Diary for Fetor Abradius

Shackled City Adventure Path

My party is about to undertake the Secrets of the Soul Pillars. Does anyone have a diary for Fetor? I'm trying to give my party more information about the composition and dealings of the Cagewrights than is available in the letter to Embril.

Greystaff wrote:
My party is about to undertake the Secrets of the Soul Pillars. Does anyone have a diary for Fetor? I'm trying to give my party more information about the composition and dealings of the Cagewrights than is available in the letter to Embril.

I don't have a diary for Fetor. But I do have a series of letters exchanged between Fetor and Embril. Give me an email an I can send them.

Thanks in advance. Address is kendallpenn@hotmail.com

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'd be interested in that as well. Mine is my forum name at yahoo.

Put it up at http://therpgenius.pbworks.com/Shackled-City-main-page .

Or send it to delendor @ gmx .dot. de and I'll put it up.


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