Recruiting for new PbP "Absalom Awry"

Gamer Connection

I'm interested in starting a PbP game set in Absalom, it is for 3rd level characters who would be Pathfinders. It would deal with some troubling things that have started happening in the city, including missing persons and grizzly murders. Intrigue and snooping around are encouraged. Though while this starts in Absalom, I see this campaign extending far from there, so nothing too niche.

That said, I dont have Guide to Absalom (yet), just the campaign setting, the core rulebook, and my friend has gods and magic so I could probably borrow that. Most of my info comes from the Pathfinder wiki, and I'll be using other mega-cities for some inspiration (ie Sharn, Ptolus)

If I get enough interest I'll post more specifics :D

Sounds fun. I'd be interested in a fighter, maybe with some rogue tossed in for flavoring....

Dark Archive

I'm interested in playing a rogue. Perhaps a tiefling. What about stats? Point-buy or rolling?

I'm interested. I'd probably go for a monk, if possible, or a sorceror if not.

Liberty's Edge

how about a cleric, for me to play. what does it take to play this way?

I'd love to play as well if you still have room. Perhaps a bard or wizard.


jjaamm wrote:
how about a cleric, for me to play. what does it take to play this way?

Can you elaborate?

And glad to hear there is interest!

Liberty's Edge

Were you looking for 5 or 6 players? Depending on what the other players end up sorting out to, I think I'd enjoy playing either a conjuration focused summoner or a ranged fighter focused ranger.

Liberty's Edge

Varthanna wrote:
jjaamm wrote:
how about a cleric, for me to play. what does it take to play this way?

Can you elaborate?

And glad to hear there is interest!

is there any software i would need? some games require things like maptools, ect... I would like to play a cleric if there is room and i dont need anything else except this old computer. i havnt figured out yet how to load and use the software programs like maptools. i have a mac G4.

jjaamm wrote:
Varthanna wrote:
jjaamm wrote:
how about a cleric, for me to play. what does it take to play this way?

Can you elaborate?

And glad to hear there is interest!

is there any software i would need? some games require things like maptools, ect... I would like to play a cleric if there is room and i dont need anything else except this old computer. i havnt figured out yet how to load and use the software programs like maptools. i have a mac G4.

For Play-by-post, you don't need any kind of software. All you really need is patience and imagination.

Since there's plenty of interest I am going to make this a little more official. I am probably going to accept 5-6 characters, but its not first-come first-serve. I want to ensure I have a group that I think will work well for the story. :) So, here's some more details about what I'm after:

Starting Level: 3rd (half way to 4th)
Starting Wealth: 4,000 gp
Ability Score: 17 point buy
Allowed Resources: Core Pathfinder classes only, WotC 3.5 on case-by-case basis (feats, spells, etc)

Applications --
Species(include ethnicity if human):

Be sure to include why you are a Pathfinder field agent, in Absalom, and why you might find yourself milling about in the Grand Lodge. Do you have ulterior motives for being there? Do you have other allegiances beyond yourself and the Pathfinder Society?

Liberty's Edge

Bloody Rugburn wrote:
jjaamm wrote:
Varthanna wrote:
jjaamm wrote:
how about a cleric, for me to play. what does it take to play this way?

Can you elaborate?

And glad to hear there is interest!

is there any software i would need? some games require things like maptools, ect... I would like to play a cleric if there is room and i dont need anything else except this old computer. i havnt figured out yet how to load and use the software programs like maptools. i have a mac G4.
For Play-by-post, you don't need any kind of software. All you really need is patience and imagination.


Liberty's Edge

A lot of us put in an either/or of character's that we would be rather interested to play so that we could make use of either depending on party balance. Would you be wanting to see applications for both possible characters? Or, probably more likely, would you rather choose based on just a single background from us?

I figure the second is more likely because it is a bit more fair since not everyone has two character ideas they are working with and since if party balance is needed you can always choose the background you really like and then see if they are willing to adjust their character.

I just ask because I'd hate for the background I turn in to be less fitting for the story while the one I kept in the hold could have been perfect. Either way, I'll get started on the application for one of the characters right now.

Liberty's Edge

Name: Marco Falcone
Species: Human(Chelish)
Class: Wizard(Conjuration) 3


Marco takes an ironic pleasure in dressing much as you would picture a classic fiend-binder to. He wears black robes lined with silver threads and red patterns of flames in places. His black hair is long and pulled back in a ponytail, and his chelish features show through in his sharp bone structure. He is tall but rail thin, his attentions having been focused on his study rather then exercise, though the last couple years of travel with the pathfinders have helped him build up a bit of musculature.


Born to a reasonably high ranking and well respected noble family in Korvosa, Marco was expected to have a life of priviledge and comfort. However, when early in life he proved to have both the intelligence and an aptitude for the magical arts, his family saw a chance for him to improve the families standing in the city. He was taken from his life of comfort and sent to the famed Acadamae of Korvosa, specifically to focus on the arts of conjuration and in a city that so attempts to emulate Cheliax this meant the summoning of fiends with the most advanced students moving on to learn methods of devil binding.

He went into the school as just a spoiled rich kid with little concern one way or the other for those outside of his family, but some of the things that he saw there began to change him. The work was arduous indeed, something that made many of the other students feel little sympathy for the servants who worked in the Acadamae, but he felt a true sympathy for them seeing that in many cases they were more abused then even the summoned creatures so common about the school.

Still, these were just bits of discomfort, even if they were new to him. It wasn't until he had advanced beyond his basic classes that his world truly changed. His professors called forth devils and he saw their rituals, heard their pacts and their rites. He saw them for what they were, truly evil beings that cared not for the humans they served anymore then they cared for the humans they targeted or abused. The fiends were sources of great power certainly and that seemed to be all that those who focused in his craft in this school cared about, but that power was a dark one. Seductive in its gifts it led men to act as the fiends themselves did.

Marco did learn much in his time in the Acadamae, but they were not the lessons intended. Rather then becoming aloof and callous towards the common man, something desirable as it was rare that the calling of devils would turn a benefit to the peasants around them his kinship with them grew at the same time that his disdain for the fiends did. Not all of their behavior was scorned however, for they did have power. Their skill at tricking enemies to fight amongst themselves was a truly valuable one, whether through bargains, coercion, or magical means.

Leaving the Acadamae when he felt he was ready and began to fear his lack of true dedication would be discovered, Marco was shunned by his family for his 'failure', though truthfully he had little desire left to return to the life before. It was among his first nights on the streets that Marco learned a final truth. There are many more evils in this world beyond those of the fiends. Man is very capable of perpetrating them in their own right, just as were all the races.

Since that day he has spent the last few years doing his best to learn of these evils and how best to confront them. He found the Pathfinders, and though they are not always as altruistic as he is their search of knowledge and lost lore sits very well with him. He has traveled as they needed him to in order to aid in their ventures and brings to the cause his style of using fiends to battle evil.


Marco has a genuine want to serve the greater good. He has seen what true evils will do when allowed freedoms and he is determined to stop such. However, he is not a true hero in the normal sense of the word. Instead, much more like a vigilante when he sees some evil being perpetrated he is willing to use their own tactics and styles against them. While he would give his all to save a innocent person, he is not above true cruelty to those who have been harming others to gain information that he needs or to killing those who show little interest in redemption. He has learned from devils that true evil often only respects those it fears, and he will earn enough of that respect to stop whatever foul deeds he can.

Liberty's Edge

I did want to add that this is something of an abridged background. If you have any questions or want me to flesh out anything in more detail for you, just let me know.

Tarlane wrote:
I did want to add that this is something of an abridged background. If you have any questions or want me to flesh out anything in more detail for you, just let me know.

That is plenty for now. :) And if you want to make a second concept you're more than willing. I find it perfectly fair that people devote however much (or little) time to it as they see fit.

Liberty's Edge

Are you waiting for more people to jump in on this or has life just gotten busy? I just wanted to give the thread a bump so it didn't get lost.

If there is still room, i would be interested in joining.
I can have a rough concept up later tonight.

Name: Ba'andu Tunada
Species: Human mwangi
Class: Druid

Ba'andu is a muscular built man with short curly hair. His body is covered with white paintings of runes and animal. He is wearing primitive clothing, and a sack around his shoulder with only the most necessary items.

Ba'andu was part of a Zenj tribe, located in Bandu hills in the Mwangi Expanse.
His father was a highly regarded hunter of his tribe, and he often took Ba'andu with him on hunts teaching him to respect life and never kill an animal for fun and sport.
On one such hunt he one day found a wounded monkey, with a sharp stick impaled through its foot. Ba'andu took it with him back to his village, and cared for it untill it was able to walk again, after wich he would set it free. But one he tried to set it free, it kept coming back to him. After several unsuccesfull attempts, he accepted the monkey as a companion and named it Kiaha.

Several years later he was running through the jungle, hunting a deer, when Kiaha tripped into a river and disappeared below the surface. Ba'andu jumped into the river to save her, but as soon as he hit the water he felt a force pulling him under. Struggling to resurface, he quickly used up his breath and soon all went black.

Feeling a tapping on his head he woke up on a rivershore, discovering the tapping to be Kiaha trying to wake him. Beside Kiaha was an old human man crouching and and mumbling in some unknown language. He could feel warm energy stream through his body the places the old man touched him, and soon he was able to stand and breath normally.
The old man, Ameko, introduced himself as a shaman and said he lived in a small hut only a few hundreds feet away.
After talking to the shaman Ba'andu discovered that he was no longer near the Bandu hills, he was not even in the Mwangi Expanse anymore. Somehow he had ended up in Absalom.

Having no where else to go Ba'andu started to help Ameko with his daily work. As thank Ameko taught Ba'andu to tame and manipulate the powers of nature.
One day Ameko told Ba'andu that he had something to show him. He took him into a small tent a where a small fire was burning and threw some leafs on the fire. A sweet smelling smoke started to fill the tent, and suddenly the world was spinning, and Ba'andu felt as if his soul was exiting his body and hovering over him. He started to float away, outside the hut and into the jungle untill he came to a small pond where a white alligator was resting. As he neared it the alligator started to speak to him. It told him of a huge village called Absalom and of a tribe called the Pathfinders who would be able to help him return to his tribe.
Suddenly the image blurred and soon he found himself laying on his back inside Amekos tent again. Opposite him Ameko looked at him and nodded. ”Your path is clear for you now, Ba'andu of the Bandu hills. You must heed the call of nature.”

A few days later he found himself travelling north, towards Absalom. If he had thought these Pathfinders would know how he could get back to the Mwangi Expanse, he was in for a big disappointment. They had no idea how they could ever track down where Ba'andus tribe where, since he had never seen a map of the Expanse, and therefore couldn't know where it would be.
But his vision with the alligator had made such in impression on him, that he was sure he would find a way home if he stayed close to the pathfinders, and decided to join their society waiting for a sign to point him in a new direction.

Since his vision with the alligator, Ba'andu has followed its words and has dedicated his life to find his tribe and home again. He has no higher wish than to feel the underbrush of the jungle and hear the sound of the jungle parrots again.

Liberty's Edge

If this is still alive, and there's still room then i'm interested.

I'll have a concept up soon

I would like join or be a backup if this is still going. I will play whatever fits the group since it looks pretty full.

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