
NineSouls's page

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Thanks. I wanted to make sure.

Does the Brawler's Martial Training ability from the Revised Advanced Class Guide Playtest allow you to take Fighter only feat such a Weapon Specialization? I ask because in the ability it says a brawler counts her total brawler level as fighter levels and monk levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats.

Hi Josh,
I don't have facebook, so I sent you a private message using paizo with my email address.
Game On,

Hi All,
I am looking for a role playing game to join around the Beaverton/Hillsboro Oregon area. I am free all week expect Sundays. The type or system doesn't matter much to me as long as it is a good group of people. Please post below or email me if you know of any games.
Game On,

Does the Rending Claws feat (Advanced Player's Guide) count as the Rend special attack ability for meeting the prerequisites for Rending Fury feat (Ultimate Combat)?

In the Advanced Player’s Guide it says Oracles gain either the cure spells or the inflict spells to their list of spells known. Then it says this choice is made when the Oracle gains her first level and cannot be changed.
Does an Oracle’s alignment have any impact on this choice? Can an evil alignment Oracle choose to gain cure spells or must they gain inflict spell because of the evil alignment?
Thanks for your input.

Thanks. I wanted confirmation on how it worked before taking it. It is a great option for a human cavalier. I hope my GM allows it.

In the Advanced Player’s Guide under human favored class alternatives, a human cavalier adds +1/4 to the cavalier’s banner bonus. Does this mean a 4th level human cavalier gains +1 to the cavalier’s banner bonus? If so, does that mean when the cavalier gains the banner ability at 5th level its bonus are one higher? If I am way off here, can someone please explain how +1/4 to the cavalier’s banner bonus works. Thanks.

Witches have an odd progression for Cure spells. It doesn’t follow the Cleric Cure spells progression, skipping 3rd level than continuing on. The Druid also has the same odd progression for Cure spells. Is this an error? Should the Witch and the Druid be using the same Cure spell progression as the Cleric? Another Witch spell question. Shield is not on the Witch’s spell list. Is this an error? Only having mage armor means Witches have a low AC, especially at higher levels.

I have a question about the Stoneface prestige class in dragon 310. One of Stoneface's requirements is the feat Persuasive. The problem is you gain the Persuasive feat at level two in the stoneface prestige class. Is the requirements wrong or is the class features wrong? So which Persuasive feat do I change and with what do I replace it with? Thanks for your time.

Other suggestion that has been given is, a character loses XP equal to 500 x their level. What do you think about that?

Does anyone have a different way to determine the amount of XP a character loses for being brought back to life, other than the method in the Player’s Handbook. Or even a different type of penalty, rather than XP lose.

Has anyone played a Battle Dancer? How did it work out? What do you think is the best way to play a Battle Dancer? I was thinking about making one into a grappler.

How many times can an Neutral creature cast an Evil spell (like animate dead) before its alignment changes to Evil?

Thanks for the info above. Cape of the Mountebank allows you to use dimension door once per day, but doesnt say at what caster level or even the distance you can travel. Does anyone know this info.

Does anyone know any information about the Cloak of the Mountebank? The Mountebank class talks about the Cloak of the Mountebank under the Infernal Jaunt ability. But neither the Dragon Compendium or the DMG has any information on the Cloak of the Mountebank.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In Bullywug Gambit, my players have decided to skip the caves in Kraken’s Cove and go straight for the Sea Wyvern. But it says nothing about the Sea Wyvern other than it is the only surviving ship in Kraken’s Cove. Are there people on the ship? Is there any treasure on the ship? I mean is the ship just empty.
I do know in Sea Wyvern’s Wake it says the ship is a caravel-class sailing ship and the full statistics appear in Stormwrack.Please Help Me.

In Bullywug Gambit, my players have decided to skip the caves in Kraken’s Cove and go straight for the Sea Wyvern. But it says nothing about the Sea Wyvern other than it is the only surviving ship in Kraken’s Cove. Are there people on the ship? Is there any treasure on the ship? I mean is the ship just empty.
I do know in Sea Wyvern’s Wake it says the ship is a caravel-class sailing ship and the full statistics appear in Stormwrack. Please Help Me.

I am new to the Savage Tide. A player on of mine wants to belong to the Scarlet Brotherhood Affiliation from Dragon 348. And he is playing a Half-Elf Warlock. I am not sure if I should allow this, basically because I don’t know how mush the Scarlet Brotherhood plays a part in the Savage Tide. What do you think?

Help me out here. Do you have any suggestions on prestige class that focus on divination for an arcane spellcasters? Plus, any tips or thoughts on how best to play a divination focus wizard. Thanks.

Quintessentail Fighter has a Sword Cane: Martial Weapon, Light, 1d6 18-20/x2, 2lb. Piercing. That book doesnt give a Spot check to find the sword in the cane (that may be updated in the 3.5 version). I would give it at least a DC 15 or 20 to Spot the hidden weapon. I would also have rogues proficient with it because the description states the Sword Cane has a thin pointed blade, much like a rapier. So, its basically a hidden rapier.

I know Eberon and Fergotten Realm have set regions. I that Greyhawk did. The reason is I want to have the Knowledge (local) skill be by region, instead by each town.

What region and/or metaregion is Sasserine in? Is it the Hold of the Sea Princess? Does anyone know of a good source for information on Greyhawk’s regions and metargions? Possible a map with that information.

Thanks for the help. There are some good ideas. I like the point system based of the elite arry the best so far.

If you want a barbarin with an animal companion. And it sounds like your using the animal for riding there is a perfect barbarian variant called horselord. You can find it in Dragon 338.
Basically the barbarian loses fast movement and trap sense. Instead gaining a small variant on the rage ability, but keep the normal once should be fine. But during rage you can use skills. You gain no penalty on Ride checks for riding bareback and gain +2 when using a saddle and +2 Handle Animal check when dealing with the kind of animal you select. At 4th level gain an Animal Companion as per the ranger ability of the same level. At 6th level gains Improved Mounted Archery as bonus feat, a DM might allow another feat the deal with mounted combat.
That’s all. I hope I didn’t do anything to get into trouble with Pazio. Please tell me if I do. So I don’t do it again.

Does anyone know of alterative character creation methods other than the ones find in the DMG that doesn’t us dice. Like another point system or a higher amount of points beyond 32 for even stronger characters.

I haven’t received Dragon 349. I did get Dungeon 141 on Friday.

Will Paizo be posting on the winner of the Dawn of War contest on its webpage? When will that be?

I emailed with the subject “Dawn of War Contest” to enter into the Dawn of War contest as the advertisement in Dragon 348. I have not gotten a reply back confirming that I am entered into the contest. Does anyone know if a confirmation email will be sent to those who enter the contest? Any other information you can give would be great. Thanks.