Order #1252934 - the wait is killing me

Customer Service

Have I broken something by trying to bundle too much in with my subscription? 10 days since the "shipping soon" email... it's been two months since my last bundle of Pathfinder goodness so I'm getting withdrawal, and there's a Christmas present in there I'd like to get over to the UK in time too.


Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Tim Franklin wrote:

Have I broken something by trying to bundle too much in with my subscription? 10 days since the "shipping soon" email... it's been two months since my last bundle of Pathfinder goodness so I'm getting withdrawal, and there's a Christmas present in there I'd like to get over to the UK in time too.


Nothing is broken. :)

Your order is all in and ready to go. It is currently making it's way through the shipping queue and it should be going out this week.


Cosmo wrote:

Nothing is broken. :)

Your order is all in and ready to go. It is currently making it's way through the shipping queue and it should be going out this week.

Thanks for the reassurance, and sorry for my impatience.


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