The Strange: Realms Beyond Reality (Inactive)

Game Master Darkfire142

Beneath the orbits and atoms of our natural universe lies a network of dark energy. Those who have learned to access and navigate this chaotic sea have discovered an almost endless set of “recursions” in the shoals of our Earth: Worlds with their own laws of reality, reflected from human experience or imagination, given form in the swirling Chaosphere of the Strange. Worlds teeming with life, with discovery, with incredible treasures, and with sudden death.

And slowly but inexorably, it draws the attention of beings from beyond Earth’s shoals—beings of unfathomable power and evil from the unknown reaches of the STRANGE.

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Dark Archive

Armand bites deeper into the leg of the bird-creature cutting deeper into its veins and causing blood to flow once again. The bird-creature still is active however.

The Bird-Creature takes 7 points of damage after armor.

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

With the statue-man weighing the creature down, Cassie once again charges

Attack roll with 1 level of effort: 1d20 ⇒ 16


Marcus looks for trees or something similar that everyone can stand near to prevent the bird from flying over them.

Does Cassie have the Fleet of Foot ability? If not she cannot attack the bird-creature as she has to move a short distance which takes an entire round of movement.

Marcus does not see any trees around. He could get on some rocks if he wants a bit of elevation though.

Siobhan runs after the the creature, she's not sure if it's capable of eating Armand, but better not let it carry him off to find out.

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

Sorry, I have endurance. Guess I just move up on it this round.

Dark Archive

The Bird Creature heals 2 damage and then tries again to shake the stone person grabbing its leg. Might check TN 12 to keep ahold or Armand will be kicked off.

1d20 ⇒ 20
Marcus finally figures out how to fire his bow correctly.

Dark Archive

Marcus shoots a masterful shot from the bow striking the giant bird straight through the torso. (assuming you're taking the +4 damage instead of the major effect). The arrow strikes deep and the creature squaks in horrible pain and drops to the ground like a stone sending the Golem on his leg crashing to the ground also. Thankfully for his stone construction he is unharmed by the short fall. The bird creature is barely alive thanks to some regeneration but still is an easy target now to slay.

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

As the creature falls at her feet, Cassie wryly remarks "Maybe next time, you could giftwrap it for it? Presentation is important in these things." Then she brings her blade down on the winged creature's neck.

Attack Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Dark Archive

With a mighty back-blow with the massive sword Cassie cuts clean through the throat of the creature and the last of its life gurgles out leaving this large bird-creature dead on the ground and non-regenerating.

Armand make me a Strange Knowledge roll please as you get a sense of something when this creature is killed.

1d20 ⇒ 4
Armand picks himself up and watches as the bird is finally slain. Wondering about its strangeness and regeneration, he takes a closer look as a scientist.

trained in lore and medicine, its fast regenerative ability and general physiology of interest

What a fascinating specimen he says as he begins inspecting it, I bet it tastes like Alligator he says to himself laughing, recalling the expression used in the bayou that Alligator tastes like Chicken.

Dark Archive

Armand suddenly has some insight when examining the remains of the bird. Looking into the dead eyes of the creatures he feels the same weird vibe that the gemstone and the cypher devices had during the presentation.

Touching the eyes he gets the sense that by eating the eyes he will gain temporary the eyesight of the creature.

If you harvest the eyes, you can get 2 Eagleye cyphers. This grants you ability to see 10 times as far as normal for one hour.

Other than that examining the flesh of this creature there seems to be a lingering static charge of some kind. This creature probably stored a good deal of electricity if it was able to channel a shock to Armand. Still the size and shape of this creature seem to be an impossibility. No such creature would function under normal physics, but then again Armand is a walking statue.

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

Cassie will breath a sigh of relief and then mechanically wipe down her blade and resheathe it.

Armand feels something special about the eyes and somehow understands what they might do, a similar feeling to the cypher from the skeleton. He harvests the eyes carefully and shares his knowledge with the group.

Somethin similar to the stone from the skeletons in dis here birds eyes. I think if you eat one you'd have its sight for some time...Anyone want one? he ask offering them to anyone who is interested after carefully removing them.

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

Looking at the giant beast, Cassie shudders and says "No thank you."

I was raised hunting in the south, taught that you shouldn't waste any animal you kill, surely the meat and feathers could be of use... I don't know what is of value in this strange place, but I'm hesitant to waste what the land provides. Perhaps the inhabitants of this place might value this creatures parts. Maybe we've commited some grave offense by killing it, but we didn't have much of a choice.

Then he continues to salvage some feathers for arrows and the claws for something else that he's unsure of, just could prove useful or valuable.

So shall we continue on he says after sometime if no one shows interest. I'm a bit spent from the fight, but this doesn't seem like a great place to rest, how about you all?

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

"We should keep walking along the wagon trail. Wagons mean civilization, and civilization means food, water, and shelter."

"Aye, let's see if we can find someone to explain what's going on."

Dark Archive

So leaving what is left of the giant bird-beast behind you continue to follow the wagon trail. You weave your way through the mountains on the wagon trail and then eventually come to nightfall. Off in the distance you see some very distance lights on a mountain, hinting perhaps a settlement of some kind. You could try and push through the night or you can make camp as its definitely going to be another day of travel to reach that location.

Looking up at the sky is a strange sight. You see strange fractal patterns dancing in the night sky along with unfamiliar stars and multiple moons in the sky that seem to orbit the planet at the same angle. You definitely are not on earth anymore.

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

"We should probably keep moving. I don't think I have equipment for sleeping outdoors, but let me check to be sure..."

Cassie pulls off her pack and begins riffling through it, taking stock of the contents: torches, warm clothing and a spare pair of boots, rations, rope, a hammer, and climbing spikes.

"So it appears that I have some equipment, but no water, tent, or sleeping bag. I vote that we push on to the town."

"On the other hand, I'm not sure I want to walk into a town with exhaustion slowing us down. It doesn't seem particularly cold and most of us seem to have spare clothing to wrap up in..."

How tired do we all feel, not sure how long we've been walking, any shelter nearby?

Good point he says in reply to Quinn. We do not know what awaits us there and who. Friendly or hostile. I do not wish to risk that without proper rest. If we do decide to make camp near here, then we need to take turns keeping watch. I would like to rest first, as this form is peculiarly tiresome and a short break simply won't do for me to recover my strength.

I don't have the first rest period for recovery rolls as everyone else does, so I'd need a little more rest than others to make a recovery roll, just a heads up.

"I'm just not sure I want to walk into a town that I don't understand. But I suppose we need to, if we want to find out what's going on."

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

"Well, if nothing else, we can get close to town, take a look at it, and then assess our options from there." Cassie pauses, and then adds "If you guys want to rest, that's fine, but I'm still of the mindset that we should keep moving."

Dark Archive

Well you have been walking all day. Everyone except Armand probably feels like they have exerted themselves. You could push on through the night if you wish but if you do you'll need to make me a level 3 Might check or take 1d6 might damage from fatigue. Its up to you what you want to do.

"Ugh, how can you still be walking, Armand? I'm exhausted. Apparently whatever I am doesn't even sweat, but boy do I feel it."

I never mentioned my real name, introduced myself as Dr. Bayou, no worries. I've yet to mention anyone by name because I wasn't around in the beginning and we haven't really introduced ourselves yet, something I plan to do at our first camp.

Armand looks to Marcus, While I feel I can continue, I cannot imagine how you are fairing, though I am curious...from a Doctor's perspective. taking a moment to consider Marcus' lack of sweating, he replies, Only mammals have sweat glands, do not be alarmed, though I imagine you might require warmth to be comfortable, though I have no idea of your current physiology, its rather... Strange.

Turning to others, I imagine we all have peculiarities that may prove useful on our journey. Speaking of which, say we do meet some locals, how do we plan to communicate? Do we just say we came here from another world and expect them to remain calm? Would we as humans? he asks the group, hoping to develop some story we all may follow in order to avoid rousing suspicion.

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

"I was actually banking on the fact that most pre-industrial civilizations had high rates of illiteracy, so there should be signs with visible clues as to what businesses do. I found a pouch with what appear to be gold coins in it amongst my posessions. A hefty one at that, so I would have to assume that it is the local currency."

"What would you introduce us as? We have no goods to be merchants, I say we simply call ourselves travelers and let them assume as they will. If people start getting suspicious we'll have to see if demonstrating a willingness to spend this coin eases their minds." An oddly mischievous look crosses Siobhan's face, "assuming we're not heading straight into a den of thieves and murderers of course"

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

"Honestly, I think I'd prefer such a place. At least then I'd know where I stand."

That is true, I also have some of the currency and we seem to have other equipment suitable for this reality. It would stand to reason we as well would fit in and have little cause for alarm...However, without more information, our ignorance could jeopardize us before we know it. I say we play it safe, maybe split up to be safe when we enter the village...Whatcha say?

"We could split into pairs? that way if one of us runs into trouble, the other can get help?"

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

"I think we stand a better chance of surviving if we stick together for the most part. Assuming that it is a dangerous city (or even that the part of the city we find ourselves in is dangerous) we would be doing people's work for them if we split up, as a lot of times gangs will like to peel one or two people off and isolate them in places like alleys. Also, since we don't have any cell phones, it would make it hard to get the others should one of us come under attack."

Marcus nods his agreement. "And if anyone gets into a bad situation, having the others nearby to talk out of it could help."

Dark Archive

So what are your plans? Push on or rest for the night?

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

I will accede to the group's wish to rest, as long as we move some before doing so, in case the creature had a mate or children.

Let's get off the main road and try to make it to the edge of a forest, somewhere more concealing. Then we can rest and enter the town after we've had a chance to recover.

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

"I agree. This creature may not have been alone."

Dark Archive

You travel further and find that there is no forests in this area it appears. This is an arid, mountainous region, much like what you'ed see in the middle east. Other than the occasional shrub, the only concealing areas is nooks and crannys in the rock faces. Seems despite the oddness of this world the region is consistent with its appearance.

I don't think we'll find much shelter here from the looks of it. I think we should just push on towards the city if you all feel you can go on.

Dark Archive

Force marching through the night you arrive at the city at the coming dawn. Those of you who are not a golem feel somewhat tired but your new bodies are indeed better built for athletics and travel it seems.

And indeed, this place is much larger than a mere settlement. The city appears to be built into a mountain cropping with mountains on 3 sides and the side facing you is a large stone wall with a sizeable gate built to easily handle a large amount of traffic but with solid stone doors and porcellus to stand up to a possible siege. On the top of the walls you see some men, human men dressed in scale armor coats armed with bows and swords and give a look down at you as you approach the city.

As for the city itself the structures appear to be of more middle-eastern in style and construction with a mix of square buildings, arches and domes. However it also appears that the mountains also have a series of walkways and tunnels built into the mountain probably hinting that there is a vast cave system in this city that is also likely populated. On top of the north mountain you see what looks like a tower of some kind, also of a middle-eastern architecture.

At the front gate is a group of four foot soldiers in similar armor except armed with spears and shields. However one of them is clearly a Qephilm, and muscular looking individual, clearly male, dressed in impressive looking bronze plate armor and wearing a bronze helmet that is specially shaped for his head. Across his back is a large talwar.

As the group approaches he gives your group a look over. He then addresses the party.

"Greetings travellers. It is rather a dangerous journey to travel the night in Ardeyn. Many monsters roam the wilderness. The Homunculi especially make their moves during the hours of night. Still by your armaments I can tell you are not the sorts that will shy away from battle."

He then turns a glance to Siobhan and gives a respectful bow and then speaks in a language only she understands, "Welcome Qephilm of Lore. One of the Keepers is always a welcome sight in these lands. The loss of the Incarnation of Lore was a cruel blow to the preservation of knowledge in Ardeyn. It is my hope you can help continue the legacy of your predecessors."

He looks back to the party and speaks again in the common tongue. "What business do you have in the Mountain city of Lornvale? Are you collegues to the Qephilm of Lore that travels with you?"

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

"We are. We were hoping to secure lodgings and supplies in the city. Where would you recommend?"

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The Qephilm warrior says, "Yes, there is a number of good lodgings here in Lornvale. Personally I would recommend the Ox Mountain Inn and Tavern, it has some good strong ales, good meals and rooms to sleep in. Its also run by a fellow Kusarikku named Rhektesh so he might give you a good deal. If you want more upscale the Golden Steed has the best rooms but they charge much for them in crowns."

Ales!!! I hope this form allows me to relax? Armand wonders silently, the smallest frown comes across his stony face as he realizes further what hes given up in exchange for certain strengths.

Looking to the warrior, Armand replies: Thank you for the suggestion, I'm sure it will be our first stop. Are there any particular laws or customs we should be aware of while in Lornvale?

Dark Archive

The Qephilm looks to the Golem Armand and says, "Ah, a Golem I see and a communicative one by the looks of it, a rarity to be seen. Well as you should know Lornvale follows the seven rules of Ardeyn and thus sinning against these precepts risk breaking the laws of the land. The usual laws against theft, murder, vandalism, treason and harmful deceit are enforced here. As you travel with one of the Keepers, I would hope you have a clear understanding of the laws our people live under."

"Thank you for your help, we'll probably go to the Ox Mountain Tavern then."

"Many thanks for your assistance, the restoration of our knowledge is never ending, but perhaps the journey is more important"
Siobhan is just attempting to sound vaguely mystical and wise in this weird fantasy-land.
"Our journey has been long, and... unexpected, we will be on our way."
Siobhan heads in the indicated direcion of the Ox Mountain Inn and Tavern.

Dark Archive

The Qephilim warrior gives a bow and says in Qephilm to Quinn, "Most wise of you keeper. May you continue to walk the path of the Maker."

He then says to the others, "You may proceed into the city travelers. Enjoy your stay in Lornvale."

He gives a signal to the other guards and they make way as you enter the city through the front gate.

Entering the city the streets are are starting to pick up with people as various shopkeepers and merchants start to leave their homes and go off to their place of business. A majority of the people you see look human although with a more middle-eastern skin tone and ethnicity. Their clothing and gear probably some passing resemblance to those of the middle east but more of a classical style of the BC era. As for other races you see an occasional Bull-person, Lizard-Person, Lion-Person and probably one or two people that look like Scorpion men. Qephelim are not overly common but you see the occasional one moving through the streets wearing a variety of different marking showing their link to their respective incarnation. The ones you see are mainly of the Commerce, Desire or Law aspects, well so far as Siobhan can identify.

Passing one wagon stall you see what looks like a pair of Crow-People, humanoid crows with winged arms, beaked faces, talons on hands and feet and dressed in outfits that seem a bit out of place for the theme, more Victorian rather than Middle-Eastern. They speak to one another in some squaking tongue and setting up things in their wagon-stall, probably preparing for today's sales.

Eventually following directions you find yourself to the Ox Mountain Inn and Tavern. A solid sandstone structure not too far from the gates of the city with a symbol of an Ox-Head with a back-lay of a mountain on the outside as well as a hanging sign depicting a leg of meat and a tankard. What do you do?

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1

Speaking quietly, Cassie says "See? illiteracy in action."

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