Black Tom's Morrick Mansion


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Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

You are all gathered at the Temple of Sarenrae in Warwik, (noted here as the Temple of the Sun), patiently attending the morning service and listening to songs about the glory of the rising sun. Looking around you at the lavishly decorated temple, you can't resist thinking that the temple could afford to pay you better.

High priest Thaban, who is conspicuously absent today, finally agreed to paying every survivor 100 gp (apart from restoring Ka'kara's lost level) and a free burial service for those not so fortunate. Of course you may keep any treasure you should happen to find.

As the service ends you look quizzically at each other. Will you be strong enough to prevail where many brave warriors before you perished?

Rhianna is a short, slight woman with red-brown hair in an unruly bob cut and what seems to be an ink smudge on her cheek. A large raven sits idly on her shoulder, a weight she seems to have gotten used to, and it is hard not to notice the similarities in the way that the woman and the bird move.

"Well," Rhianna begins brightly, "I suppose we should start with introductions, yes? I'm Rhianna Sanbury, specialist in energy fieldform manifolds, and this" - she gestures to the bird - "is Jobe, formerly of corvus corax but now an aminus personae on my behalf.

"I must admit, I'm quite excited by the prospect of researching this crypt! The chance to examine so many varieties of necrotic genii, in such a contained area - why, their interactions must be extremely complex, even for the vermin-like nature of the heuristic structures commonly assumed to make up their motivating processes! Much like the great 'societies' of simple ants, I have long theorized complex social frameworks would spontaneously arise out of large groups of unbound necrotic constructs, and it seems I might get the chance to verify that at last! (I speak of the most basic such constructs, of course, animated skeletons and so-called 'zombies' and the like - it's possible that the presence of other varieties of post-life manifestation could be contained there as well, and if so, I fear they will have contaminated the necrosocial environment with their own, more intact, wills, rendering the crypt's usefulness as an experimental interaction zone moot. But perhaps we will be fortunate!)"

She looks around the room. "And who might you all be?"

Female Human Barbarian 7

The muscular form of Ka'kara leans against the temple wall with her wrapped greatsword slung over her shoulder. The tales told by the numerous tribal tattoos that adorn her bare arms, midriff, thighs, and face are a mystery unlike the one the many faint scars criss-crossing her body tell. She nods in apparent appreciation and says matter-a-fact, "Your spirit animal...Jobe is one of intelligence and wisdom." She brushes an errant blonde braid from her face and says in a strong confident almost challenging voice, "I am Ka'kara, spirit named Furyheart by my tribe. Daughter of Chieftain Orus Thunderbear and Shai'la Newmoon from the Tharbrian tribal lands."

Female Halfling Bard 1

Off to one corner A fairly young halfling sits. She has long brown hair in a pair of pigtails, brown eyes and is wearing studded leather armour that seems to be a mild shade of pink currently she is hard at work jotting in who every one is what they look like and what they do into a journal. Occasionally she can be heard to mumble random comments to herself such as "Make him a half foot taller" or "hmm less facial hair on that one".

Male Dwarf Rogue 5

Near the big barbarian woman , a dwarf in black leather armor with two axes is calmly waiting . He seems to appreciate the quiet ...
He does not react to Ka'Kara statement but does to Tika's comment :
"Lass , know that a man's beard is sacred ! Do not diminish the man by cutting the length of his beard ! " While this is said seriouly , there is no anger in his voice there .

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

You can't help overhearing a conversation between two of the minor functionaries, Petra and Clark:

"I hear there is some trouble over at Grollek's Grove [a village to the west of Warwik.]"
"There is always trouble in the west."
"Yeah, but this is different. People speak of some sort of curse on an old mansion out there. The entire family just disappeared, with servants and all. People have gone there looking but they don't come back. And if they do, they come back horribly changed."
"Nah, that's just something they say to attract adventurers. Come on, these floors aren't going to sweep themselves, you know."

Jobe tilts his head at the words of the servants, then fluffs his feathers in a worried fashion, looking at Rhianna. She shows no signs of having heard, or at least having registered, the exchange however, and he settles back down slowly.

Have I mentioned how annoying it can be when I want to type "c-o-c-k-e-d his head" and can't because of the profanity filter...?

Male Aasimar Paladin 2


What do I know of these people and of High Priest Thaban? Badru has been traveling a great distance and stopping at a temple of Saranrae is nothing out of the ordinary, but how long have I been here?

A dark man in red scale armor stands in the corner looking over the gathering of adventurers with interest.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Badru Akhensaranrae wrote:


** spoiler omitted **


Well, I suppose that you won't have been in Warwik for long. I'm not quite sure where you would be heading. A great war is about to erupt and Warwik is more or less a neutral city, so you may very well be trying to stay out of trouble. What's your heritage? Are you Tharbrian, Viridian or Altanian (barbarians to the south)? You could make a knowledge (religion) check to gather some information, but generally you'll be out of your depth around here.

Ftr1/Pal1 | LG | AC(19)17/14/16 | HP 18//18 | F+5,R+1,W+0 | Init+ 1 | Smite Evil 1/day

A handsome human with dark hair, blue eyes, and a outfit in varying shades of blue had been eavesdropping on the conversation. Hearing about a possible situation that could require the services of adventurers had clearly piqued his interest.

"You wouldn't know the name or location of this castle to the west, would you my dear?" he said to the female Petra.

"My apologies for the interruption," he says, "I'm Artival Brisboir." He smilingly nods at the group, looking each of them in the eyes, with his glance lingering a bit longer on the pretty tattooed lady with the huge sword.

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)

Another halfling, tiny in size but with pale hair piled high on her head, watches over Tika's shoulder as she notes, whispering quietly to her and giggling.

Sorry, all. In the middle of holiday gatherings and just wanted to make my presence known and get my dot for the thread. More later!

Female Halfling Bard 1
Roylenna Brenoien wrote:
Another halfling, tiny in size but with pale hair piled high on her head, watches over Tika's shoulder as she notes, whispering quietly to her and giggling.

Roylenna will note that as well writing Tika has also done drawings of everyone although her art skills leave much to be desired (there pretty much just stick figures)

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)
Tika wrote:
Roylenna Brenoien wrote:
Another halfling, tiny in size but with pale hair piled high on her head, watches over Tika's shoulder as she notes, whispering quietly to her and giggling.
Roylenna will note that as well as writing Tika has also done drawings of everyone although her art skills leave much to be desired (they're pretty much just stick figures)

Roylenna reaches over and points to one of the figures. "He's going to need a bigger belly, I think," giggling more.

Female Halfling Bard 1
Roylenna Brenoien wrote:
Tika wrote:
Roylenna Brenoien wrote:
Another halfling, tiny in size but with pale hair piled high on her head, watches over Tika's shoulder as she notes, whispering quietly to her and giggling.
Roylenna will note that as well as writing Tika has also done drawings of everyone although her art skills leave much to be desired (they're pretty much just stick figures)
Roylenna reaches over and points to one of the figures. "He's going to need a bigger belly, I think," giggling more.

Tika simply nods before adjusting the drawing (In this case making the middle stick line thicker)

Male Aasimar Paladin 2
Black Tom wrote:
Badru Akhensaranrae wrote:


** spoiler omitted **
Badru:** spoiler omitted **


Knowledge(religion) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 I would probably be here researching (or trying to research) a symbol that was found that might be a clue to Imrans origin. Imran is the young man from my background write up. As far as where Badru is from I guess anywhere is ok. I was looking for something a little more middle-eastern flavor but Tharbria is ok if it's easier for you. Are there any largish cities up there? If so what might their names be?

"Since everyone is introducing themselves it would rude for me to due otherwise. My name is Badru Akhensaranrae which in the common tongue would mean 'The Eye of Night and the Blessed of Saranrae." He gives a wry smile,"My parents had high hopes for me it would seem."

Turning to Rhianna,"May I speak with you a moment?"


A young woman had been standing unconspicuously near the room's exit, looking vaguely uncomfortable as she observed the morning services of Sarenrae. A veil covers her eyes like a thin whisp of smoke, blending into the sooty shadows of her dusky skin. Garbed and armed as an obvious traveller, it doesn't appear she intends to stay for long.

As the ceremony reaches its conclusion and the followers of Sarenrae begin to filter past her and away from the temple, her eyes cut over to the group of chatting adventurers, then to the exit, and then back to the small gathering, as though she is unsure of which crowd she should join.

Pressing her lips together in steely resolve, she finally moves away from her spot on the wall and approaches them.

With what she had hoped would sound like strength and confidence, but came out as more of an awkward stutter, she says with a voice surprisingly low and husky for a woman, "I, uh...hi."

Ftr1/Pal1 | LG | AC(19)17/14/16 | HP 18//18 | F+5,R+1,W+0 | Init+ 1 | Smite Evil 1/day

Artival nodded at the two most recent strangers who had approached the growing collection of individuals. As the one named Badru had turned his attention to another in the group, he turned to the veil wearing female that had just approached. "Hey there, I am Artival Brisboir." Noticing her almost palpable awkwardness, he tries to help her out a bit. "And you are?"


"Manai Beddau," she answers Artival in return, thrusting out her hand to him expectantly. Her nails are blackened and dull. "I'm assuming you're the people I'm supposed to talk to."

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)
Manai wrote:
"Manai Beddau," she answers Artival in return, thrusting out her hand to him expectantly. Her nails are blackened and dull. "I'm assuming you're the people I'm supposed to talk to."

The pale halfling's ears perk up and she comes over to the newcomer. "You're supposed to talk to people? Here? What about? Oh, I'm Roylenna." She waves with that last bit, smiling.

Ftr1/Pal1 | LG | AC(19)17/14/16 | HP 18//18 | F+5,R+1,W+0 | Init+ 1 | Smite Evil 1/day
"Manai Beddau," she answers Artival in return, thrusting out her hand to him expectantly. Her nails are blackened and dull. "I'm assuming you're the people I'm supposed to talk to."

"I think so, but I was a bit of a late arrival myself. I believe further information is to come," he says throwing out his own hand, pausing only slightly at seeing the condition of the veiled human's nails. He hoped his slight faux pas was not noticed, and tried to cover his tracks by uttering a quick, "That's a nice veil, by the way."

Female Human Barbarian 7
Tika wrote:
Tika simply nods before adjusting the drawing (In this case making the middle stick line thicker)

As Roylenna gets distracted by the newcomers Ka'kara leans over Tika watching her draw for a moment. With a smile and a light but serious tone, "It's a good start. I might be able to offer some help if you'll have it. I draw but usually on skin." She shows some of her tattoos as examples.

Looking up from Tika as Manai approaches, she says to the veiled woman, "I'm sorry for your loss."

Badru Akhensaranrae wrote:

Turning to Rhianna,"May I speak with you a moment?"

Rhianna blinks in surprise. "Why, yes, certainly, Mr. Akhensaranrae," she says, handling the name with surprising ease. "My resources are at your disposal!"

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Suddenly the high priest Thaban enters, looking a little startled to see you. A lesser priest leans over whispering something into his ear. He frowns and then advances on you, clapping his hands.

"Why are you still here? Away with you. There are monsters to be killed and glory to be had. You can make your introductions on the road. Shoo-shoo. Get cracking!"

With a wave of his hand, he dismisses you.

As the high priest says, you can make your introductions on the road. Now I need to know whether you will be walking and what your marching order will be.

Male Dwarf Rogue 5


Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

How many of us bought horses? I'm a few levels away from teleport or overland flight, so I'm not sure we have much choice...

Female Halfling Bard 1

Unless someone offers her a lift I would say walking as for placment somewhere in the middle I would think

As I recall, Mahaffy likes to be in the lead, doing the scouting thing. Presumably Ka'kara and Badru would be next, and (since she's talking to Badru) Rhianna can follow them. I'd suggest Manai bring up the rear, with Artival in front of her (also because they're talking), and then the Short Twins (heh) can fill in the middle. Does that work?

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)
Rhianna Sanbury wrote:
Does that work?

"Oh, sure! I'll talk to anyone!"

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Sounds like a plan. When you have finished talking, roll for initiative. ;o)

Male Aasimar Paladin 2

Initiative1d20 ⇒ 5

Looking back at High Priest Thaban with what looks like displeasure at the abrupt way everyone is being handled Badru says,"Then we will take our leave."

"Rhianna is the High Priest always this...obviously thinking about his choice of words poor in dealing with people? I haven't had time to really get to know him yet having only just arrived here."

While talking over the High Priests lack a civility with Rhianna, Badru helps Tika and Roylenna up onto his horse. Scratching the horse behind the ears,"Take care Khaleed. Try not to knock them off like the last two!" He smiles and winks at those nearby.

Female Human Barbarian 7

Mahaffy was in the lead when we were going slow in a dungeon. Are we planning on traveling at a 20' rate outside? Ka'kara's normal speed is 40' feet and as Mahaffy can attest to, the woman is a might impatient. Heh, need a cart for all the vertically challenged people in our group ;)

Ka'kara's smile turns into a grin at the thought of getting out of the city again, the sooner the better. So the High Priests gruffness doesn't seem to phase her in the least.

Initiative: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)

"Whoa, I can see forever from up here!" She laughs and winks at Badru's humor.

Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6


Manai's brow scrunched in mild confusion at Artival's compliment. Nice veil? "Ah, thank you. I --"

Her reply to Roylenna was interrupted by the priests's appearence, though Manai didn't think him abrupt or sudden; compared to the priests of her temple, he was perfectly polite.

She cleared her throat quietly with a respectful nod to Artival and Royleena and fell in line with the others.

Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

I still need initiatives for Tika, Roylenna, Rhianna and Artival, but I'll guess that you won't beat 24, and it actually doesn't matter much if you do.

As you proceed slowly down the road you suddenly become conscious of some kind of shrill, piercing drone, something in between the sound of a cricket and nails across a chalkboard, only much worse.

Further ahead on the road you spy a small group of people, but there seems to be something wrong with them. A few seem to have fallen over, and one still standing almost looks like he's missing his head.

Suddenly a great moth of some kind soars over you, only its wingspan is easily 10 feet. Its wings are a blur from the speed and its face is caked with blood. From its nasty mandibles hang a cluster of writhing tentacles, dripping blood.

The creature is about 20 feet above you and you can all act, in any order. You need to make a Will save (DC 14) to be able to act, though. The drone is somehow mind-numbing.

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)
Black Tom wrote:
I still need initiatives for Tika, Roylenna, Rhianna and Artival, but I'll guess that you won't beat 24, and it actually doesn't matter much if you do.

Actually, boss, you had mine two posts up, and you are right -- I didn't beat it.

Black Tom wrote:
The creature is about 20 feet above you and you can all act, in any order. You need to make a Will save (DC 14) to be able to act, though. The drone is somehow mind-numbing.

Will save (+2 if this is a fear effect): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10


Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Manai hisses out a startled gasp as the great moth soars overhead and instinctively jerks her hand toward her weapons...but a moment later, her arms become loose at her side and she stares, slack-jawed, at the creature with fascinated, dead eyes.

Male Aasimar Paladin 2

Will Save 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Roylenna's arm brushes Badru's shoulder as she succumbs to the droning wings of the great mothlike creature. He turns towards Manai as she also succumbs. Tensing for the attack that is sure to come he stares at the creature and is drawn in to the hypnotic pattern of its wings, the soothing sound of there gentle beating....

Male Dwarf Rogue 5

Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Will save 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 + 2 if spell-like

Mahaffy is indeed walking ...
Looking at the pretty wings there , do not disturb him ....

Female Human Barbarian 7

Will Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Whew! Was worried we would all fall prey to it as it floated down and ate all of our heads. Added the +2 for her Amulet of Elvenkind vs. charms/enchantments but even made it without it.

Ka'kara looks up at the and finds the noise it is making extremely irritating, "What an awful racket. Can't imagine that helps it sneak up on prey terribly w...." She suddenly notices the glazed looks and slack jaws on her companions, "What are you all doing?! Shoot it or something!" She pulls a javelin from its sheath on her back and hurls it at the flying monstrosity.

To hit: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Ftr1/Pal1 | LG | AC(19)17/14/16 | HP 18//18 | F+5,R+1,W+0 | Init+ 1 | Smite Evil 1/day

Artival too had fallen in line with the group, proceeding on foot in the general direction given by the priests.

The piercing noise almost popped his eardrums, and he saw the large moth like creature heading in their direction.

Initiative 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Will 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

"To be truthful, Mr. Akhensaranrae, I have never dealt with the man before; he certainly doesn't seem unusually rude to me. In fact, most people seem to eventually say something similar to me at some point."

Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Will save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Will save for Jobe: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

As the massive moth flashes over the group, Rhianna looks up in surprise. "My goodness! How extraordinary!"

Knowledge (nature, arcana, planes, dungeoneering or religion) to recognize the creature: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Jobe dives into the hood of Rhianna's cloak, making her squawk in surprise.

Ka'kara Furyheart wrote:
Ka'kara looks up at the and finds the noise it is making extremely irritating, "What an awful racket. Can't imagine that helps it sneak up on prey terribly w...." She suddenly notices the glazed looks and slack jaws on her companions, "What are you all doing?! Shoot it or something!" She pulls a javelin from its sheath on her back and hurls it at the flying monstrosity.

"What? Oh, yes, of course... Let me see..." Will wait to pick a response until I find out what (if anything) I know about this.

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)

"Oooh, preeeettttyyyyy."

Female Halfling Bard 1


1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Will save (+4 to save since I'm assuming from the description it is a sonic or sound based affect

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

being able to fight off the affect of the creatures drone Tika counteracts it with a low humming tune of her own using her harmonica (Using counter song)

Assuming you can use a perform skill untrained

Perform wind instument (3 from charisma 2 from masterwork instrument)

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

OK, I'll try to sort this out. Since we are so many I will generally ignore your initiatives among yourselves for convenience. That said, since Artival beat the monster (kudos for that!) he gets to cast a defensive spell before the monster acts if he likes. Likewise I'm putting Tika last in the sequence in order not to have to redo everything. I hope you're OK with this.


This is a Carrion Moth, the rare adult form of a Carrion Crawler, which only emerges to feed and breed. They are almost mindless (but technically aberrations) but their drone causes confusion and their tentacles are coated with the same paralysing venom as the crawlers.

The drone of the moth makes your heads want to explode and unleashes a series of strange behaviors. While Roylenna tries to sing along, Badru claws desperately at his own ears for 2 points of damage while Manai throws herself at Artival. Ka'kara's attack misses.

Roylenna babbles incoherently but Mahaffy can act normally, while Manai attacks Artival and Badru hurts himself. Rhianna has an action to go and I will assume (until corrected) that Artival spent his casting Mage Armor.

Finally Tika fishes out her harmonica and manages to drown out the infernal chirping. You breathe a collective sigh of relief, but not for long. Tika will have to beat DC 14 every round to keep you safe. Still, well done!

Rhianna, Mahaffy and Manai are up, then Artival (not confused by then) and the monster.

Female Halfling Bard 1

Ah helps if I actually put in the check

Perform wind instrument

1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 3 + 2 = 22

Ftr1/Pal1 | LG | AC(19)17/14/16 | HP 18//18 | F+5,R+1,W+0 | Init+ 1 | Smite Evil 1/day

Artival will indeed cast Mage Armor, BT. I will just keep it ooc rather than actually make a post that might confuse the order of things.


Manai screamed and grabbed fistfulls of her hair, her eyes swimming with red as the pressure in her head verged on becomming unbearable, and attacked the first thing she saw: Artvial. Swinging her morning star, she screamed at him in a gutteral, snarling language that frankly, with her already low and rumbling voice, sounded absolutely terrifying.


She is speaking Infernal. She is yelling, "Stop it! Stop!"

The moment passes and her attack on Artival ceases. She stares at him, eyes sudednly clear with shock and shame at what she had just done, her breaths heavy and fast. With a quick glance at Tika, she quickly realizes what is happening and clambers a few steps back and away from the fighting to cast a spell to aid the halfling. She speaks with controlled calm in the same harsh and gutteral language, moving her hands in a slow, precise rhythm.

Manai casts Guidance on Tika, good for +1 on any one roll.

Male Dwarf Rogue 5

Mahaffy snaps out of his fascination and frenetically load his heavy crossbow .

"...Perhaps this will do? Veri yslou ra jeseza!" Rhianna curves her right hand upward, bringing her index and pinky fingers in to nearly touch her palm, then straightens the middle and ring fingers to point at the giant moth. A shimmering beam of red-white flame bursts from her fingertips and spears up toward the aberration.

Casting scorching ray; moth is only 20 feet overhead, so Point Blank Shot applies on top of Rhianna's intense spells ability. Ranged touch: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15; damage 4d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 1, 5, 5) + 2 = 17.

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