Abjurant Champion, Long Fix


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Following another thread
Entry Requirements
And Spell Focus(Abjuration) to feats and change Prof with One martial weapon to all.
Abjurant Armor: By the looks of the RAW this is Ok, but should have ref to Mage Armor removed.
Extended Abjuration: Looks good but, should have a note that the Extended spells only function on the caster or if the caster is the focus of the spell.
Swift Abjuration: Can see the possible abuse of this one! Add language that ability functions only for spells with a range of touch(self only) or personal.
Arcane Boost: add language that the max spell to be burned is equal to you Abjurant Champion level.
Martial Arcanist: and language so that your caster level is eqaul to your BAB when casting Abjuration spells only.

Thoughts? Comments? Flame?

Scott Williams 16 wrote:

Following another thread

Entry Requirements
And Spell Focus(Abjuration) to feats and change Prof with One martial weapon to all.
Abjurant Armor: By the looks of the RAW this is Ok, but should have ref to Mage Armor removed.
Extended Abjuration: Looks good but, should have a note that the Extended spells only function on the caster or if the caster is the focus of the spell.
Swift Abjuration: Can see the possible abuse of this one! Add language that ability functions only for spells with a range of touch(self only) or personal.
Arcane Boost: add language that the max spell to be burned is equal to you Abjurant Champion level.
Martial Arcanist: and language so that your caster level is eqaul to your BAB when casting Abjuration spells only.

Thoughts? Comments? Flame?

Not sure why you started a second thread nearly identical to the other. A couple quick comments though.

The biggest abuses of this class involve full casters taking the class. Nerfing Arcane Boost and Martial Arcanist makes the class less useful to the martial characters and doesn't affect the full casters much at all. In particular Martial Arcanist is IMO a pretty decent ability and I cannot imagine it ever being remotely abuse-able. The highest your caster level could ever be is character level -1. Basically this class feature makes it so that if you go back to advancing your martial class your casting isn't completely worthless in 5 levels.

The other concern is that this only requires losing 1 caster level to gain martial weapon proficiency. Eldritch Knight you lose 2 caster levels for arguably less benefit.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Dennis da Orge

Not sure why you started a second thread nearly identical to the other. A couple quick comments though.

The biggest abuses of this class involve full casters taking the class. Nerfing Arcane Boost and Martial Arcanist makes the class less useful to the martial characters and doesn't affect the full casters much at all. In particular Martial Arcanist is IMO a pretty decent ability and I cannot imagine it ever being remotely abuse-able. The highest your caster level could ever be is character level -1. Basically this class feature makes it so that if you go back to advancing your martial class your casting isn't completely worthless in 5 levels.

The other concern is that this only requires losing 1 caster level to gain martial weapon proficiency. Eldritch Knight you lose 2 caster levels for arguably less benefit.


Not ready to enter with the big boys/girls yet. And the Net is less than nice to me when I choose to post. Looking over data again in response to your post.

Any class that grants free use of metamagic should have those feats as prerequisites, to my mind -- otherwise it's a "something for nothing" deal no matter how you slice it. Following that logic, Quicken Spell and Extend Spell should be added to the prerequisites.

Unfortunately, as da Ogre points out, the abuses of the PrC are by straight arcanists (who can more easily meet those prerequisites) than by the martial/arcanist mixes it was intended for. Hell, I might go so far as to make "9 levels of eldritch knight" a prerequisite, so that you could go Ftr 1/Wiz 5/EldKt 9/AbjCh 5 at the earliest.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Any class that grants free use of metamagic should have those feats as prerequisites, to my mind -- otherwise it's a "something for nothing" deal no matter how you slice it.

See I don't really agree with this. Arguably every class ability is something for nothing. A rogue doesn't have uncanny dodge one level, the next he does, that's 'something for nothing'. The metamagic is a class ability and it's flavored fairly well for the intended use (economy of action for a martially oriented character). I look at it similar to the Silent/ Still spell ability of the arcane trickster. My thought is more along the lines of

  • Is this ability level appropriate for the class combination that will be taking the PrC?
  • Should this ability be limited to fewer uses per day?
  • Does the ability fit with the flavor of the class?

  • Dennis da Ogre wrote:
    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    Any class that grants free use of metamagic should have those feats as prerequisites, to my mind -- otherwise it's a "something for nothing" deal no matter how you slice it.
    See I don't really agree with this. Arguably every class ability is something for nothing. A rogue doesn't have uncanny dodge one level, the next he does, that's 'something for nothing'.

    I was specifically talking about metamagic, though, not in terms of class features in general -- because free metamagic abuse can more quickly make shambles out of a reasonable game than almost anything else I can think of.

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