Ekeebe |

all my electronic versions of the Pathfinder RPG, I find myself wanting to DM a PbP, and am stuck with a choice of Monte Cook's World of Darkness (may or may not make a MCWoD game, not too sure yet, if interested keep an eye out), or the Witchfire Trilogy by Privateer Press.
The Witchfire Trilogy is set in the Iron Kingdoms, but you don't really need to know anything about the world to play.
So anyone who is interested here is the creation guide:
*looking for 4 to 5 PCs (will post list confirming players and 2 reserve players)
*minimum posting of 1 post per 2 days, unless already notified previously
*standard 3d6 roll for stats, roll 7 times discard the lowest (please roll them in this thread. I may allow you to reroll if your stats are too low, DMs discretion.
*character wealth starts at 200 GP (no roll needed)
*for HP per level, max HP at 1st level, just take the average per level after 1st (half the max roll of the dice +1)
I will post a list available of traits, but they will be comparibly different from the PF traits.

abstract xp |

With three PbPs I'm involved with fizzled out and one smouldering at best, I'm keen to find a new PbP. Both options look interesting and I'm itching to play either an assassin/rogue or a spellcaster of some description (perhaps one of the playtest classes).
Posting is certainly not an issue for me. Oh, and in case I didn't mention it, I certainly want to be considered...

Ekeebe |

With three PbPs I'm involved with fizzled out and one smouldering at best, I'm keen to find a new PbP. Both options look interesting and I'm itching to play either an assassin/rogue or a spellcaster of some description (perhaps one of the playtest classes).
Posting is certainly not an issue for me. Oh, and in case I didn't mention it, I certainly want to be considered...
the rogue option would be fine, I want to keep the game 3.5 D&D and not Pathfinder.
as to not knowing anything about Iron Kingdoms, I can post some information on the area and additional fluff a little later on.
other than that, you are both clear to post rolls (here) for stats.
for those who dont know how to roll here, its [*dice]xdy + z[*/dice], just take out the asterisks.
I will more than likely want to use the dice roller in Invisible Castle, but for starting stats, the dice roller here is fine, and is a useful backup dice roller.

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I'm interested if there are slots still open.
Peebo/Sunset says I should play an awakened warjack. ;)
On a more serious note, what is available for character creation?
3d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 1) = 13
3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 6) = 15
3d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 6) = 15
3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 6) = 13
3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 6) = 11

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Winterwalker wrote:I can see me playing a Kobold Leper with these stats. Or some other pathetic scum that can't lift a sword or read a book. Might be fun.Whats a 'Kobold'?
heh you quoted my edited post, alas I did edit it. I didn't want to reveal my love of Kobolds.
edit: I'm told that Gobber is what I'd want, to replace my Kobold fix. The name does have a nice ring to it.

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David Wickham wrote:heh you quoted my edited post, alas I did edit it. I didn't want to reveal my love of Kobolds.Winterwalker wrote:I can see me playing a Kobold Leper with these stats. Or some other pathetic scum that can't lift a sword or read a book. Might be fun.Whats a 'Kobold'?
I think you just did, to bad the PP's article about using them in an IK game lists them in the disruptive and inappropriate, huh? :)
I guess you'll have to play the gobber. :P

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Winterwalker wrote:I think if I were playing in this game I could probably be the guy that holds the torch and catches arrows with my chest while the real heroes to all the work.
These rolls stink! Heh, cool.
oooh you got a 14!
I didn't even notice I had a roll that high! I'll make sure to use a racial modifier to drop that lower. Can't be having too many envious people coveting my 14.

Ekeebe |

Wow, i didnt expect it to fill up in 2 days so fast, but the lists are:
*Dax Thura
*Celestial Half-Porc
*Abstract XP
*Raven 34
with reserves of
*Brass Pigeon
*David Wickham
okay, so to answer your questions.
Sunset, no, i cant really allow any "non-human" races, only because i dont have the IK source books, and a lot of people here dont have access to them either. juts stick to 3.5.
to the question of what classes and splat books are available, im allowing:
*PHB 3.5
*DMG 3.5
*Complete warrior/adventurer/scoundrel/mage
*Forgotten Realms source books (please quote what book, so that i can find it myself)
*Savage Species (monster classes are available).

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Sunset, no, i cant really allow any "non-human" races, only because i dont have the IK source books, and a lot of people here dont have access to them either. juts stick to 3.5.
to the question of what classes and splat books are available, im allowing:
*PHB 3.5
*DMG 3.5
*Complete warrior/adventurer/scoundrel/mage
*Forgotten Realms source books (please quote what book, so that i can find it myself)
*Savage Species (monster classes are available).
If I say 'pretty please' and email you racial modifiers can I play a human with fancy IK racial modifiers? :D
You know, it isn't IK without a Gun Mage or Arcane Mechanik in the party. ;)

Ekeebe |

Ekeebe wrote:Sunset, no, i cant really allow any "non-human" races, only because i dont have the IK source books, and a lot of people here dont have access to them either. juts stick to 3.5.
to the question of what classes and splat books are available, im allowing:
*PHB 3.5
*DMG 3.5
*Complete warrior/adventurer/scoundrel/mage
*Forgotten Realms source books (please quote what book, so that i can find it myself)
*Savage Species (monster classes are available).If I say 'pretty please' and email you racial modifiers can I play a human with fancy IK racial modifiers? :D
You know, it isn't IK without a Gun Mage or Arcane Mechanik in the party. ;)
I'd still have to say no, David, it would be a little unfair to those who don't know the difference between a Khadoran and a Cygnaran human, and the racial modifiers that they get, so I'm just sticking to normal 3.5 PHB humans.
and yes, Celestial Half-Porc, 1st level characters please.

Sunset |

Soooo, sorry to be a bother but how are you going to handle some of the more iconic Iron Kingdoms stuff? The more unique weapon and armor options or the more setting specific class types, such as the Gun Mage and the War-caster?
Though this might be an opportune moment to test the new Paizo Alchemist. ^_^
Just some questions, no hurries, no worries.

Ekeebe |

ok! im being dim here? you said no non humman races but we can play something from savage species? im probably missing something!!
what can we play from savage species?
and if human only is that standard human?
nono, i was referring to Sunset wanting to play something more Iron Kingdoms, like Trollkin, Satyxis, or Ogrun...but im saying no to these.
as to monster classes, anything below 5 HD is fine, but remember, that it is a class, and that means that you wont be able to play an actual character class until your racial class is finished.
yes i mean standard 3.5 PHB humans, not IK human variants.
Sunset, to cover all the iconoc IK stuff, im thinking i might post an intro to the city you start in, explaining what is going on and what is available, i know i cant post it as written, but i should be able to come up with something. (working on it now, despite lack of sleep).
and for the pics of what people are fighting, if it is iconic IK monsters, ill find some fan art, that should avoid any plageurism (sp?) problems.

abstract xp |

I am going with my original idea of Barbarian. Will have him up later today probably.
Is it worth a quick roll-call to see who's what, so we get a balanced party.
I count a barbarian, and a warlock and at least one other magic user. I was leaning towards a rogue/assassin, but will change if it helps balance the party.

Ekeebe |

okay, im sort of writing up soem back history on the cirty and area the party will be in, as well as some info on unique IK items and weapons.
please give me a few more days, I'm sorting through this all as fast as i can, just keep an eye on this thread, and create your characters as per normal for now.
ill get this finished ASAP.
some basic info on firearms and unique armour can be found here:
IK item stats

Ekeebe |

okay, after seeing some of the rolls, i think i will give the option of re-rolling stats.
thsi is going to be a very hard campaign t play, so i am going to use a unique style of stat rolling i learnt from a fellow DM of mine.
for those who want to reroll their stats, please roll 7d10 and disregard the lowest. then add 8 to each roll, making 18 the maximum, and 9 the minimum for stats.
this may even the playing field again.
also, if i see your rolls are exceptionally low again, i may let you keep the 3 highest numbers and let you reroll the lowest 3.
but after that, that is it.