Tome of Secrets: Drawbacks; Short

Product Discussion



You are unusually small for your race.
Detriment: Humans, elves, and half-elves are
treated as Halflings for purposes of tactical
speed and reach. Short half-orcs are treated as
dwarves. Short dwarves have a tactical speed
of 15 ft. and a natural reach of 0. Short gnomes
and halflings have a tactical speed of 15 ft. (or 10
ft. when wearing medium or heavy armor) and a
natural reach of 0.

Is a halfling with short considered a tiny creature? If a halfling is under 2' and has a reach of 0, wouldn't it be a tiny creature? What about a human, elf, half elf? Are they considered a small creatures if short?

Or does this only affect speed and reach #'s?


As written, this says nothing about changing the size. So I'd stick with effects on tactical movement and reach and not go reading into it.

Liberty's Edge

Being Tiny comes with several bonuses as well as additional penalties, all of which are outside the scope of the drawback as written. I would be extremely careful about bringing them in, lest you turn something that is intended as a penalty into an advantage instead.

It wasn't my intent to change size, otherwise that discription would have been a lot simpler. "Short: You are one size category smaller than a typical member of your race."

Also, as has been said, going that route would have provided beneficial trade-offs, making this not much of a drawback at all.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Lathiira wrote:
As written, this says nothing about changing the size. So I'd stick with effects on tactical movement and reach and not go reading into it.


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