Andre Caceres |
So my pathfinder game has begun, and like usual one of my players wanted to change x y and z. Thankfully this time it wasn't focused on rules, well not specifically.
Long story short after talking it over we decided that we'd perfer our Halflings to be closer to fey then Tolkins' vision. In fact we pushed halflings closer to what Paizo makes Gnomes to be, except that we decided to go with a Dark Crystal/Elflings feel for them, in looks and powers. All this mechanically worked fine without rules changes save for females having wings and the ablity to fly.
As none of the core races have flight as a racial ablity I was wondering if their is a standard mod. for the fly skill as a racial ability, +2 or +4? Or should I just give female halflings fly as a automatic class skill (I perfer the latter as I regard flight to be more akin to glide for them, however my player likes the +2 idea). In either case however what if anything should I take away from Halfling racial ablities.
As I said I like simply giving fly as a automatic skill, but I'm open to others ideas, or if their is an established standard what that would be.
Thanks in advance for any and all imput....