Golarion by location?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I recently read the Pathfinder Gazetteer, or about 95% of it, anyway. Very interesting. It makes me wonder if there's some kind of list somewhere of modules, AP chapters, PF Society Scenarios, etc. by location?

I'm not talking about the obvious "hot spots," like Varisia, Andoran, Kortos, etc. Those lists would be huge, I'm sure.

But if no such list exists, I wonder if someone could tell me of adventures set in - or Pathfinder Chronicles / Companion books (besides the Campaign Setting book, of course) that elaborate on - some of the more distant, but interesting locales? Such as...




Druma (which is technically not remote, but still interesting)?

Thank you in advance for whatever help you can give me.

Dark Archive

Aaron Bitman wrote:

I recently read the Pathfinder Gazetteer, or about 95% of it, anyway. Very interesting. It makes me wonder if there's some kind of list somewhere of modules, AP chapters, PF Society Scenarios, etc. by location?

Not sure about the rest of what you asked, but there is a list of where everything that was published up to that time takes place in the back of the Campaign Setting book. However, judging by some of what else you said that you are not interested in that book.

Aaron Bitman wrote:

But if no such list exists, I wonder if someone could tell me of adventures set in - or Pathfinder Chronicles / Companion books (besides the Campaign Setting book, of course) that elaborate on - some of the more distant, but interesting locales? Such as...




Druma (which is technically not remote, but still interesting)?

Thank you in advance for whatever help you can give me.

For adventures the wiki can help you Adventures by location... For none-adventure references, you can also search the Wiki for a location and look at the references, not all of the articles are finished, (of the ones you list, Druma is the most complete, adding the guide to darkmoon vale to your list of sources) When I get home tonight (which won't be until about 11pm EST) I'll run the others through a PDF search and see which other PDFs they are mentioned in. Most of the location you list havn't really had any adventures or chronicles books set in them yet, so all of the printed information might be in the Campaign Setting and Gazeteer.

Thank you! This is quite helpful!

No, I did not mean to imply that I'm not interested in the Campaign Setting book. I just meant that of COURSE the CS book would deal with each land in more detail than the Gazetteer... or at least, I assume so. Since it goes without saying, you don't have to bother mentioning it.

But if I decide, sometime down the road, that I want to know more about, for example, Druma, and that the Guide to Darkmoon Vale might tell me more about it than the CS book, I might choose to get the Guide to Darkmoon Vale first.

But what I'm really hoping for is adventures. If some module set in Andoran has the PCs take a brief trip to Druma, or if some Varisian AP chapter has the PCs take a detour to Irresen, or some Pathfinder Society scenario purportedly in the Mwangi Expanse surprises the players by sending them to Geb, I'd like to know. A well-written adventure, or fiction, can sometimes bring a place to life in a way a campaign setting book alone can't.

And if it turns out that there are no such adventures, well, I'd like to know that as well. It means that I could, say, write an adventure set in Galt with less fear of offending canon lawyers. That IS part of the appeal of a NEW setting, after all.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Aaron Bitman wrote:

Frozen Fingers of Midnight is the only adventure so far to have any element of it occur in Irrisen, but it will disappoint you, as it is all in the "cinematic" that plays after the adventure ends.

Aaron Bitman wrote:

Check out Flight of the Red Raven and To Scale the Dragon.

Aaron Bitman wrote:

Lost at Bitter End

Aaron Bitman wrote:

Nothing set there yet.

Thanks, yoda8myhead. I just pasted your post to a text file for future reference. My wish list just grew a bit longer.

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