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So a funny event happened during EoA.
One of the players came to the conclusion that every single guard was being given a sex change operation!
I must've laughed for a good three minutes strait before I got my composure back. It did fit with every bit of forshadowing I'd been giving, but now they're worried about the queen being somekind of genoicidal amazon.
Okay, funny or no?

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That's as funny as our party's high Charisma sorcerer trying to hit on Sabina as she's escorting them to meet with the Queen to return her brooch! (Insisting the whole time that he should get a Diplomacy roll to woo her...)
Oh, that'd be priceless!
I'd say that Sabina should play along. At first. Then later either go all Fatal Attraction (but not really meaning it, just playing with the PC) or just dump the PC after using him for sex. ;)

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wow, this reminds me that one of my PCs is currently infatuated witht the Queen!
we have flaws, and this character has chosen Star Crossed, meaning that the character falls in love with the wrong people all the time, like the iconic falling for the villain's daughter.
upon meeting the queen, the PC asked if they could make a Diplomacy or Bluff check to seduce her, or even catch her eye.
despite the queen not paying any outward attention to these advances, the character is convinced that the queen secretly loves them, but cannot do anything in public as scandalous as taking a lover so soon after her husband's death.
i love this character!!!!
Peebo :D

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Studpuffin wrote:ROFLMAO!! Oh, yes, that was good, and I can just imagine the looks on the faces of male players coming to this conclusion :)So a funny event happened during EoA.
** spoiler omitted **
Heh, if you want that topped...
Imagine the face of my lone female player who is now fearful she'll have to "infiltrate" the palace guard by wooing/seducing Sabina...

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Ha, last night had another funny event...
In a stroke of genius, the half-orc barb/rogue decided that he would walk in with a boquet of flowers... cleverly hiding a sap inside of it. He entered, walked up to the nurse, and with a dead pan voice said "Hello, these are for you from the citizens of Korvosa for being the kindest nicest nurse in the city and dealing with all of that crap you have to deal with." She smiled and reached out to take the flowers...
Only to have him bean her over the head! She took 18 or so points of damage, and the crew was expecting her to drop... but when she didn't drop they all gasped with terror.
I decided she launched herself over the counter, initiating a grapple successfully, and pinning him to the floor. Over the next few rounds she pummeled him mercilessly. After a few rounds of laughter the rest of the party eventually came in to help... but were suprised at the sheer number of hit points she had. One person kicked her, another tried to sap her, and the monk tried to use stunning fist... none brought her down (and she made her save on SF).
After another round, the party eventually knocked her out, but not before she had done some damage to the barb/rogue... who never tried to even get out of the grapple.
We laughed about that all night, but you probably would've had to have been there.

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I'm going to make her a dwarf "240 pounds with facial hair you can hold on to!" Just to see if my dwarf paladin will try the old seduction route. I'll be using my best german house frau voice for her when other players talk to her and the sweet german milk-maid voice when the paladin talks to her. >:)