Dogbert |

Upon closing my Entombed with the Pharaohs game, a character mentioned taking vacations then stopped dead wondering... where?
Sure, the middle ages weren't exactly famous for their "tourism industry" but, if suddenly your heroes wanted vacations, where would they go to get the best...
- Sightseeing?
- Beaches and fun in the sun? (without getting eaten by tentacled, gash-mouthed monsters)
- Zoo?
- R&R?
- Place to "get away from it all"?
Mind you... where does a forest ranger go to "get away from it all" anyway?
I don't ask about places to get the best of "Arts and Ertentainment" though, as that's an easy one.
So, ideas?

Matt Gwinn |

That's a tough one. Since I've purchased the campaign setting I've come to the conclusion that there are very few places one can go to be free from adversity.
Hermea seems to be the only place that would truly be a pleasant place to go on a vacation, but you'd need some serious connections to get an invite to even spend a day there, let alone vacation there.
As a DM I would create a private island somewhere in the Obari Ocean that is owned and operated as a vacation destination by some sultan or otherwise well off individual. Considering the state of affairs across the rest of Golarion I'd gather it would be a lucrative venture.

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All just made up now, so ignore anything that contradicts canon!
For all of the nations bordering Lake Encartha (and Isger), Druma has quite the 'come here and spend money!' resort / hospitality thing going for it. I could see Kerse being the 'Las Vegas' of the setting. Razmir would be doing his best to cut into that business, as 'god of law and luxury,' promoting Thronestep as a decadent (yet safe) alternative to Kerse. The reputation of the country, and the man-god himself, has worked against him, despite his efforts and despite the ruthlessly fair business practices enforced upon local casinos, brothels and ale-houses. And so, Kerse remains the place to go. For all their Kalistocracy nonsense, the people of Druma certainly seem to know how to make money, and to spend money!
Cheliax and Andora might have been tourist hot-spots, for a time, but now, smart money goes to Absalom or Taldor instead. (Avoid Cheliax because it's terribly run down, and filled with devil-worshippers looking for you to break a law so that they can enslave you. Avoid Andoran because their 'social freedoms' thing discourages one of the vital services of the 'hospitality industry,' that being, well, whores. Plus, they've become awfully preachy. Nobody wants to be called 'oppressor' and told to 'break their chains' when they just want to get drunk and relax.)
Absalom is a pilgrimage site for worshippers of Iomedae, Cayden Cailean, Norgorber and Aroden. Most try to go there to see the Cathedral of the Starstone at least once in their lives, although some of Norgorber's faithful consider it a game to go in disguise as a worshipper of one of the others and to never reveal their true devotion. The neighboring city of Diobel has a few 'manors in the hills' which serve as 'away from the bustle of the city' vacation spots for residents of Absalom itself, and a few noble families are taking this one step further, by breaking ground for manors near Ecadar. If either location becomes a 'home away from home' for the vacationing nobility, it will quickly require a seasonal service industry to support their needs. While neither has yet progressed to that stage, a century from now, Ecadar could be the Ibiza of the inner sea region. While the Starstone itself is of little interest to them (so they say, repeatedly), the faithful of Abadar also consider Absalom a pilgrimage site, traveling there to admire the architecture (and usually making only a perfunctory visit to the Cathedral of the Starstone, so that they can return home and say, 'it's not that impressive' to their fellow Abadar-worshippers).
Taldor used to frown on the hospitality industry as 'terribly common,' but took it's money regardless. These days, they not only welcome visitors (and, more importantly, their coin, and any useful information they might have), but have begun a program of 'reconstruction' to beautify and 'restore the grandeur' of Oppara. (In some cases, to states of grandeur far in excess of what they ever were. So much for historical accuracy...) Many Taldans consider themselves above such things, and avoid the areas of town known to cater to foreign coin. Sometimes the entertainments to found in that quarter are so tempting, that a noble will assume a disguise, to sample that forbidden fare. In the last season, this has gotten so blase, that as many as half of the gamblers in a particularly opulent casino wear expensive and delicate masks of porcelain, to conceal their identity, 'lest their reputations suffer for being seen there,' even if they give plenty of unsubtle clues as to their identities, gaining status, instead of losing it, for being 'daring' and bucking tradition. (And some of those masked sophisticates are just commoners, wearing a mask to hobnob high above their station and pretend to a status they'll never see.)
Far to the south, the Impossible Kingdom of Jalmeray, or Quantium, capital of Nex, are popular 'exotic' vacation spots, while Katapesh is also a popular stop for 'mixing business with pleasure.' Sorcerers and Wizards prefer Quantium, while Monks are drawn to Jalmeray (which is not an official 'pilgrimage site' to them, but does have a certain allure, with the greatest populations showing up for the Great Games, a competitition of martial arts, athleticism and fighting styles like no other, often climaxing with spectacular set-piece battles of martial artist against fantastic beast, or 'honor battles' between entire teams of martial artists from 'rival schools' (usually the same school, but wearing different colored tunics for the rubes)).
Most recently, with the opening up of Osirioni ruins for foreign exploration, occasional 'outings' from Taldor and Cheliax have begun to occur with increasing frequency, as entire noble houses uproot for a season and travel to 'go exploring' at some established dig-site, setting themselves up in lavish tents and hiring some local workers to dig around in the dirt and bring up shiny trinkets for their edification. (At least one such family has been scandalized to discover that their 'trinkets' had been buried in just that spot by the workers they'd hired, to be 'discovered' for their entertainment.) This practice has been dampened somewhat in Absalomi and Qadiri circles (not that the Qadiri found themselves all that welcome anyway) by tragic accidents that occured when the workers uncovered dangerous undead or unleashed curses or contagion upon their high-paying clients. (Even those 'in the know' believe that the family from Absalom fell victim to ill chance, as a half-dozen mummies swarmed through their ranks, but most quietly acknowldge that the lost Qadiri expedition was likely no accident.) Not surprisingly, given the jaded nature of the clientele, the news that an entire upper-class family from Absalom was wiped from the earth on such an expedition has only made the concept *more* popular among certain segments of Chelaxian and Taldan high society. Given the amount of time one is removed from the cut and thrust of society, it is paramount that the nobles in question return with sufficienty juicy (and scandalous) tales of their time amongst the naked savages, and have plenty of swag to share with their peers (leading most to purchasing more artifacts and Osirioni-style fabrics and adornments then they actually find, to give as gifts and show off).

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Absalom certainly seems a likely destination, for all the reasons given in the last post plus a few.
It is one of the major ports in the world, and one of the most cross-cultural. Anyone wanting to see silk dancers from Vudra, tea poets from Tian Xia, kite-fighting, spell parades, freak shows with freaks from all the corners of the earth, Chelaxian slave shows, Taldoran opera, museums of Osirion relics, badger wrestling, the Pathfinder Society Grand Lodge, and of course the largest arena known to the Inner Sea, can get it all in Absalom. It's like Golarion's version of Epcot.
And while there certainly is "strife" in the city, much of it is centered around attempting to win a shadow war for control of the city. No enemy force has even penetrated Absaloms mighty walls, and if you hire a local hotspur they can steer you clear of alleys known for escaped basilisks and gang violence.
Plus, the food is amazing even outside the Ivy District.

Jer |

Absalom certainly seems a likely destination, for all the reasons given in the last post plus a few.
Hahaha ... not that you're biased or anything :). One of my PCs just got back from an (abstracted) holiday in Absalom, and had a ton of (abstracted) fun there :).
Here's the writeup I gave my GM:
Over the course of the next several days they do a lot of things.
• In the Ivy district, they visit a show by a collective of myopic artists, and later a concert by a genius (if morose) violinist from Üstalav, rumoured to have gained his talents via spirit possession.
• After running into Montlarion, they follow him to a tour of some Pathfinder trophy galleries and the museum, meeting him again the next day to explore Little Korvosa. Much time is spent browsing in Pseudohoard.
• They take a day-long cruise to a nearby island off Kortos, rumoured to be formed from a random piece of rubble displaced by the impact of the Starstone. They climb down a sheer ridge on the edge of the island to see a large piscine skeleton fossilized in the strata, speculating on rumours that it is, in fact, a hoax.
• As with most visitors to Absalom, they visit the great chasm in the Ascendant court and toss written wishes into its depths. While there they patronize street vendors and merchants, and their respective temples.
I may have to expand that description with some of the ideas above, though :).

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In days of yore, as I understand them, wealthy people maintained estates for the purpose of a change of scenery. Country rich kept town houses and city rich kept country estates. The poor would visit their relatives I suppose if they wanted to get away from their normal routines.
Seeing the world was always frought with the perils of traveling and bandits. Though men might engage in traveling for the purposes of broadening themselves (visiting the seven wonders, speaking with learned scholars, visiting a temple/oracle etc.) it was not done for mere pleasure. There were likely some exceptions where cities tried to make themselves centers of entertainment but I tend to think that these were done mainly for the local region, as, again, travel was not safe or quick.
IMO, PCs who want to 'vacation' should be encouraged to invest their wealth in estates in some desireable location.

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• As with most visitors to Absalom, they visit the great chasm in the Ascendant court and toss written wishes into its depths. While there they patronize street vendors and merchants, and their respective temples.
A 1st level arcane Sorcerer or generalist Wizard, or 2nd level Adept, could make a handy living for himself by getting a Raven or Hawk familiar and hanging around the chasm, distracting note-tossers with begging, the hawking of imaginary wares or services, or doing a brief entertainer's routine (comedy, dance, prestidigitation-enhanced 'magic tricks, extemperaneous verse, mime...), while his familiar snags their note. He could then, using the information in the note, arrange for elaborate cons and stings based on the desires they've expressed, or, sell that information to rivals or merchants who might have use for that information.
Yes, the ultimate sacriledge, stealing people's letters to the gods to use to swindle them!

Jer |

A 1st level arcane Sorcerer or generalist Wizard, or 2nd level Adept, could make a handy living for himself by getting a Raven or Hawk familiar and hanging around the chasm, distracting note-tossers with begging, the hawking of imaginary wares or services, or doing a brief entertainer's routine (comedy, dance, prestidigitation-enhanced 'magic tricks, extemperaneous verse, mime...), while his familiar snags their note. He could then, using the information in the note, arrange for elaborate cons and stings based on the desires they've expressed, or, sell that information to rivals or merchants who might have use for that information.
Yes, the ultimate sacriledge, stealing people's letters to the gods to use to swindle them!
This is too amazing to not happen :). This kind of operation could provide fuel for a whole information network ...

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IMO, PCs who want to 'vacation' should be encouraged to invest their wealth in estates in some desireable location.
Hella would heartedly disagree
being an adventurer and mercenary she has learned that estates can be burn, goods can be stolen andhaving a nice place to visit just mark some of your habits, so sheprefers to own what shehas on her back... and take what she needs from the closest body or contract at hand... ithas worked well for her until now.now she wants vacations with her new pet...
yes Hella is like a female Conan, but prettier and sometimes more savage, she is sure to get in trouble wherever she goes for 'holydays'

Axe A Shoanti |

Upon closing my Entombed with the Pharaohs game, a character mentioned taking vacations then stopped dead wondering... where?
Sure, the middle ages weren't exactly famous for their "tourism industry" but, if suddenly your heroes wanted vacations, where would they go to get the best...
- Sightseeing?
- Beaches and fun in the sun? (without getting eaten by tentacled, gash-mouthed monsters)
- Zoo?
- R&R?
- Place to "get away from it all"?Mind you... where does a forest ranger go to "get away from it all" anyway?
I don't ask about places to get the best of "Arts and Ertentainment" though, as that's an easy one.
So, ideas?
Come to Belkzen - you can get away from it all here... plenty to see [Ogre troubadour's Skull Jig] and do [you can volunteer your skull for the afrementioned jig] - foods good [you bring it we eat you] and the weather while harsh, keeps those pesky Shoanti from spoiling the fun...
So come on down - the water's warm [but we've only just started boiling the cooking pot] ;)

Daniel Moyer |

Did you spend your last vacation wandering about in the desert of the Cinderlands gawking at lifeless, decaying monuments while eating last month's over-salted, rubbery dried rations, hoping your guide actually spoke common and then was only kidding about having to eat the horses to survive? Well try something NEW!!
What you really need is Free-Time in the city!
6 Days and 7 Nights at our lovely, coastal retreat. Home to three major temples, the fantastic wizard's Acadamae, the elite Orsini academy and much more! You may even spot a glimpse of the elegant and flawless jewel of Korvosa herself, Queen Illeosa!
Shop til you drop at over 200 merchants! When you find yourself famished stop by one of our many fine dining establishments for the unique flavor found only in Korvosa!
How will you spend your nights you ask? The night life in the Korovsan streets is like nothing you ever seen! At sunset you can view some of the most magnificent, oceanic scenery for miles. We even have Golarian's most popular sea-side casino, Eel's End, where even your wildest, most erotic dreams can come true!
Riverfest Stroll - Like to drink? Enjoy tasting new foods? Then this is for you! Travel up the Eastern side of Korvosa along its mighty river sampling our distinctive, riverboat and boardwalk cuisine. You'll then head North to the fabulous Merchant District with time for souvenir shopping for all of your friends and family before dinner at an exquisite restaurant of your choice. 300gp
Sable Company Hippogriff Rides - Tour our wonderful city from above while soaring high in the air with your own personal Sable Marine Guide. (Sorry, this package has height restrictions, please speak to your travel agent in advance.) 200gp
Riverfest Stroll & Sable Company Hippogriff Ride Combo: 400gp SAVE 100gp!!!
Hell Night: Korvosa is not all glitz and glam, for you adventurous types looking for some thrills we have over 125+ confirmed haunting. Houses, Graveyards, and even a haunted lighthouse! (Package not available separately, must be purchased with the Riverfest Stroll or the Sable Company Hippogriff Ride. For entertainment purposes only, professional adventurers not required.) 50gp

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Reminds me, in old TSR adventures in the Desert of Desolation series, there were adverts to "Visit Beautiful Barovia".
We should totally do this again ! Except for Ustalav of course.
Visit beautiful Ustalav, you will never see(un)life the same way again !
Visit beautiful Ustalav, and lose extra (blood) weight faster than any diet !
... (lack of inspiration tonight) ...
Say we need a Halloween adventure don't we ? Any suggestions around level 3 for next week end ?

Daniel Moyer |

Say we need a Halloween adventure don't we? Any suggestions around level 3 for next week end?
"Children of the Corn" makes for a good, creepy low-level mystery romp with a relatively small amount of prep. I used kobolds instead of children, though a few of the children are helping them.

Black Dow |

Stereofm wrote:Say we need a Halloween adventure don't we? Any suggestions around level 3 for next week end?"Children of the Corn" makes for a good, creepy low-level mystery romp with a relatively small amount of prep. I used kobolds instead of children, though a few of the children are helping them.
Children of the Xorn...??? :S nothing creepier than having your jewels eaten by little xornlets