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"All yous, young man. I have not used it in quite an age. Once I hired Aldo, there was little use for such a thing. Feel free to use it or destroy it as you wish," he finishes with a charming smile. "What else is on your list? I doubt I can be of much further assistance, but I can try."
"What I wish to acquire, if the resources are here, are on this list."
Carrion hands Moltus a list on the estates parchment, with the following: Daggers (2x), Morningstar (at least average quality), red and black robes, traveler's outfit, backpack, bedroll, case(scroll/map) 2x, chalk (5 pieces), parchment (5 sheets), 1 oz ink vial, 5 inkpens, silk rope (50 ft), signal whistle, waterskin, torch 2x, flint and steel, oil(1 pint flask), common lamp, caltrops, glass bottle(s) (with stoppers), alchemist fire, sewing needle.Carrion waits politely for Father's reply
Updated money and equipment

Everflame Storyteller |

Quote:"All yous, young man. I have not used it in quite an age. Once I hired Aldo, there was little use for such a thing. Feel free to use it or destroy it as you wish," he finishes with a charming smile. "What else is on your list? I doubt I can be of much further assistance, but I can try.""What I wish to acquire, if the resources are here, are on this list."
Carrion hands Moltus a list on the estates parchment, with the following: Daggers (2x), Morningstar (at least average quality), red and black robes, traveler's outfit, backpack, bedroll, case(scroll/map) 2x, chalk (5 pieces), parchment (5 sheets), 1 oz ink vial, 5 inkpens, silk rope (50 ft), signal whistle, waterskin, torch 2x, flint and steel, oil(1 pint flask), common lamp, caltrops, glass bottle(s) (with stoppers), alchemist fire, sewing needle.Carrion waits politely for Father's reply
Updated money and equipment
Moltus agrees to have a set of robes tailored for you on a rush job agreeing that you should look your best for tomorrow's ceremony. He also agrees to have a travelling outfit assembled for you. The rest he leaves you to come up with by your own devices. (Most likely by purchasing them from the one of two shops in town. See my posts above for item availability.)

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Moltus agrees to have a set of robes tailored for you on a rush job agreeing that you should look your best for tomorrow's ceremony. He also agrees to have a travelling outfit assembled for you.
Think archmage robe with a high neck mixed with the Warlock picture in Complete Arcane
With that, Carrion will make his way back to the main group, talk and associate until late in the evening, checking on Arrissa as well. Carrion then goes to bed, waking whenever he happens to.
The remainder of the next day available is spent gathering his belongings, and bidding those he knows a potential farewell, if fate decides it. Carrion also travels to all the shops in town, to discuss whatever he can and garner any of the other items on his list. taking 20 is possible, can get on invisible castle, or just roll it, later
Carrion also travels to Halgost's tower again, to discuss and ruminate in a relaxing atmosphere, and play the game again (don't recall).
The above is time dependent, Carrion will leave in the early morning, going to Halgost's first if needed, then the shops if possible.

Everflame Storyteller |

Lianth I looked over your gear. Everything looks good with two changes. The healer's kit you have purchased contains 3 uses and cost 15gp to purchase. Also, you do not currently own a backpack. This would total your gear purchased at 45gp an even exchange for the jet that Olimara gave you.
Also, Carrion, do you plan on purchasing equipment with the silver given to you by Moltus? All the items you have requested are available, but you lack the funds to purchase them all. Which will you be purchasing? Or will you be saving your money and purchasing the rest of your "desired equipment" after you return from Kassen's Crypt with hopes of being a richer man?

Everflame Storyteller |

Yes, I apologize for the pause. It was quite the weekend.
Each of you are notified early in the day that the ceremonies have been moved up to noon instead of sunset. It would appear that bad weather has been predicted and the village council would like the preceding finished before it arrives. It would also seem that each of you have less of your day free than you once had hoped.
You get about your tasks and manage to arrive a few minutes early. Astonished at the transformation of the village square, you take your seats of honor at the front of a small, but growing crowd. Streamers and banners flow from every rooftop, silver and gold garland twine up the bell tower.
The bells atop the Temple of Erastil toll their midday song, echoing throughout the quiet town of Kassen. As the peals begin to fade, the first of the townsfolk make their way into the square, dressed in black, as if attending a funeral. They slowly fill the square, moving quietly across the cold, hard ground, their eyes downcast and mournful. Afer a few moments, a murmur passes through the crowd as it slowly parts to let Mayor Uptal through. He leads the way with a tarnished silver lantern. Behind him, an old pony drags a cart laden with backpacks and supplies. Once he reaches the center of the crowd, Mayor Uptal stops and calls out to the assembled townsfolk.
“Once again the winter winds blow through the Fangwood, marking the end of another harvest. There are wolves in the woods, howling at our walls, and serpents in our shadows, waiting to strike. Just as it was one hundred and seventy-four years ago, when Kassen himself left these walls to protect us, so it is today. Where are
the heroes? Where are the brave folk that will venture out to Kassen’s tomb and retrieve the fame to keep this community safe for another winter?”
The mayor then pauses as if waiting for you to come forth and accept your mission and to each say a few words to the crowd. After which he inquires as to which of you will bear the sacred lantern and ensure it's safe keeping. He then announces that the citizens of Kassen wish to give you gifts to wish you well on your journey and provides each of you with a backpack, each bulging with items.
Virgil's Backpack
Lianth's Backpack
Carrion's Backpack
Thorvin's Backpack
The mayor once again speaks to the townsfolk. “I present to you the brave heroes who will follow in Kassen’s footsteps to retrieve the Everfame! Some of them may not return, but I say to you that their sacrifce shall not be forgotten. Go, brave heroes, and do not return until you have the eternal fire.” With that, the mayor points to the south, the direction of Kassen’s tomb. The townsfolk begin waving goodbye with cold, solemn looks on most of their faces...

Everflame Storyteller |

In other news, Paizo has implemented dice rolling code into their boards. Syntax is {dice}nDs+m{/dice}. Where all {&} are replaced by [ & ], n is the number of dice rolled, s is the number of sides on the dice, and m is the modifier on the roll if any. Therefore, we can roll all of our dice in post now.

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Perception roll 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Lianth steps up to speak first, Roarke at her side looking somewhat befuddled at all the people gathered together and sniffing in all directions.
"Thank you for this honor." Lianth says quickly, before her nerve fades, "And especially to my mentor Olmira, who trained me well in the responsibilities that come with adulthood."
She quickly steps down, pausing only to nod Rourke to accompany her, the wolf puzzled by her sudden departure. She does not scan the crowd to see if her parents are present, or if they have any reaction to her not mentioning them, focusing her attention instead on her companions, as she clutches the gifted backpack in front of her like a shield.

Virgil Longstreet |

Virgil steps forward, "I would be honored, Lord Mayor, to carry the receptacle for the sacred flame." He kneels on one knee, and bows his head to touch the lantern in his hands with his brow, "We will return the sacred flame to Kassen. No man or beast will bar our path, no fear or sorrow sway us from our goal. We will return victorious. We will return with honor." He stands again and takes his place back among the other young heroes.
Perception check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17.

Thorvin Firemane |

Perception Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Thorvin steps forward and briefly waves to the crowd. "Thank you, Mayor, for bestowing this great responsibility upon us. I will use my skills to help retrieve the flame. By Torag's graces we will return."
As he speaks, he steps over and takes the backpack provided for him and shoulders it. He quickly steps back in a feeble attempt to fade away from the attention.

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Perception check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Didn't you know I am actually epic, I am suppressing my power level.

Everflame Storyteller |

The cold wind gusts for a moment sending the streamers flying and the banners fluttering. Mayor Uptal looks on with an arched eyebrow. "Do not dawdle young adventurers, for the weather will soon take a turn for the worse. Although I will not tell you specifically where the crypt lies that you seek, but that it is North of here. Perhaps you will find clues to guide you on your way now go!" With his proclamation the gathered crowd bursts into cheers of support.

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I am interjecting Carrion's actions, when the crowd is gathered; I have been working; noted in a previous post.
Each of you are notified early in the day that the ceremonies have been moved up to noon instead of sunset. It would appear that bad weather has been predicted and the village council would like the preceding finished before it arrives. It would also seem that each of you have less of your day free than you once had hoped.
Carrion mutters to himself, "The strings are being pulled, I see."
You get about your tasks and manage to arrive a few minutes early. Astonished at the transformation of the village square, you take your seats of honor at the front of a small, but growing crowd. Streamers and banners flow from every rooftop, silver and gold garland twine up the bell tower.
The bells atop the Temple of Erastil toll their midday song, echoing throughout the quiet town of Kassen. As the peals begin to fade, the first of the townsfolk make their way into the square, dressed in black, as if attending a funeral. They slowly fill the square, moving quietly across the cold, hard ground, their eyes downcast and mournful. Afer a few moments, a murmur passes through the crowd as it slowly parts to let Mayor Uptal through. He leads the way with a tarnished silver lantern. Behind him, an old pony drags a cart laden with backpacks and supplies. Once he reaches the center of the crowd, Mayor Uptal stops and calls out to the assembled townsfolk.
Carrion is standing full and confident, adorned in the very fine red and black robe of fine, sturdy silks (red and black silks are different), which his family has gifted him. Upon Carrion's face is a slight smirk, seemingly permanent. Carrion's goatee is shaped and waxed (as avatar), black and red gloves (part of the robe outfit) of the finest silks. The robe stops one foot from his feet, revealing black and red colored (dyed) boots. What Carrion understands as grace and majesty, he attempts to portray.
Carrion stands for the majority of the time, but does sit when the mayor arrives, curious what he is to discuss or bestow. Carrion admires the fine accoutrements, "The town does have style, it seems."
Carrion watches the slowly building audience, attempting to identify why they appear so solemn; they may just prefer black clothing for special events.
When the mayor and the cart of supplies appear, Carrion eyes it curiously; he sits, resigning to the tradition, for now.
“Once again the winter winds blow through the Fangwood, marking the end of another harvest. There are wolves in the woods, howling at our walls, and serpents in our shadows, waiting to strike. Just as it was one hundred and seventy-four years ago, when Kassen himself left these walls to protect us, so it is today. Where are
the heroes? Where are the brave folk that will venture out to Kassen’s tomb and retrieve the fame to keep this community safe for another winter?”
Shortly after the tall and burly fighter looking fellow states his claim, Carrion rises. With a flourish, his robes move with him and seem to play and dance in the wind.
"I am no hero, just one who has followed the path set before him. This path, as fate has shown thus far, leads through Sir Kassen's tomb. I will bear the flame, it is part of my destiny."Carrion returns to his seat, the slight smirk still etched upon his features.
The mayor then pauses as if waiting for you to come forth and accept your mission and to each say a few words to the crowd. After which he inquires as to which of you will bear the sacred lantern and ensure it's safe keeping. He then announces that the citizens of Kassen wish to give you gifts to wish you well on your journey and provides each of you with a backpack, each bulging with items.
Carrion is surprised by the gifts, mottling his brow, and muttering "hmm." Carrion accepts the gift (backpack), examining the contents within with interest, oblivious to others.

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The cold wind gusts for a moment sending the streamers flying and the banners fluttering. Mayor Uptal looks on with an arched eyebrow. "Do not dawdle young adventurers, for the weather will soon take a turn for the worse. Although I will not tell you specifically where the crypt lies that you seek, but that it is North of here. Perhaps you will find clues to guide you on your way now go!" With his proclamation the gathered crowd bursts into cheers of support.
Carrion raises his head from the pack, "Oh yes, the tomb.....forgot."
Carrion stands, sighs deeply, "Shall we go? I'm as ready as I can be, this moment."Muttering and looking in all directions, "Amazing how Halgost isn't around, perhaps he is one to give these clues you speak of, fair Uptal."

Virgil Longstreet |

Virgil hands the lantern to Carrion, "Well, far be it from me to bar a man from his destiny." He straps on his backpack and starts towards the north gate of the village. As he walks he whispers to Thorvin,
As the party exits the north gate of the village, Virgil stops walking and turns toward the group. "Well, apparently they are manhandling us into working as a team. A scrap of parchment in my pack contained a piece of a map, presumably to the crypt. Here is mine. I believe it is the first piece since it shows Kassen."

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"And my portion of the map appears to show our destination." Lianth says, producing her portion of the parchment.
She mutters an invocation to the green to guide her instincts, attempting to orient herself. "We should enter the forest there." she says, pointing towards the edge of town.
Guidance-boosted Survival roll to make sure they are going in the right direction. 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Noting the passing of the lantern, she comments to the tall warrior, "It is good that you have handed off the lantern. I suspect that even with your strength, you will need both hands to handle that blade of yours."

Virgil Longstreet |

"True, Lady. But real strength is not found in muscle." Virgil touches his chest with his fingers, "True strength is in discipline and honor. Something some of our more unruly members may learn before we are through." He looks at the other piece of parchment, "The Serpent Hills? What a delightful name. I'm sure it's a bucolic picnic spot." He folds his arms and sighs, "Well, lead on. I may be a competent swordsman, but I've no woodscraft."

Everflame Storyteller |

Muttering and looking in all directions, "Amazing how Halgost isn't around, perhaps he is one to give these clues you speak of, fair Uptal."
The smiling mayor looks taken aback for a mere moment and then promptly replies, "The aged wizard is no doubt secluded in his tower as always. Do you find it strange that he is not here today? You know he rarely ventures from his abode. Now as for "clues", I should say that if you pry hard enough, you already possess what you need to find the tomb," he finishes driving the point home by tapping his right fist into his open left palm.

Thorvin Firemane |

Virgil hands the lantern to Carrion, "Well, far be it from me to bar a man from his destiny." He straps on his backpack and starts towards the north gate of the village. As he walks he whispers to Thorvin,
Thorvin tilts his head slightly as he listens to Virgil's words and then bursts out laughing. He then leans back over to Virgil,
As Leanth examines her piece of parchment, Thorvin steps over to her and eyes it carefully as well. He combs his beard with his right hand and closes his left eye while squinting his right, appearing deep in thought.
Thorvin will attempt to determine the best means of travel to get to their destination as quickly as possible with the least (natural) resistance:
Knowledge (Geography) check:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Everflame Storyteller |

With some quick work, the map is laid out. Each piece assembled back to it's original configuration. Thorvin quickly assesses that North on the map should point towards the bottom and that the first dotted line moving into the broken glade is the old trade path leading towards Lastwall. The path that splits from it must be a path of smaller stature as he has never heard of it's existence.
The journey along the disused trade path is easy walking. The ruts have grown over but are yet free of the waste high grasses dotting the floodplain North of Kassen. Walking into the cold wind, however chills you each to the bone. Dark clouds move in from the Northern horizon. After a few hours of travel a moderate drizzle begins to fall from the sky. Soon all of you are damp and uncomfortable.
The endless grasses of the floodplain recede yielding a ragged treeline of bur oaks and aspen colored in brilliant oranges, reds, and yellows. The tall trees offer some respite from the rain but now and then the boughs above give way soaking you with a mini deluge of rainwater. This in turn continues for miles. Eventually the path, altogether missing in spots now, gives way into large clearing of bare stone. For nearly a quarter mile, nothing grows. Granite free of any sort of top cover spreads across the clearing cracked and uneven in places where jagged cliffs of 2 or 3 feet of height jut from the ground.
Inspecting her surroundings, Lianth points towards a large boulder and felled tree on the edge of the clearing away from where the broken trail you have been following runs. "There, the opening to the trail head we seek."
Stealth Check 1d20 ⇒ 1. Spot Check1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6Stealth Check1d20 + 25 ⇒ (7) + 25 = 32
Perception Check DC 1
Initiative: Lianth 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 Thorvin 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Carrion 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19 Virgil 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 Ambush Party 1d20 ⇒ 20
Initiative Order:
- Lianth
- Ambush Party
- Carrion
- Thorvin
- Vigil
Those of you that pass the first perception check above may act on the surprise round. The ambush party appears unaware of your presence, currently.

Everflame Storyteller |

If any of you are wondering, I am being a big tease. Knowledge checks cannot be made untrained and none of you possess the knowledge local skill which is used to identify the traits of humanoids. In the future, I will not post knowledge checks for skills the party does not have. I assume all of you are being good little players and not reading spoilers that are not meant for you. *Evil Smile*

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Perception check 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Unsure how far the brutes are from her position, Lianth moves forward as close as she can get without being in melee combat and attempts to fling a dagger at one of the crouching figures. In absence of other instructions, Rourke pads along beside her, unsure if he is supposed to attack or not.
Thrown dagger 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 51d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 (if she's still 30 ft. away or more after advancing 30 ft., she won't bother wasting a dagger)

Thorvin Firemane |

Thorvin moves a bit ahead of the party as they trudge along the path. He then pulls his hood up over his head as the rain begins to fall.
"Aye, we've been needin' this. I love the smell o'the rain, 'specially in the forest. Could do without this chill, though."
Perception Check:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
As Thorvin recognizes the creatures, he grabs his bow (move action) and then draws and arrow back and looses it at one of the javelin-wielding orcs:
Attack (Longbow): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Critical Confirmation: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 5
Additional damage if there was confirmation: 2d8 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2
If that was within 30 feet, the attacks are actually a 25 to hit with a 10 to confirm, and damage would be 6, with the criticals being 2 and 2 because of Point Blank Shot.

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I looked at the knowledge locals, as I dont have any info personally about the vile humanoids/orcses, I learned something new. That DC 32 perception, I would need a 20, then roll again to even try.

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With some quick work, the map is laid out. Each piece assembled back to it's original configuration. Thorvin quickly assesses that North on the map should point towards the bottom and that the first dotted line moving into the broken glade is the old trade path leading towards Lastwall. The path that splits from it must be a path of smaller stature as he has never heard of it's existence.
The journey along the disused trade path is easy walking. The ruts have grown over but are yet free of the waste high grasses dotting the floodplain North of Kassen. Walking into the cold wind, however chills you each to the bone. Dark clouds move in from the Northern horizon. After a few hours of travel a moderate drizzle begins to fall from the sky. Soon all of you are damp and uncomfortable.
The endless grasses of the floodplain recede yielding a ragged treeline of bur oaks and aspen colored in brilliant oranges, reds, and yellows. The tall trees offer some respite from the rain but now and then the boughs above give way soaking you with a mini deluge of rainwater. This in turn continues for miles. Eventually the path, altogether missing in spots now, gives way into large clearing of bare stone. For nearly a quarter mile, nothing grows. Granite free of any sort of top cover spreads across the clearing cracked and uneven in places where jagged cliffs of 2 or 3 feet of height jut from the ground.
Inspecting her surroundings, Lianth points towards a large boulder and felled tree on the edge of the clearing away from where the broken trail you have been following runs. "There, the opening to the trail head we seek."
While walking the path, Carrion thinks to himself: This is ironic, walking the path, what I said earlier; the strings are being actively focused.
Carrion takes in the scenery, ever wary of any sudden changes. Carrion introduces himself to the others, "If no one was informed, I am Carrion Hawthorne, adopted into the Hawthorne family. From my vantage point, our efforts will be quite fortuitous for whatever personal goals are held. We can seemingly influence the strings tied to us." Carrion then bows quickly, returning to the standing position, and continuing the trek.
When the path is pointed out by Lianth, "You seem quite adept in the wilderness, it would be a shame to lose you."
Carrion is careful with the bearing device for Kassen's flame throughout the trek, it is slung across his back.

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Upon sighting the attempted ambush, Carrion mutters "Quite fortuitous."
Carrion moves near the burly fighter type (Virgil), and out of sight of the ambush.
He invokes his will, in a low voice, strings of black and white light spring into existence, enveloping Carrion in a protective sphere.
(He cast Shield)
While behind the burly man, Carrion states, "If you need assistance in battle, I can help."

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To be clear, Carrion is not hiding behind Virgil; he is using him as a block for line of sight from the would be ambushers. He is at the best angle to do so, while not directly behind, within low speaking distance.
He also has +1 luck bonus to saves until the end of his next round (bloodline).
Additionally, Carrion will do what is stated above unless the ambushers action force him to do otherwise.

Virgil Longstreet |

Perception check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Virgil immediately ducks behind one of the small jagged cliffs that jut from the ground (move action) and crouches low to minimize his profile as a target (Total Defense, standard action). He growls to the group, "Find cover, now! If we force them to melee their advantage is lost."
1. Crouching behind a 2-3 foot outcropping gives me cover (+4 AC, untyped) and the Total Defense action (+4 AC, dodge) stack to increase my armor class to 26.
2. How far away are the humanoids? Is a map available?

Everflame Storyteller |

Lianth and Rourke boldly move forward advancing towards the humanoids.
The ugliest of the bunch, atop the boulder, motions to the others and says something to his comrades in hushed tones.
Perception Check DC 21 (Lianth receives a circumstantial +3 bonus to the roll as she is 30' closer to the conversation)
Thorvin Only: Perception Check DC 21
The humanoid upon the rock then shoulders his greataxe and pulls a steel tipped javelin from a bundle on his back.
Sensing the potential danger of the situation unfolding, Carrion standing next to the vigilant Virgil, brings into being his mystical protections via arcane ritual.
The burly dwarf, Thorvin, in an almost natural reaction to spotting the danger ahead, retrieves his newly crafted longbow and draws back a finely crafted arrow.
Shouting for his companions to take cover, Virgil ducks behind a rock ledge taking up a defensive position from the potential threat of a hail of javelins.
First off, in the surprise round you only get a move or a standard action, but not both. Also if you do not have a base attack bonus of at least +1, you cannot draw your weapon as part of a move action. It is a move action to draw a weapon otherwise. As you have noticed, some of your actions have been modified above. Feel free to repost or change you actions for round 1.
I am in the process of obtaining a copy of CC3 to generate maps for our game. Until then we'll do without for the first encounter. Assume that the Orcs were 90ft from you when you spotted them. You were able to all creep 30' forward if you wish without the humanoids spotting you. That puts Lianth at 30' from the closest one which is atop the boulder. The boulder is 10' off the ground and is 10' wide. The others are 10' behind the lead standing behind a downed log which is 30' long and 4' around. Each of the orcs are standing 10' apart. All other characters are standing either 90' or 60' from the humanoid atop the boulder. Your choice, but Virgil and Carrion must make the same choice. Thorvin, you may choose to move forward another 30' putting you next to Lianth if you wish while drawing your bow.

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Lianth moves another 20 ft. forward before snapping her dagger into the standing humanoid. At the same time, she gestures for Roarke to attack the humanoid to the left.
Perception check to overhear 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19 fail
Dagger throw 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Dagger damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Confirming crit on dagger 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 nope
Crit dagger damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Roarke's attack 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
if hits, automatic trip attempt 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Roarke's damage 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Virgil Longstreet |

So do we all post, then the actions are resolved? Or do we post in order of initiative and the actions are resolved after each person? Basically, if I am going last, am I able to see what everyone ahead of me does before deciding what to do? Or do I have to make the decision at the same time as everyone else?

Everflame Storyteller |

So do we all post, then the actions are resolved? Or do we post in order of initiative and the actions are resolved after each person? Basically, if I am going last, am I able to see what everyone ahead of me does before deciding what to do? Or do I have to make the decision at the same time as everyone else?
Either way really. After all posts are in, I will recap the round and post results. If a couple days goes by without someone posting, I'll post for them and move on to the next round.

Everflame Storyteller |

Perception check: 1d20+5
Thorvin quickly moves to within thirty-feet of the orcs while drawing his bow and nocking an arrow to it. He angles the weapon toward one of the orcs and prepares to loose an arrow.
I'll use your attack and damage rolls posted last round if you don't mind.

Virgil Longstreet |

Virgil moves forward, crouched close to the ground and keeping cover as much as possible between himself and the unruly brigands. He stops behind another small cliff and draws his greatsword from his back.
Move 30' forward (move action), taking cover behind another outcropping and draws his weapon (move action). Virgil should be 30' from the monsters now.

Everflame Storyteller |

Lianth, close enough to the orcs to see the nasty mats in their hair, gracefully removes a dagger from the sheathe on her belt and with a flick of the wrist, sends the blade flying thirty feet towards the humanoid atop the boulder. In an amazing display of accuracy, the dagger slips between the great creature's ribs, resulting in a growing red blossom. She then signs a hand gesture to Rourke and points at the creature farthest to the left. Without hesitation, Rourke charges towards the creature, lunging at it. The wolf's jaws bit down upon the assailant's leg, but the jaws of the wolf fail to penetrate the creature's tough studded armor.
I did not have you advance this round since advancing 20 feet, drawing your dagger, and throwing it consist of two move actions and a standard action. Bet you can't wait till level 2 and get your BAB up to +1, can you?
Will Save:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
The lead creature, enraged by it's recent injury howls in rage and throws it's javelin with a grunt. The other two follow their master's lead and heave their sharpened projectiles at Thorvin and Virgil.
Javelin Attack vs. Lianth:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Javelin Attack vs. Thorvin:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Javelin Attack vs. Virgil:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
The first javelin flies true, however, before the deadly javelin reaches Lianth, she manages to deftly bring her shield into a defensive position. The projectile buries itself deep into the wooden plank, it's shaft vibrating with the exerted energy. The second javelin flies high, and sail clean over Thorvin's head. The last projectile clatters off from the rock ledge protecting Virgil and Carrion.
Carrion, calculating a possible opening in the opponent's defense so soon after launching their attack, he seizes the moment. Crouching partially behind the rock ledge, loads a bolt into his new darkwood crossbow and raises up a bit to take aim.
Crossbow Attack vs. humanoid leader1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
The shot drops faster than expected, however, and it clatters against the boulder below the creature's feet. The creature chuckles in response and shouts, "Vowl chowmtha thii? Mu fassal!"
Thorvin, strides up next to Lianth who is looking dumbfounded at the javelin sticking from her, until recently, unmarred shield. The stout dwarf draws his bow back deftly and looses his arrow. The raven fletched shaft wistles through the air and lodges itself in the gut of the right-most creature behind the log. It screams in pain, cursing loudly.
Will Save:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Virgil proceeds forward in a well-trained defensive crouch. The warrior slips his enormous sword from the baldric upon his back as he does so. He takes cover behind a pile of rubble near Lianth and Thorvin. He motions to them and then nods in the direction of the assailants as if suggesting a valiant assault.
Full cover behind the rubble is granting Virgil a +4 armor bonus this round. Partial cover behind the rock ledge is granting Carrion a +2 armor bonus this round. Lianth, Virgil, and Thorvin are all 30' from their targets. Carrion is a bit further back at 60' at this point. I took the liberty of posting for Carrion, as we have not heard anything since Friday.

Virgil Longstreet |

Virgil pauses, waiting for the javelins to ricochet off the stone protecting him. He then bursts into motion, moving deftly towards the lead bandit. He smiles grimly, seeing that Lianth's dagger has found purchase in his ribs.
Virgil reaches the lead bandit. "Low Wind Rising." A diagonal slash, beginning low and rising cleanly. "Striking the Spark." He begins a rapid series of powerful overhand blows on the return swing.
Attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Damage 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 4) + 3 = 13

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Lianth moves forward to stand either in front of the leftmost humanoid, beside Roarke, if she can, otherwise, she moves up 30 ft. in front of the lead orc, keeping her shield up as she charges, screaming like a berserker as she does, braids streaming behind her.
Total Defense, no attacks, +4 to AC.
Roarke continues to attempt to bit his target.
Bite attempt 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Trip attempt 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Damage 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6