Lost amid a sea of Netflix Instant Queues!


I've found some real gems within the obscure vaults of Netflix's Instant Queue..I've also found some terrible stinkers...
Just curious if anyone out there can recommend some of the odd gems they've found within the deep recesses of Netflix!

Dark Archive

In no order what so ever

'The Royal Tenenbaums'

'The Bridge on the River Kwai'

'Moulin Rouge!' - date movie


'The Flight of Dragons'

'Closer' - date movie/break up movie ; )

'The Lion in Winter' (you'd wish your wit was this sharp)

'The Eagle has Landed'

'Blade Runner'

'The Princess Bride'
'Love Actually' - date movies but funny : )

and something called 'Star Wars'

edit: if you don't think the late Sir Alec Guinness did not play a Lawful Neutral character in 'The Bridge on the River Kwai' I honestly don't know what Lawful Neutral is.

The Lion in Winter is one of my top 20 films. So is Becket, which you can also watch instantly. If they're new to you, watch Becket first and then The Lion in Winter.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

I have a hard time watching video for too long on my computer, so I haven't taken advantage of this great feature. It seems there are standalone devices one can attach to a tv and the internet and stream netflix and amazon videos straight to the big(ger) screen. I need to get one of those.

If you have a laptop, I find that getting comfy with the laptop and a pair of headphones is the best way to watch on computer. If you have a laptop with an HDMI outlet, hook right up to you TV.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
If you have a laptop, I find that getting comfy with the laptop and a pair of headphones is the best way to watch on computer. If you have a laptop with an HDMI outlet, hook right up to you TV.

I need a bigger screen and for it to be farther from my face. And I'd need a tv with an HDMI input for the second suggestion to work. In the meantime, I roll my pennies.

Add these to the wedding registry. ;)

Unfortunately, my laptop is older than wife's TV.

yoda8myhead wrote:
I have a hard time watching video for too long on my computer, so I haven't taken advantage of this great feature. It seems there are standalone devices one can attach to a tv and the internet and stream netflix and amazon videos straight to the big(ger) screen. I need to get one of those.

There are some pretty cool devices that work to that end---you can also use an Xbox 360 to play Netflix on your TV...Im assuming the cost of which, though, is no less prohibitive.

Anywho---thanks for the recommendations, pretty sure I'll be pleased as I've already seen a couple (and enjoyed them) off of that list!

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