Catch off guard feat

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

SO, I've been noticing this feat a lot of late in various discussions, so I went to take a look at it...and an Idea (TM!) came over me. A large part of the feat comes in with the "Your opponent is flat footed when not wielding a weapon", that a lot of people said would rarely happen. this in with a rogue or fighter designed around improved/greater disarm! I pick up my barstool, knock your weapon away, and now your dex is gone for my followup attacks...yeah sneak attack on rogues, or for truly silliness on your combat superiority fighter, them being flatfooted drops their CMD even you then use your second attack for your improved/grater trip! I laugh in your face, enemy humanoid!

Farabor wrote:

SO, I've been noticing this feat a lot of late in various discussions, so I went to take a look at it...and an Idea (TM!) came over me. A large part of the feat comes in with the "Your opponent is flat footed when not wielding a weapon", that a lot of people said would rarely happen. this in with a rogue or fighter designed around improved/greater disarm! I pick up my barstool, knock your weapon away, and now your dex is gone for my followup attacks...yeah sneak attack on rogues, or for truly silliness on your combat superiority fighter, them being flatfooted drops their CMD even you then use your second attack for your improved/grater trip! I laugh in your face, enemy humanoid!

True. And it makes it that more important for fighters to have spiked armor, spiked gauntlets or improved unarmed strike.

Farabor wrote:

SO, I've been noticing this feat a lot of late in various discussions, so I went to take a look at it...and an Idea (TM!) came over me. A large part of the feat comes in with the "Your opponent is flat footed when not wielding a weapon", that a lot of people said would rarely happen. this in with a rogue or fighter designed around improved/greater disarm! I pick up my barstool, knock your weapon away, and now your dex is gone for my followup attacks...yeah sneak attack on rogues, or for truly silliness on your combat superiority fighter, them being flatfooted drops their CMD even you then use your second attack for your improved/grater trip! I laugh in your face, enemy humanoid!

I really like this feat for rogues. I think it's a must-get feat for me now. This will go nice with a duelist/expertise style fighter.

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