Excerpts / previews

Website Feedback

I love Pathfinder. I've only recently started playing it, but I love it to bits.

What would be really cool, in my opinion, would be a few excerpts/previews. Back in the old 3.5e days, Wizards used to publish an excerpt from impending sourcebooks (a feat or two, an item, and usually the entire table of contents). I haven't seen anything like that around here; am I simply looking in the wrong places? If it's not there, is there a reason you don't do it?

I ask because I don't have enough money to buy everything Paizo publish :( and because I'd like to get the most (subjective) bang for my buck.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Previews of Paizo products appear on PAIZO BLOG

Also, writers sometimes drop tidbits of information on the forum, usually in the product discussion threads.

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