Dragon 310 Stoneface prestige class

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I have a question about the Stoneface prestige class in dragon 310. One of Stoneface's requirements is the feat Persuasive. The problem is you gain the Persuasive feat at level two in the stoneface prestige class. Is the requirements wrong or is the class features wrong? So which Persuasive feat do I change and with what do I replace it with? Thanks for your time.

Scarab Sages

I'd remove Persuasive altogether, from both places. In fact, I'd replace the prerequisites entirely with this:

Skills: Bluff 3 ranks, Intimidate 3 ranks.
Feats: any two of the following Skill Focus (bluff), Skill Focus (Intimidate), Skill Focus (Knowledge [any]), or Intimidating Prowess.

At 2nd level, I'd give him the same ability he gets now (+2 Bluff, +2 Intimidate), but call it something else (because Persuasive has changed now), maybe "Stoic."

Side note: that class is cool, but way underpowered. I also remember wondering why they got Investigator (that didn't seem appropriate for the class, or at least it was "stretching it").

If I were to use this class these days, I'd restructure it (and probably re-tool the theme). Hit the spoiler for some brainstorming on that.

Skills: Bluff 3 Ranks, Profession (gambler) 3 ranks
Feats: Any two of the following Skill Focus (bluff), Skill Focus (Intimidate), Skill Focus (Knowledge [any]), Improved Feint, or Intimidating Prowess.

BA: Full
Good Saves: Ref, Will
1st.......adamant, stoic mask
2nd.......aloof, stoic mask
3rd.......guiltless, banal strike, stoic mask

Adamant (Ex): +2 to Bluff and Intimidate, and the DC to use Sense Motive against a Stoneface increases by +2. If the stoneface has 10 or more ranks in these skills, the bonus increases to +4.

Stoic Mask (Ex): The stoneface adds his Charisma modifier to Will saves to resist divination. In addtion, at each stoneface level, the stoneface chooses on particular effect against which he becomes more reistant. The stoneface may add his Charisma modifier versus spells and ability types he has selected with stoic mask. Bonuses from stoic mask do not stack; if an effect would fall into more than one category, the stoneface uses the higher bonus. The stoneface may choose from the following effects:


Aloof (Sp): A stoneface can cast glibness (caster level equals stoneface level) as a spell-like ability 3 times per day.

Guiltless (Sp): A stoneface acts as if under the constant effects of a misdirection spell.

Banal Strike (Ex): A stoneface is so skilled at hiding his intent, he can feint as a swift action while making an attack. A successful feint applies to the next attack the stoneface makes, as normal, not to the attack made while using this ability. There is no limit to the number of times the stoneface can use this ability, but once a creature has been affected by a stonface's banal strike, it is immune for 24 hours.

Plus some appropriate scoundrel-ish/tough guy/gambler/clint eastwood flavor to sell the whole "stoney demeanor" thing.

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