Farabor |
So, as we all know and love, bursts require line of effect but not line of sight. Channeling is a burst. That pesky enemy put up an obscuring mist, so now I can't actually see him, but I know/suspect he's in by burst area. Can I select him to be ignored by my channel burst with Selective Channeling feat? Nothing in the feat actually seems to require line of sight.....
This actually came up in a game.
You might recognize what game it came up in.
Not going into more details, silly spoilers :)

mdt |

If you don't know where someone is, how do you effect him with a spell?
A kind DM might let you select a square you think the person may be in.. but it'd be a crapshoot.
I would think- no LOS means no using the ability.
(hard to target someone you can't see).-S
It's not affecting him with the spell though, it's catching them in an area of effect.
Having said that though, I'd treat using the selective channel feat like targeting someone, so if you can't see someone, you can't remove them from the effect of the channel, unless you just pick a five foot square and say 'I don't affect that square', which I'd probably allow.
Look at it like this, if the guy was invisible, you'd have him affected by the channel if he were in the radius, he's just affected, and you can't not affect him. The most you could do is guess where he is and say 'Don't affect that square'.

Dennis da Ogre |

IMHO, I would rule that you can exclude or include everyone you actually know he's there. Invisible creatures that you didn't notice would be affected and getting healed or damaged.
I have to disagree. Combat is fluid and characters are moving continuously, not in turn based stop motion... if the creature is in a fog cloud where is he/she? You have no real way of knowing whether they moved or not.
I might allow a miss chance if you suspect where the creature is.