Order # 1312028

Customer Service

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Not sure what to say here, but let me preface my inquiry with the phrase "I'm an idiot". Not an idiot in the traditional sense, mind you, but on how this whole Pathfinder subscription thing works.

Let me show you what I mean.

I eagerly signed up for my subscription to all Pathfinder core products back in August/September (right after I received my core rulebook...I was so happy). I was looking forward to getting my Bestiary sometime soon after it's release in October, but it never came.

Life got busy, and I decided that, well, I don't want to BUY the Bestiary in case it comes in the mail and now I've bought and paid for two copies where I only needed one. So, the easiest solution (and thus the reason for my post today) is to buy the PDF. I wasn't going to get one with my subscription, and it was instant gratification.

All was happy until three days ago when I went to see why my hardcover book still hadn't shipped. It seems that I had to manually tell the subscription service to ship it once the book was released, I thought it odd, but maybe the subscription was just waiting for me to start the first shipment before it sent all the rest as expected.

Well, after paying for THAT shipment (which I should be receiving in a few days) I noticed at the end of the order that I would get the PDF for free as a result of my subscription!! Well...I have a dilemma. I'd like to not pay for something I was gonna get for free if I don't have to (I mean, $10 is $10 after all) but, if as a result of my own stupidity (impatience?) I paid for a copy of the PDF when I was eventually going to get it for free after all.

My question is...Is there any way to get a refund on the PDF I purchased for the Bestiary since I subscribe to the subscription service?

Long story long, I know...but just wanted the facts out there.

Thanks to any and all concerned :).


Paizo Employee Director of Sales

I'm very sorry that your Bestiary didn't ship when it should have. And it should have. I have refunded you for the PDF.

For some reason, your subscription did not generate the order for the GM Screen, either. I have manually generated this order and, since it should have shipped with the Bestiary, I have knocked $5 off the shipping and handling fee.

the next item in this subscription doesn't come out until May, so we should be good for now. However if, at that time, you don't get a confirmation email when the book is released, let me know.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Cosmo wrote:

I'm very sorry that your Bestiary didn't ship when it should have. And it should have. I have refunded you for the PDF.

For some reason, your subscription did not generate the order for the GM Screen, either. I have manually generated this order and, since it should have shipped with the Bestiary, I have knocked $5 off the shipping and handling fee.

the next item in this subscription doesn't come out until May, so we should be good for now. However if, at that time, you don't get a confirmation email when the book is released, let me know.


WOW....thanks a bunch!! Excellent customer service is doing the customer right even when he's a dummy. Much appreciated Cos, glad to know I'm a little less insane than I thought.

Now...to go put another loyalty weight on the old scale...Huzzah for Paizo!!


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