MD, Rockville - Pathfinder (3.5) RPG, face-to-face,

Gamer Connection

I am recruiting players for a Pathfinder RPG campaign. We will be meeting 3-4 times per month at a local hobby store. The day and time for meeting has not been decided, but it will be either a weeknight or during the day (i.e., Friday and Saturday nights are out).

The Pathfinder RPG is the "new D&D 3.5," in that if you are familiar with 3.5 (or 3.0) you will be able to change over to Pathfinder (PF) very easily.

My experience as a GM is modest, but I am highly creative and intelligent, a funny and engaging person, excellent storyteller, and have both a strong preference for inclusion and sense of fairness. On the other hand, I am highly analytical and attentive to detail, so I love and appreciate all the quantitive and other desiderata of the rules and players attempts to 'optimize' their powers within them. So, either way, whether you want to 'work' the rules to your advantage, where I'll be part of your appreciative audience, or you're looking to leave most of the number crunching to others (mainly me) while you concentrate on role-playing and problem-solving, I'm your man. Overall, I am confident this will prove a satisfying and memorable RPG experience for the players.

If you are interested, please send me your contact information at

There is still flexibility in most aspects of the campaign at this stage, so, since I am interested in having players and therefore in having happy players, I would invite you to share your thoughts and preferences me, with regard to your own character and to the tenor and style for a campaign. You may do this in your e-mail, or simply include a 'best time to reach me' note with a telephone number or two, which I will take as an invitation to call and chat for a few minutes (if you just want to show up and play, you can still give me one or more contact phone numbers -- like for reminding you of an upcoming meeting if you didn't RSVP to an email --, just don't say anything about when a good time to call is).

Once it looks like at least 3 players would be able to show up at least three times a month, I will schedule the first meeting and send out character generation instructions and some campaign background.

Until we meet at the table of adventure, then, friends,....
-- Bill Carter

Dark Archive

Billy Carter wrote:

I am recruiting players for a Pathfinder RPG campaign. We will be meeting 3-4 times per month at a local hobby store. The day and time for meeting has not been decided, but it will be either a weeknight or during the day (i.e., Friday and Saturday nights are out).

The Pathfinder RPG is the "new D&D 3.5," in that if you are familiar with 3.5 (or 3.0) you will be able to change over to Pathfinder (PF) very easily.

My experience as a GM is modest, but I am highly creative and intelligent, a funny and engaging person, excellent storyteller, and have both a strong preference for inclusion and sense of fairness. On the other hand, I am highly analytical and attentive to detail, so I love and appreciate all the quantitive and other desiderata of the rules and players attempts to 'optimize' their powers within them. So, either way, whether you want to 'work' the rules to your advantage, where I'll be part of your appreciative audience, or you're looking to leave most of the number crunching to others (mainly me) while you concentrate on role-playing and problem-solving, I'm your man. Overall, I am confident this will prove a satisfying and memorable RPG experience for the players.

If you are interested, please send me your contact information at

There is still flexibility in most aspects of the campaign at this stage, so, since I am interested in having players and therefore in having happy players, I would invite you to share your thoughts and preferences me, with regard to your own character and to the tenor and style for a campaign. You may do this in your e-mail, or simply include a 'best time to reach me' note with a telephone number or two, which I will take as an invitation to call and chat for a few minutes (if you just want to show up and play, you can still give me one or more contact phone numbers -- like for reminding you of an upcoming meeting if you didn't RSVP to an email --, just don't say anything about when a good time to call is).

Once it looks like at least...

Dream Wizards or another place? I don't go around Montgomery county too much anymore, and my gaming doesn't take me to those areas anymore for Magic or Heroclix.

My DM of many many years have kinda stopped playing, so myself and another player are now looking for new games. We've looked up people on Meetup, but it seems all the players in this area are in VA, far from me. I currently live in Greenbelt, but I know all the DC metropolitan MD areas well.

I prefer mainly RP and puzzle solving. Direct combat is fine and all, but I'm more lively when there's not hack/slash going on. However, I tend to get annoyed when other players are bad at tactics or RP (ie, a recent game with a new group has the infamous "I Power Attack using full penalties, EVERYTIME", or I use my awesome Diplomacy skill of 22 to convince a war band of orcs to give us their treasure). No particular class preference, but I would hope the adventures don't turn into casters running the show, and melee are there to take hits for them. Good DMs can hide the fact that casters when played well are far more powerful than melee, but the problem isn't solved, just ignored/hidden.

My friend is less critical than me, and likes combat more. He tends to prefer casters due to combat options (as opposed to "I attack").

Your time isn't so great for me, but we can probably work something out.

BYC Wrote: "Dream Wizards or another place? "

Yes, Dream Wizards.

If you ever played D&D 4.0 with Amir, you may have met me: as a running joke, my character used to declaim that people should defer to her wishes because she was "hot."

As a player, I like puzzle-solving least and planning combat tactics with my team the most; I was also a big fan of information gathering and detective-type work; another thing that kept me coming back to play was the thrill of almost dieing (I mean, not that I could manufacture the thrill by being stupid with my character, but when I we were all trying our darnedest and there were still fatalities and near fatalities -- well, that really grabbed my interest).
As a DM, I would have a 3x5 card propped up in front of me each time I sit down to work on preparation that had "DYC LIKES: ... role-playing and puzzle-solving."

[By "puzzle-solving" I am assuming we are talking about mechanical and word puzzles -- things where the archetype is maybe a floor with (mostly) unfamiliar runes on each tile and then you have to figure out a safe way to get across, or there's a riddle like the sphinx's]

A guy on the Paizo board has nice blog/article about optimizing wizards that argues that arcane spellcasters are at their most potent when acting indirectly through their support ("buffing") of other party members. Personally, I don't have enough 3.5 experience to know if casters could dominate play if they wanted to. (I do agree that they need fighters and would add that a party of all casters is unlikely to make it past first level -- arrows are a b*tch when there's noone in front of you, for example.)

So, may I count you and your buddy "in" at this stage?

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