Jubbly |

Hi there,
I am currently running the Legacy of Fire campaign - and one of my player's - the rogue - has just had her eye taken out by a very accurate arrow from a gnoll ranger boss that has plagued them with his surprisingly good (lucky ) archery.
I am using the GameMastery Critical Decks - usually only against the enemies, unless the players go up against special bosses and the like ( I apply the more harmless critical fumbles to players at all times however ).
My question relates to the healing of serious injuries. Arms lopped off. Eyes taken out. Serious disfigurement. What kind of healing could restore such an injury - if any. Is it commonplace - such injuries in a magically fuelled healing industry are simple to fix ? Or is it more than likely a life changing injury ? I am looking for opinions, suggestions, guidance.
On the one hand having the player have to employ a false eye or an eye patch adds a certain level of gnarly cool with a tale to tell. On the other hand its a downer that the character now has a permanent penalty. My gut feeling is that perhaps the injury is too severe for mudane magics, but theres a possibility that a really skilled, expensive, rare treatment can restore such injuries.
Or maybe theres even room for having a magically crafted false eye that does something... odd....
I can see that this level of disfigurement may come up again - a fighter that loses an arm. So it would be good to get it fixed in my head how I handle it..
What do you think ?

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Remove blindness/deafness(3rd level cleric) will repair damaged eyes/ears as long as the eye/ear hasn't been removed, which I would go with since the eye itself was not pulled out but pierced and ripped.
Alternately there is the 7th level cleric spell Regenerate that covers any lost stuff including heads of multi-headed people/creatures (it don't work on the dead so a one-headed dude without a head don't qualify).

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If you think this is gonna come up with some frequency then I would come up with a mechanic to allow standard healing to not cure HP damage but be used to re-attach limbs and whatnot at a certain rate (say maybe 25 hp of healing at one time allows an arm that is nearby, recently severed within a few rounds, and in decent shape to be reattached without the recipient gaining any HP healing from the spell/spells). Maybe impose a penalty to the use of that limb for a certain period of time (say a -2 to attacks with the arm, or -1 AC if it's a shield arm, or -5' speed for a leg for a 24 hour period.).

Jubbly |

Remove blindness/deafness(3rd level cleric) will repair damaged eyes/ears as long as the eye/ear hasn't been removed, which I would go with since the eye itself was not pulled out but pierced and ripped.
Alternately there is the 7th level cleric spell Regenerate that covers any lost stuff including heads of multi-headed people/creatures (it don't work on the dead so a one-headed dude without a head don't qualify).
Oh well, thats simple, ha ha, cool thanks ! I think I will go with the regeneration - I reckon an arrow skewering an eye would more destroy it than anything, unless someone is instantly on hand with the right spell... plus it gives the player something extra to quest for.. a new eye !
I don't think the disfigurement should come up too often - I only use the custom criticals against the players for boss type creatures. So its rarely used against them, and when it is, the chance of getting a critical against them is fairly low, and it being disfiguring fairly low again. But, its bound to come up again at some point. Hmmm.

Gamender |
I remember a 3.5e splatbook had a graft flesh feat. Lords of Madness I think. Though at lower levels, you could probably just graft a normal arm or eye back with an npc. For a price, of course. Regenerate is handy if you want normal looking pc's.
Though a magical eye with detect evil or something built into it would be awesome.

Laurefindel |

Hi there,
I am currently running the Legacy of Fire campaign - and one of my player's - the rogue - has just had her eye taken out by a very accurate arrow from a gnoll ranger boss that has plagued them with his surprisingly good (lucky ) archery.
I am using the GameMastery Critical Decks - usually only against the enemies, unless the players go up against special bosses and the like ( I apply the more harmless critical fumbles to players at all times however ).My question relates to the healing of serious injuries. Arms lopped off. Eyes taken out. Serious disfigurement. What kind of healing could restore such an injury - if any. Is it commonplace - such injuries in a magically fuelled healing industry are simple to fix ? Or is it more than likely a life changing injury ? I am looking for opinions, suggestions, guidance.
On the one hand having the player have to employ a false eye or an eye patch adds a certain level of gnarly cool with a tale to tell. On the other hand its a downer that the character now has a permanent penalty. My gut feeling is that perhaps the injury is too severe for mudane magics, but theres a possibility that a really skilled, expensive, rare treatment can restore such injuries.
Or maybe theres even room for having a magically crafted false eye that does something... odd....
I can see that this level of disfigurement may come up again - a fighter that loses an arm. So it would be good to get it fixed in my head how I handle it..
What do you think ?
By RAW, regeneration will heal back missing/damaged limbs. It is also important to note that by RAW, nothing causes disfigurement or loss of limbs. Even death by massive damage stays silent on what actually happens to the body. As far as D&D is concerned (with few exceptions), you are either damaged (have lost HP) or destroyed (there are not 'leftovers' to work with).
Now, the deck of critical hit brings a new reality to the game mechanic: a description that follows damage. Healing spell by RAW are silent on the way they repair damage because D&D had no need for such specification. Ultimately, there are two ways to see it...
1) The Cure Wound series, being conjuration effects, will 'conjure' whatever is needed to cure the target, including internal and external organs.
2) Cure wounds spells only cure 'unspecific damage' and reestablished one's HP toward its maximum. One could be missing an arm and still be allowed full HP. Specific damage can only be mended through spells that specifically states so, like regeneration.

Jubbly |

Personally I don't like the idea of a cure wounds spell having the capability to mend disfiguring special damage. It makes it somewhat mundane to have a limb chopped off - don't worry about that Bob, Father Zebediah will have that regrown in no time ! Plus, none of the pirates of the world would have eye patches, peg legs or hooks for hands - anyone with a cure light wounds would be growing those hands back for you. That can't be right !
I am more comfortable with the regeneration spell - as its fairly serious magic, it follows that commoners, brigands and similar are unlikely to have access to such power - so the norm is to live with a disfigurement. And then to leave the cure wounds series as general level cure alls.
As far as my players are concerned it also means that debilitating wounds are serious - plenty to worry and fret about - but are not irreversible. Usually. Which feels right to me.
As far as max hit points and the like are concerned, I am steered by the crit cards. Generally its a skill point loss, possibly an ability drain/loss and so on as opposed to outright hp loss.
I am currently running the LoF campaign with mostly Pathfinder RPG - its the first point of reference, but within reason anything from 3.5 is also fair game.
The rogue player's reaction so far has been one of utter despair... but I will leave it up to them what path they want to take with her - a fake magical eye, a simple eye patch, or a replacement. Or they may change their mind about it and switch. As they are coming to the end of the first part of LoF, they are due to hit the big town of Katapesh in the next part, where I am sure all manner of services can be found for someone searching hard enough ( assuming they all survive the current large scale skirmish )
* I also love the idea of magical eyes being something to be wary of...

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For our Home Groups we use a these charts. for Crit Hit/Miss - Added penalties to Movement, Chr, Dex, Perception etc, for losing body parts.
Use if you want. Danger Danger - A good roll can do massive damage.