Alkir's Crypt of the Everflame - Pathfinder RPG Play-By-Post


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Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

long weekend, been out of town and quite busy, just returned. Carrion will be in action soon

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Following the too quick crossbow shot, Carrion collects himself while releasing one hand from the crossbow (free action), and breaths deeply.

Carrion intones "Domnivat Octi Trelum" while using his right free hand to make gestures consisting of: his hand straight forward in a half-diamond, moving to the right 90 degrees, then inverting the half-diamond symbol.

In draconic, "I will strike true," aiming for what appears to be the leader, but he will take the opportunity on the most dangerous target

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Thovin watches the javelin soar above his head. "Ha!"

He quickly lines up another arrow as his attention turns to the orc yelling at Carrion.

In reply he yells, "Ack, what kind of orc are you, sputtering such a whelp tongue?" After this, he looses the arrow at the cursing orc, hoping to strike true between his eyes:

Attack roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 (+1 for Point Blank Shot = 20)
Damage roll: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

"Aye, somethin' ain't right here! These orcs are either ghosts or some sort of illusion! Look, they're see-through!" Thorvin yells as he reaches for another arrow in his quiver, keeping an eye on the odd sight before him.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Obviously, Carrion loads another bolt (move action). He must wait until next round to use the magics to attack. Also, +1 saves until end of next round (bloodline, personal range spell cast).
Will have +22 to hit, so long as there are enemies remaining.
He cast True Strike, if it was unclear, at all

Lianth, with shield raised, rushes towards her faithful wolf and it's opponent. Reaching her target, she casts a menacing glare. Meanwhile, Rourke again lunches at the humanoid, but again is deftly dodged by his opponent.

"Asa Que? Vel Thramu Vesti Ei,"it chuckles as it draws it's massive greataxe. Spinning wildly as it does it chops horizontally at Rourke.


"Good doggie, now stand still."

Greataxe vs. Rourke1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20Damage:1d12 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Will Save1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

The wolf yelps in pain as the attackers greataxe slices across it's flank. With lupine skill Rourke nearly dodged the blow entirely. From the amount of blood escaping the newly rent gash, it was an act that saved the creatures life.

Arrow still protruding from it's gut, the second humanoid draws his greataxe menacingly from it's baldric and shuffles around Lianth placing himself in a flanking position with his comrade, all the while smiling wickedly at the druid through cracked lips and rotten pointed teeth. Rourke bites at the creature's hamstring as he pushes by but in it's newly weakened state, it fails to grab hold. With unexpected speed the creature whips it's axe high above it's head and chops down upon Lianth who holds her shield aloft to try to deflect the blow.

Rourke AOO vs. humanoid flanker1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Greataxe vs. Lianth1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 Damage:1d12 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Will Save1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

The axe glances off the top of Lianth's shield and lands squarely, high on her forehead. Blood immediately begins pouring forth. The creature savagely pulls his weapon from his target, causing even more bleeding, and howls with delight. Lianth stumbles back two steps as if drunk, blood quickly making it's way into her eyes. No Blindness, but you are staggered.

The final creature jumps from the boulder as it draws it's axe. Acrobatics Check: 1d20 ⇒ 15It lands dexterously on it's feat and charges directly at Thorvin roaring a throaty, gutteral challenge. As it reaches the dwarf, it brings it's massive axe low for a brutal rising strike.

Greataxe vs. Thorvin 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 Damage: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

The creature's axe rips into Thorvin's gut rending a vicious wound. The dwarf, just stands there stone cold, not even a grimace.

Carrion, performing a complex series of arcane gestures with his left hand, gains a look of supreme confidence after the completion of his ritual yet looks on in horror at the near slaughter of his companions.

"Aye, somethin' ain't right here! These orcs are either ghosts or some sort of illusion! Look, they're see-through!" shouts Thorvin as he backs away five feet from his attacker while knocking an arrow. Upon completing his move, the dwarf looses the arrow, stiking the creature squarely in the knee with a sickening thud, it howls ins rage and hefts it's axe menacingly.

Lianth Will Save 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 Carrion Will Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Virgil Will Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Lianth and Virgil:

After hearing Thorvin's insistence that the creatures are some type of magical trickery and are not real, the suddenly appear semi-transparent and move about in a chunky, awkward fashion, like a movie reel missing every third frame. The pain in Lianth's head immediately ceases and she is no longer staggered.

With quick work of his blade, Virgil dispatches the injured creature threatening both himself and Thorvin. It drops it's axe and falls to the ground, hands clutching at it's massive wound with it's dirty hands while doing so.


Round 3
Initiative Order:

  • Lianth
  • Ambush Party
  • Carrion
  • Thorvin
  • Vigil

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

Virgil grunts in grim pleasure, marking his first kill with the sword. Mild surprise shows on his face. He had always been warned by the Captain that taking life may shake a man, cause him to doubt his purpose and test his resolve. Virgil felt nothing like that. The only feeling he had was a sharp, distinct mix of the fire of strength and exhilaration and the cold, metallic tang of morbid satisfaction in dispatching his enemy.

Virgil rushed to the second bandit, now in rhythm with the meter of the battle. "The River Undercuts the Bank." Using his forward momentum, he executes a broad, horizontal cut meant to disembowel.

Attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Damage 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 3) + 3 = 9

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

"I'm not piercing the illusion, if it's there. I will attempt to discern their nature momentarily."

Not wishing to waste the magic he intoned, Carrion lets loose a crossbow bolt at the orc raising his axe menacingly
1d20 + 22 ⇒ (8) + 22 = 30
1d8 ⇒ 1

Carrion then moves up another 30 feet, now within 30 feet of the supposed assailants.

"I will attempt to discover their magical nature, if it exists."

Would you allow a knowledge arcana check to discern if they are illusions or do I need to use Detect Magic, Knowledge history to gain information on these orcs?

Carrion Hawthorne wrote:
Would you allow a knowledge arcana check to discern if they are illusions or do I need to use Detect Magic, Knowledge history to gain information on these orcs?

Truth is, what you need to do is interact with them (attacking or being attacked) and make your will save. I have even been including your bonus to save vs illusions.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

If I don't make the will save (not recognizing the illusion), then I will go with Detect Magic; that'll ID the illusion (illusion school), caster level, and aura power (if I concentrate for 3 rounds anyway).
Would identifying the illusion absolve me of injuries incurred, even after I know the truth? I've DM'd it as: if you know it's an illusion, it's a 50/50 chance OR they must physically interact in some capacity (being attacked or melee).

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4


I didn't notice the spoiler box for Lianth and Virgil.

Seeing something strange about the bandits, Virgil will examine the body of the enemy he just slew.

Carrion Hawthorne wrote:

"I'm not piercing the illusion, if it's there. I will attempt to discern their nature momentarily."

Not wishing to waste the magic he intoned, Carrion lets loose a crossbow bolt at the orc raising his axe menacingly

Carrion then moves up another 30 feet, now within 30 feet of the supposed assailants.

With the help of his magically assisted aim, Carrion sinks a bolt grazes the gut of the orc threatening them. It winces and howls as it begins to bleed slightly.

Will Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

"I will attempt to discover their magical nature, if it exists.

Due to the recent assault and the insistence of his companions, Carrion pierces the veil of the illusion. The fearsome humanoids are now reduced to semi-transparent, exaggerated caricature's of their former selves. They do not appear to be genuinely dangerous in any way.

Carrion Hawthorne wrote:

If I don't make the will save (not recognizing the illusion), then I will go with Detect Magic; that'll ID the illusion (illusion school), caster level, and aura power (if I concentrate for 3 rounds anyway).

Would identifying the illusion absolve me of injuries incurred, even after I know the truth? I've DM'd it as: if you know it's an illusion, it's a 50/50 chance OR they must physically interact in some capacity (being attacked or melee).

Damage generated by illusions is completely harmless (I count it as subdual until the illusion is disbelieved. Then all damage completely goes away. Illusion spells with the shadow descriptor, such as shadow evocation or shadow conjuration, have half of their damage component which is real and causes actual damage with the other half is subdual/imaginary.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Thorvin straps his bow to his back and then walks right up to one of the illusions.

"What in the fires of Torag's forge is this all about?" he says as he punches through the stomach of one of the figures. He turns and then begins walking around the area looking behind nearby trees and bushes.

Thorvin will search the immediate area looking for the source of the illusion.

Perception check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

If Roarke hasn't already realized that the images are unreal, Lianth calls him off. She begins searching for the source of this trickery, which must be within view of the ridge, invoking the favor of the Green as she does.

Guidance-assisted Perception check. 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

(If able now, or next turn)Carrion pauses, upon realizing the deception, casts Detect Magic (60 foot cone) and will concentrate for 3 rounds for full effects.
The cone comes from Carrion, so anything above him that is magical in any way (spell like abilities included), would be known; supernatural abilities aren't detected, I don't think.

"Hmm" utters Carrion as he begins moving his hands and uttering in draconic. A blast of clear, sinewy strands of energy form a cone that extends 60 feet from Carrion (think X-ray radiation with strands).

It seems combat has ceased, therefore actions would be adjudicated without initiative order

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Correction on Detect Magic, anything above or below, within the cone, would "glow" as magical. If there is one inch of lead or 3 feet constant material in front, the cone does not penetrate.
That is what I recall, don't have the book with me.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"Just illusions?" Virgil asks aloud, slightly dejected that the glory of conflict was suddenly sour in his mouth. He sighs, then sits on a nearby rock, "Let me know when you find something." He takes a cloth from his belt to wipe his sword clean, only to realize that the blood stains are now quickly disappearing. Grunting in disgust, he sheathes his sword and stares daggers at the horizon.

Carrion Hawthorne wrote:

(If able now, or next turn)Carrion pauses, upon realizing the deception, casts Detect Magic (60 foot cone) and will concentrate for 3 rounds for full effects.

The cone comes from Carrion, so anything above him that is magical in any way (spell like abilities included), would be known; supernatural abilities aren't detected, I don't think.

"Hmm" utters Carrion as he begins moving his hands and uttering in draconic. A blast of clear, sinewy strands of energy form a cone that extends 60 feet from Carrion (think X-ray radiation with strands).

It seems combat has ceased, therefore actions would be adjudicated without initiative order

Upon the completion of his spell, Carrion immediately detects that there are magical aura's present, which is of no surprise as this result would have happened had his shield spell alone been active in the area. After concentrating intently for 10 seconds or so he determines that there are two other auras of faint intensity in the area. However before another six seconds pass and Carrion is able to specifically pinpoint the emanations, one of them ceases to be. The remaining aura is faint in strength and covers the area the humanoids are occupying. The location of where or what the other aura was is unknown. If it were a stationary or dismissed effect, it's aura would still be lingering. The only explanation for the aura ceasing is that it has left the detection area of the spell.

Carrion then analyzes the dweomer of the emanation to try and deduce it's type. Knowledge Arcana Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 The young sorcerer, however, is unable to make heads or tails of what he's looking at.

Lianth of Mist Lake wrote:

If Roarke hasn't already realized that the images are unreal, Lianth calls him off. She begins searching for the source of this trickery, which must be within view of the ridge, invoking the favor of the Green as she does.

Guidance-assisted Perception check. 1d20+8

Lianth calls to Rourke ordering him to cease attacking the illusions. The well trained wolf stops it snapping at the imaginary humanoids and lopes dutifully to its master's side. Lianth, Rourke, and Throvin all begin searching for the source of the trickery, but their efforts bear no fruit and the three return empty handed and disappointed.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"Keep looking. I'm sure something will jump up and bite you."

I suggest someone take 20 on a Perception check.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

"Something was here, using magic to hide itself; it has left the area of my detection spell.
Be wary."

Carrion draws a dagger, and takes up a defensive position (full defensive action)

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Thorvin carefully checks the area for any footwear imprints or disturbed patches of gravel, grass and plantlife to check for tracks.

Survival check: Take 20 (+5) = 25.

Thorvin Firemane wrote:

Thorvin carefully checks the area for any footwear imprints or disturbed patches of gravel, grass and plantlife to check for tracks.

Survival check: Take 20 (+5) = 25.

Shortly after Carrion makes his announcement, the images of the humanoids wink out and everything is if they had never existed.

With a very careful and meticulous search of the surroundings, lead by Thorvin, the only evidence gathered is a pair of partial boot prints, which begin out of nowhere, circle the small area, lead behind a particularly overgrown bush. There are many footprints behind the bush as if who or whatever spent some time there. Pacing? The prints do not leave this area.

Carrion Perception Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Carrion Only

You faintly detect the residual odor of pipe smoke. It seems familiar in some way and it is really bugging you when you put it together. It is the exact same aroma from the pipe Holgast was smoking during your visits. Could the aged wizard have been out here in the middle of the night, or was it simply someone who smokes his brand...

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"It appears we are being toyed with. I do not believe we will divine the intention of this illusion and we have more important matters to address. Come along." Virgil stands and begins walking on their original course.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

"Does anyone else smell smoke, that would be from a pipe? It is a familiar brand, one that Halgost of the village smokes. Curious."

Carrion puts his gear back into traveling configuration.

"So, are we heading off again? I understand your insistence, Virgil."

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Aye, looks like whoever was here crafting this illusion was here for a while... waiting for us."

Thorvin scratches his beard.

"Hah, my guess is ol' Holgast is involved somehow, given the scent of the pipeleaf. Either way, I agree with these two. Keep your eyes sharp for the old coot."

Thorvin undoes the strap holding his bow to his back and lines up an arrow against the wood-crafted limb and holds it casually with his left hand.

"Let's be off, then."

Recovering from the momentary excitement, your band gathers it's gear and wits and travels on. The trail leading in the direction you seek away from the glade towards Gray Lake appears as little more than an ill used game path. It is a wonder how Thorvin and Lianth can spot the slightest changes to the natural lay of the land detecting the ages old and mostly unused trail.

As the afternoon continues the weather worsens, the winds do not relent and the rain increases from a drizzle to a full on rain. Water is begining to create miniature flows and rivulets on the forest floor now and small pools are forming in low areas.

Thorvin Survival Check (Aid Another): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Lianth Guidance Assisted Survival Check (Aided by Thorvin): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Lianth, with Throvin's expertise in reading the newly acuired map, navigates the difficult trail with ease. The party, though dripping and soggy, is making excellent time by all accounts.

The rain breaks after 2 hours and the clouds begin to break up to reveal a rapidly setting sun. The light within the forest is already deepening to shadow and out and out darkness is not far off. An owl hoots far off somewhere in the forest, waking and preparing to catch it's first meal of the day.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"Well, let's set up camp. Thorvin, Lianth, if you could reconnoiter a site for us? We can take 2 hour watches. First Carrion, then Lianth, Thorvin, and I will take last shift. Why? It's alphabetical. Let's go."

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

I agree that setting camp soon is prudent, but you are starting to dictate our actions. We can discuss what's best for everyone, but who died and made you the leader? Let's make a group decision.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

Mild disdain crosses Virgil's face, "Nobody made me leader. 'Leader' is not an office. We do not cast ballots or form a committee. The person who leads is leader, which is something I have yet to see from you. If you want to be leader, then go ahead and lead. But until then, just spend your time recognizing good sense."

Just a reminder, this character's bio starts off with, "Virgil is not a nice person." I'm not actually trying to boss you guys around. :)

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Thorvin watches the exchange between Carrion and Virgil and then raises his hand up.

"Oi... I'll take first watch, lads. I don't mind. Whoever I wake is who I wake. I'm no leader, but I can make a decision."

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

What you see as good sense, I see as overbearing and opinionated; it seems to me, that you believe yourself to be correct, no matter the situation. Cocky and arrogant have their place, it is a thin line between cocky and confident.
As to me leading, I don't believe I need to order others around to get my thoughts across; I believe that a good leader can mediate issues and lead others to their intended goal without being obvious.

I'm aware of Virgil's disposition, it makes sense for him to act as he does, the leading others in the fighters guild type association thing. I am reacting as the character would, he dislikes being told what to do or having no choice.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Carrion looks at Thorvin, "Perhaps you're right, this argument need not be conducted now, we have something more important to do. I apologize for my hasty reaction."

Carrion mutters to himself, "Conflicts needed not be fated"

Carrion never apologizes to Virgil for his statements.

The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

Lianth tilts her head and regards Virgil and Carrion's conversation through the eyes of a naturalist, seeing them as two wolves circling each other for primacy.

She pats Roarke's head and begins setting up her tent.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

Virgil smiles, "Aww, now don't get too upset, Cupcake. You can do whatever you like. Just giving some direction to our little venture." Virgil sets up his tent, eats his rations for the evening, then beds down and awaits his turn at watch.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

"Cupcake? Obviously you don't take me seriously, that and you pump your self esteem by demeaning others.
I'm unaware of how you interacted with others before now, but you need to have consideration for others, this isn't a military regime."

Carrion shakes his head in disgust and sets up his tent. Carrion wonders to himself why he is being tested, to experience such ignorance hurts him mentally.

I find this engagement of characters interesting. I would react violently in the real world if I were to be called "cupcake" in such a manner; the comment angered me at first, the very notion. I see good stuff in the future, true pc personalities.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

I thought that it would. 'Cupcake' is one of those words you never, ever call someone in the military unless you are looking for a fight. I presume you are a military man?

Thorvin's Survival Check (Aid Another): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Lianth's Guidance Enhanced Survial Check (Aided By Thorvin): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Thorvin and Lianth locate a nice level spot, surrounded on three sides by a thicket of bushes. It turns out to make a most excellent spot to setup camp. The thicket reduces visibility on approach and the level sleeping area is soft and free of stones. Everyone busily begins setting up camp. There is plenty of dry wood to be found to start a fire. Your stomachs growl from a long day on the road.

During the middle of the argument concerning watch: Perception Check DC 5

You can hear a group of wolves howl far in the distance as the last rays of the setting sun sink below the horizon.

The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

Roarke's head comes up at the sound, and Lianth mutters softly, "Wolves."

Perception check 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

She calls upon her training to determine whether or not the wolves should be a threat. (If it has been a particularly harsh season, for instance, and they are starving to death, or maddened by rabies, or similarly afflicted, or just flat out vicious in this area, so that they would be a threat to humans.)

Survival check 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Knowledge (nature) check 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Virgil, I am a military man, 8 years and counting. Prior Infantry(11B), now 33W(electronics maintainer/integrator).

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

Always good to see a fellow soldier. I'm in grad school right now. In a short while I will be a clinical psychologist in the Medical Service Corps.

Perception check1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

"Well, Lianth? What are the wolves saying tonight?"


"Hmmm... seems like we are not alone in the woods. Perhaps we should take watch in pairs rather than one at a time." He turns to Carrion, smiles, "That is, of course, if it is agreeable with your sensitivities to do so." Virgil winks at Carrion, then draws his sword and sits down on a stone in the middle of the tent circle. "I will sit first watch with Thorvin. Go on. Get your rest." Virgil begins wiping it with a cleaning rag while sitting.


Virgil draws his sword and steps to the middle of the circle of tents, "Back to back, comrades. The last thing we need is to be outmaneuvered." His eyes narrow and his voice drops, "The Creeper Embraces the Oak." He adopts a slow, circling stance. His blade goes from high to low and back to constantly offer a new threat and to guard against others.

Lianth of Mist Lake wrote:

Roarke's head comes up at the sound, and Lianth mutters softly, "Wolves."

Perception check 1d20+7

She calls upon her training to determine whether or not the wolves should be a threat. (If it has been a particularly harsh season, for instance, and they are starving to death, or maddened by rabies, or similarly afflicted, or just flat out vicious in this area, so that they would be a threat to humans.)

Survival check 1d20+9
Knowledge (nature) check 1d20+6

You know that the game in this area is sparse. You can not ascertain that they are definitely starving to death, but you reason that it could be a possibility.

Virgil Longstreet wrote:

Always good to see a fellow soldier. I'm in grad school right now. In a short while I will be a clinical psychologist in the Medical Service Corps.

Perception check1d20+1

"Well, Lianth? What are the wolves saying tonight?"


"Hmmm... seems like we are not alone in the woods. Perhaps we should take watch in pairs rather than one at a time." He turns to Carrion, smiles, "That is, of course, if it is agreeable with your sensitivities to do so." Virgil winks at Carrion, then draws his sword and sits down on a stone in the middle of the tent circle. "I will sit first watch with Thorvin. Go on. Get your rest." Virgil begins wiping it with a cleaning rag while sitting.


Virgil draws his sword and steps to the middle of the circle of tents, "Back to back, comrades. The last thing we need is to be outmaneuvered." His eyes narrow and his voice drops, "The Creeper Embraces the Oak." He adopts a slow, circling stance. His blade goes from high to low and back to constantly offer a new threat and to guard against others.

The howls of the wolves appear to come from far off. If they present a threat, it will be some time before they could arrive. Even at a full run.

Your stomach growls reminding you what a long time it has been since you've last ate.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

I thought they were closer. :)

"Hmm... it seems that we are going to have visitors some time this evening. I suggest we keep watch in pairs and go about our business. I will take first watch with Thorvin." Virgil sits down, rests his sword on a stone beside him, and begins to eat some of his rations.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Mmm... wolves... tasty favored enemy.

Thorvin raises his bushy eyebrows at the sound of the howling in the distance. "Those mutts sound hungry. Been some time since I've hunted wolf. I hope they pass us by!" he chuckles.

Thorvin collects some dry wood and then stacks it up into a suitable area. He grabs some kindling and then sets to creating a fire. Once its suitably lit, he takes a seat on a log.

With that, Thorvin fishes in his pockets to pull out some raw pipeleaf along with a finely carved wooden pipe in the shape of an upside-down dragon's head. It's mouth is in a mischievous grin with a few small holes in it's nose and teeth for extra smoke to trail out.

After a few moments of setting the leaf in place and lighting it from the fire, he takes in the smoke, lets it linger in his mouth for a few moments and then exhales an almost perfectly-shaped ring.

"It's a good night to be on watch."

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Carrion goes to sleep, hand on his morningstar, within the tent. He awaits his turn for guard.

After Thorvin finish stoking his newly created fire. You all manage to whip up some "adventurer stew" with odds and ends from your rations. It is a simple meal, but quite hardy.

The wind calms and the clouds overhead break revealing a beautiful night sky.

Perception Check DC 5

Over the course of the next hour, the howling of the wolves grows incrementally louder and then abruptly stops all together.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Perception check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Thorvin whispers attempting to keep quiet while the others rest: "Lad, the wolves have stopped their howlin'... keep your guard up. They are stealthy critters."

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

Perception check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Virgil whispers back, "I heard the pause as well. Should we wake the others? Stay silent? Rise and ready for attack? What is best to respond to these wolves?"

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