The Legality of Printing PDF Files

Customer Service

Hey, I was just wondering what the legality of printing a PDF file was. I only wonder because I recently downloaded some old Dungeon magazines, and they had the PDF versions of the Grayhawk map in them. Since I don't have a printer that will run 20" x 30" some odd inches, I was considering taking them down to my local Kinkos or something.

I suppose this would apply to any of the Pathfinder PDFs or whatever as well...

Does anyone know what kind of permissions are required to have something like this printed?

Grand Lodge

Most places accept your name watermarked on the PDF as ownership and will allow 1 copy usually

Grand Lodge

I never had any plce limit me on the number of copies made. As long as I can show legal ownership of the PDF

My question, is how do you verify proof of PDF ownership? As apparent, I haven't purchased any yet, but I never thought you got a receipt or anything for them.


Kinkos can be real copyright nazis. I have found that I have better luck getting things printed through them by bypassing their "helpful" desk clerks and submitting the content through their website and then picking it up at the store. I guess doing it over the web absolves them of their copyright enforcement attack dog responsibilities or something.

There's also an online self publishing outfit that will print stuff up for you with a nice four-color cover, have it professionally bound, and ship it out to you within the week. I'll keep their ID to myself though since technically this is against their terms of service, even though I personally know of numerous people who use them in exactly this way. Unfortunately they don't do map-size material.

Darrin Drader wrote:

Kinkos can be real copyright nazis. I have found that I have better luck getting things printed through them by bypassing their "helpful" desk clerks and submitting the content through their website and then picking it up at the store. I guess doing it over the web absolves them of their copyright enforcement attack dog responsibilities or something.

There's also an online self publishing outfit that will print stuff up for you with a nice four-color cover, have it professionally bound, and ship it out to you within the week. I'll keep their ID to myself though since technically this is against their terms of service, even though I personally know of numerous people who use them in exactly this way. Unfortunately they don't do map-size material.

Come on man, any chance you could give us a small clue to use to search for it? I'm willing to put in the work but I need something to work with.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Drawmij's_Heir wrote:

Hey, I was just wondering what the legality of printing a PDF file was. I only wonder because I recently downloaded some old Dungeon magazines, and they had the PDF versions of the Grayhawk map in them. Since I don't have a printer that will run 20" x 30" some odd inches, I was considering taking them down to my local Kinkos or something.

I suppose this would apply to any of the Pathfinder PDFs or whatever as well...

Does anyone know what kind of permissions are required to have something like this printed?

When it comes to material for which Paizo owns the copyrights, we don't mind you printing one copy for personal use.

We can't address this issue with respect to the Dungeon maps, as those copyrights are owned by Wizards of the Coast, and thus they're the only ones who can give you such permission.

Apologies for the mega-necro. So I got a few Pathfinder PDFs from HumbleBundle a bit ago, and was wondering if it's perfectly legal to print off a copy (modifying the fonts/sizing etc to fit my personal preference on physical size of the book and want to bind it myself) solely for personal use. I've been looking around for a bit and this is the only real source of info that I've been able to find in regards to something like this.

So is what I'm wanting to do within the legal bounds of Paizo's ToS/Copyright/etc? Not sure how much has changed within the 8 years of this thread having ended.

Again... sorry about the mega-necro.

Qwerty4132 wrote:

Apologies for the mega-necro. So I got a few Pathfinder PDFs from HumbleBundle a bit ago, and was wondering if it's perfectly legal to print off a copy (modifying the fonts/sizing etc to fit my personal preference on physical size of the book and want to bind it myself) solely for personal use. I've been looking around for a bit and this is the only real source of info that I've been able to find in regards to something like this.

So is what I'm wanting to do within the legal bounds of Paizo's ToS/Copyright/etc? Not sure how much has changed within the 8 years of this thread having ended.

Again... sorry about the mega-necro.

Yes. Provided it’s one copy for personal use only.

Here’s the relevant FAQ.

Thank you for such a quick response. Now I know what I'mma be doing for the next week or so.

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