests in general. *deletes previous reasoning* I completely missed the fact that they somehow convinced a 13th level cleric to come along. Still, by the time he could actually be resurrected, his adventuring companions will be at least one, if not two, levels ahead of him due to the negative level given from being raised. Better to just bring in a new character.

I had a similar problem in one of my campaigns when a PC who was already a little behind in XP got killed and wanted to be reincarnated. He was, but ever after that he was perpetually lagging behind the others in ability and so became kind of a fifth wheel. (No doubt it didn't help that he was playing a bard, either. *grin* )

If these is a 13th level cleric in Farshore, will that not create a problem in TOD? If he is present at the final battle, this will make quite a difference.

[spoiler]I have plans for him to either leave by then, simply not come back from a quest into the isle (perhaps making him the cleric in CoBI), or becoming a problem that needs to be "dealt" with.

Kurukami wrote:
they're assuming they're going to find a 13th level cleric (resurrection, rather than raise dead, being a 7th level spell) in a colony of less than 200 people?

Maybe the remaining characters could realize this and have a race against time to try to get him raised (adding dramatic tension).

Assuming they fail, a 7th lvl Druid shouldn't be too hard to find (among the Olman's even if necessary) to cast... Reincarnate ;)

But a DM could still have resurrection cast via scroll, an Olman Priest, or (even better) Father Noltus from CoBI. But it still might be fun to at least have the PC's worry about missing the deadline or resorting to Reincarnation.

Anecdote: one of the PC's in my campaign took Urol as a druidic cohort, allowing him to gain the levels to cast reincarnation (which he eagerly wanted to do at every opportunity).

They actually managed it, despite some clever tactics on my part.

They entered the main room and killed one of the Bar-lguras before escaping to rest and recoop. They came back the next day and in one trip exhausted the spells of the spirit naga and the summons and perdays of the bar-lguras before escaping again. They then healed up again and re-entered, taking out all of Olangru's mates and the spirit naga. The druid was abducted all around the complex, first to the fire pit and then to the baboon room. After a hair-raising encounter with the baboons (led by Olangru), they escaped, rested and re-entered. They found Olangru and killed him, and then ran away with the hostages after a perilous encounter with the Lemorian Golem. They healed up and went straight back in.

The resurrection issue was sorted out by a reincarnation from an Olman druid.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Fantastic! They'll be talking about that for years :-)

Laurellien wrote:
The resurrection issue was sorted out by a reincarnation from an Olman druid.

Cool! What'd the PC come back as?

We haven't rolled yet. For one thing, the player who is having his character reincarnated wasn't there. For another, I want to create a new table for reincarnation.

Laurellien wrote:
We haven't rolled yet. For one thing, the player who is having his character reincarnated wasn't there. For another, I want to create a new table for reincarnation.

Is a ring-tailed lemur on that table by any chance? Or a candy-striped rot grub? ^_^

Laurellien wrote:
We haven't rolled yet. For one thing, the player who is having his character reincarnated wasn't there. For another, I want to create a new table for reincarnation.

Post it once you come up with it. I'd love to have a little more variation on the reincarnation table myself.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Just posted one in the Isle of Dread Reincarnation thread.

There's also this one

carborundum wrote:

Just posted one in the Isle of Dread Reincarnation thread.

There's also this one

I use the HackMaster table from time to time, just to get that slight chance of a candy-striped rot grub or a ring-tailed lemur...

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