Farabor |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |
So, on page 96, there's a chart that says the escape artist check to escape an entangle spell is DC 20.
The entangle spell on p 278 says the strength or escape artist check to unentangle yourself is the DC of the original spell.
I'm inclined to believe it's the latter, and the former is an artifact of a cut and paste from 3.5 rules....especially considering how powerful a battlefield control spell Entangle is at level 1....however, it is a direct contradiction, so I figured I'd ask here/suggest it be added for whenever errata or future printings are made.

meabolex |

So, on page 96, there's a chart that says the escape artist check to escape an entangle spell is DC 20.
The entangle spell on p 278 says the strength or escape artist check to unentangle yourself is the DC of the original spell.
I'm inclined to believe it's the latter, and the former is an artifact of a cut and paste from 3.5 rules....especially considering how powerful a battlefield control spell Entangle is at level 1....however, it is a direct contradiction, so I figured I'd ask here/suggest it be added for whenever errata or future printings are made.
In 3.5, the definitive source was always considered the primary source. If two rules contradicted each other, then the primary source wins.
This is easy in this case because the entangle spell text is the primary source for entangle rules. The table in the escape artist description is incorrect and should receive errata. It's not so easy when it's hard to identify the primary source.