Sinvel Menter |

I've been searching for an answer to my question to no avail, so I thought I'd give it a shot here. When using a wondrous item that has power via an infused spell during item creation that allows for spell resistance, do creatures who have spell resistance get to use that ability against the item?
I have seen several past wondrous items that include spells that allow for spell resistance in their creation description, yet there is no mention of overcoming SR in the item description.
Thanks in advance for any help!

Core RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 |

Spell resistance effects spells and spell like abilities. So my initial inclination is to say is say that items that create spell like effects are effected by spell resistance. Unless otherwise noted of course.

Sander Skeie aka Smands |

I've been searching for an answer to my question to no avail, so I thought I'd give it a shot here. When using a wondrous item that has power via an infused spell during item creation that allows for spell resistance, do creatures who have spell resistance get to use that ability against the item?
I have seen several past wondrous items that include spells that allow for spell resistance in their creation description, yet there is no mention of overcoming SR in the item description.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Dont know the official ruling, but I would say the item allows for spell resistance, since the item simulates a spell that allows it. Anyone else got some thoughts on this?

Sinvel Menter |

Spell resistance effects spells and spell like abilities. So my initial inclination is to say is say that items that create spell like effects are effected by spell resistance. Unless otherwise noted of course.
I see what you are saying, and they are close, but spell like abilities are abilities and thus have a different saving throw versus that of a wondrous item.
Its strange. To me it would see as though one would get a chance to use their spell resistance against a wondrous item but I can't find that spelled out anywhere and we have tons of wondrous items that make no mention of it.

Sinvel Menter |

OK, I *think* have the answer!! Spell resistance does apply to the spell-like effects of item created by Craft Magic Arms and Armor, as per page 298 of the 3.5 PHB. Funny, but the same paragraph in SRD does not include the line that is in the book.
So, now the only question is if that counts with the Craft Wondrous Item feat as well. I would think it does.
It kind of stinks, because all of the wondrous items that include spells that have spell resistance will have to have the bonus for overcoming spell resistance calculated using the minimum values of the caster creating the item. Then, who does the check, the one using the item? Seems strange...

Selgard |

If in your campaign the spellcasters roll the SR check for their spells, then whoever holds an item and uses it would roll the SR check against whoever they were using it against.
If in your campaign the DM rolls for the creatures SR (treating it more like a saving throw) then the DM would roll for the items.
I would probably suggest having the DM do it so the PC's don't know that they are rolling SR. Afterall, they don't automatically know a creature has SR just by casting a spell at it.. not until a spell mysteriously fails, anyway.
But that's just my opinion.

Thraxus |

I typically ruled that an item that casts a spell affected by spell resistance (such as a crown of blasting), checks for spell resistance using the item's caster level.
In the case of a minor crown of blasting, the caster level is 6th, so the check would be d20+6. A major crown of blasting is d20+17.
I apply this rule to wands and staves as well, except that staves use either their caster level or the user's (whichever is better).
I treat magic items that DO NOT cast a spell (or duplicate a spell effect) to ignore spell resistance.