Warforged Gardener's Savage Tide (PFRPG)


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Sovereign Court

Jess Door wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
I can't say anything because Annie doesn't know if she trusts him yet! </whine>
Oops, your comment above makes me wonder if you thought I meant Ravtahl by the "him" above. I meant Mr. Brudere. :)

Yeah, that was how I was reading it. So it's just Bryson, then. Well, that's slightly better.

Looks like I overlooked Ravtahl at the beginning of combat, helping precipitate the tangle. I really shouldn't try to update after midnight...

Let me see if I can untangle it after work.

Bindlplotz makes a slight gasp watching the vicious throat-slitting in the grapple.

OK, going back and adding Ravtahl, this is what actually happened.

Pre combat

Annie detects a lie, becomes suspcious.

Bryson follows Annies lead, becomes sucpicious, moves to Mr. Brudere to sniff him and pick at his clothes.

Annie questions Brudere further, finds more wrong with his statement.

Ravtahl becomes suspicious, readies.

Bryson realizes he's touching glamered chainmail.

Brudere realizes jig is up, starts surprise round.


"Mr. Brudere" First to act.
Annie 20.5
Bryson 20
Ravtahl 10

Brudere curses, bluffs an attack against Annie. But both Annie and Bryson realize it was a bluff, and sneak attack misses.

Annie tries a Dazing touch attack, but misses.

Bryson attacks Brudere, hits him for 7.

Ravtahl throws axe, hits for 15, Brudere dies.


He didn't even get out of the Surprise round. I kinda thought he'd last longer than that...

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie will attempt a heal check to bandage him in case he's just bleeding out, not outright dead.

Heal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Then Annie will check to see if he's stablized or dead: Heal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

"I don't dare use magic to heal him with us so deep in the bowels of this terrible place, but I have to admit I'd like to be able to talk to someone about where we're going. Finding out where we'd be most likely to run into information on...the Miss's brother...would save us some time, and possibly blood and sweat as well." Annie checked through his clothes for any identifying items, and considered his face for a moment, wondering if she'd ever seen or heard of him before, either by the name Mr. Brudere, unlikely as that probably was, or by seeing him around town.

Taking 20 on Perception (searching clothes):26 (can't take 20: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11)
Taking 10 on Knowledge(Local): 16 (can't take 10: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7)

Quickly binding the gushing greataxe wound, Checks the body to find Brudere still clinging to life, but barely.

Searching through his rags for clothes, you find that he was actually wearing an enchanted chain shirt, something that has at least a Glamour on it.
The dagger he used had some kind of enchantment on it as well.

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

While he's still unconscious, we'll take the dagger and remove his armor. I think only Annie and D'grim can wear it. We might as well check him for other hidden weapons as well.

Between Ravtahl and Spinnaker Jon, the armor is identified as a Chain Shirt, +1, Glamered.
The dagger is identified as a Dagger +1. It was concealed in a Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath. You can draw a weapon as an Immediate action.

Bryson's suspicions are rewarded as a more careful search reveals, in addition to those, that he was also armed with a Blade Boot; which he never got to deploy. Can also trigger as an Immediate action.

Lastly, Bindlplotz comes across the crude manacles that held him to the rack. They are actually masterwork False Manacles; anyone who knows the secret catch can release themselves as an immediate action. They are otherwise masterwork manacles in all respects.

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

Spinnaker Jon frowns in thought.
"Arr, this be no standard issue fer street punks. This be an officer 'o some kind."

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie looked at the further secrets revealed by Bryson's careful search with wide eyes. "This isn't good at all! Did he know we were coming? Was this set up as a trap for us? Or someone else?" Annie looked over at the false manacles.

Are the manacles actual chains, disconnected from the torture device? Or are they directly part of the torture table than thus not portable?

"if we leave him in the torturer's bed and tie him down gently with blankets, even if he wakes up he won't be moving much at all with these injuries. We could come back for him later, and see if we can find out more - or at least hand him over to authorities and see if they can't sort him out." Annie smiled wryly. "I'll own my own curiousity on the goings on here makes me want to chat with him before the guards get to."

Annie looked at the pile of items pulled off the mysterious "Mr. Brudere". "What do we do with these? I like the look of his hidden armor, but it might suit you as well, Dgrim. And the dagger..." Annie eyed Ghirrak. "Ghirrak, would you like a magical dagger? Or who else might? I'd advise it not be thrown away..."

The False Manacles are a unit attached to the Rack, but can be disconnected from the Rack with a Disable Device check DC15. They will then be a normal set of False Manacles connected to each other by a chain.

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}
DM-Camris wrote:
The False Manacles are a unit attached to the Rack, but can be disconnected from the Rack with a Disable Device check DC15. They will then be a normal set of False Manacles connected to each other by a chain.

Can this check be attempted untrained?

Gull Street Annie wrote:

Can this check be attempted untrained?

In this case yes. Ranks in Kowledge: Architecture & Engineering will give a +2. All the guys will give aid another to the roll if you like [or you look helpless enough (Bluff check)].

Bindlplotz could probably do it in his sleep as well.

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie inspected the manacles closely for a second, then tried to pry them out of their brackets on the table.

Disable Device: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

With a tug and a twist so the chain link twisted out of the ring holding it at its most narrow spot, Annie successfully wrested the manacles off the table.

"I don't know that it's useful now, but I think it could come in handy later - make someone think we're escorting a prisoner, or something." Annie looked around the room. "Anything else we need to do here?"

Bindlplotz gives a brief explanation to assist.

No one else can think of anything else to do in this room, and the miasma of old pain is sickening anyway.

Exploring the NE door you find a bedroom of the head torturer, covered in furs and with a small cage at the foot. A search reveals a footlocker with 234gp in various coiniage and a set of silver flensing knives with ivory handles.

The SW door leads to a corridor with prison cells leading south. No one is in the cells, and the cells are so unused that they are practically rusted shut.

Male Half-Orc Wizard 2
DM-Camris wrote:

The SW door leads to a corridor with prison cells leading south. No one is in the cells, and the cells are so unused that they are practically rusted shut.

"Curious. A torture master living in comfort while prison cells stand disused. Either his excesses are rewarded rather than tolerated or this gang is only the most recent to occupy this place."

Beyond the long corridor, a door leads to a larger corridor leading off to the right and around the corner. Directly ahead you see a door beyond which you hear shouts of laughter of a number of voices.

Perception DC16::

Shouting encouragement and making bets.

Perception DC22:

Sounds like an even dozen men in there.

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

Perception 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35
"There's 12 men in there gambling. We got total surprise. Ah say we rush'em."

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

If no one else is interested, Annie will put on the chain shirt

Annie picked up one of the silver knives, her face scrunching in distaste as she held it. "Much as I hate to use a tool like this, we've run into creatures that could only be hurt by silver before. Having something that can hurt such creatures might not be a bad idea."

Annie cocked her head as Bryson explained what he'd heard next door. "A dozen is a lot," she said, worried. "I have one blessing from Cayden Cailean left today, before my prayers are exhausted. Shall I use it now before we rush in? Or hold it back in case another one of us needs healing?"

Unless I post otherwise, I'll assume I'm holding the spell back as an emergency healing.

Male Half-Orc Wizard 2

If combat is imminent, Ravtahl will cast Mage Armor and Shield on himself and offer to coordinate with Ghirrak or Dgrim, so that they charge in immediately after he chops down the door(if locked) or opens it for them.

"Twelve? That be a lot; I'll 'afta use me weapon, but not afore the doors closed, Bertha's got a loud bark."

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

"We can take'em. Let's do it."

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie tightened her hand on her father's rapier and nodded. "Right. Ready."

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

"Ok, Axeman, open the door." Bryson braces for the upcoming battle.

Bindl will sneak using his small size and the others as cover, to get to a corner of the room, undetected after closing the door. Then he will pick out the one that looks like the leader on Round two and open up on him.

Sneak 1d20 ⇒ 15

Attack Roll 1d20 ⇒ 15

Male Dwarf Shielded Fighter 5

Dgrim sets himself, ready to charge through the doorway.

Bindlplotz Cogwhistle wrote:

Bindl will sneak using his small size and the others as cover, to get to a corner of the room, undetected after closing the door. Then he will pick out the one that looks like the leader on Round two and open up on him.

Sneak 1d20

Attack Roll 1d20

+11 Stealth (26 total)

+6 Atk +2 favored enemy (humans) (23 total)

to reiterate:
Round 1:Bindlplotz will be the last through the door, close it and more to corner of the room;
Round 2: open fire on whoever looks to be the leader, unless they surrender of course.

Male Half-Orc Wizard 2

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 241d12 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 to attack the door lock if a quick test of the knob reveals the door is locked. Otherwise, Ravtahl throw the door open and triggers combat.

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9

Round one Ghirrak will be the first through the door after it is hit and charge the first person he sees.

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

Bryson will be close on his heels
Scimitar: to hit 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 +2 if I can charge
Scimitar: damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7


When the door is booted open and Ghirrak charges in...

That's when the plan, such as it was, fell apart.
It turned out that the door was facing into the west end corner of a long barracks room that stretched out to the east from there. Two rows of double bunk beds were against the walls to the north and south. In the middle were two big guys, bare to the waist and wearing cestus on their hands, were duking it out to the cheers of their more normal sized brothers; and more of them were at your end than the other.

Only number 4 & 7 had a chance to hear you coming...
#4 Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2
#7 Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
...so no they never had a chance. With total surprise achieved, none of you draw attacks of opportunity when you move inside.

CLICK for Tactical situation in the Surprise round after movement.

1. Ghirrak could only move five feet past the door before making first contact with #7,
so could not pick up enough speed for an actual charge.
Unarmed kick: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 and deals 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 points of crush damage.
2. Dgrim went in next and zigged right, to find himself surrounded by four enemies.
Targeting the biggest one next to him, he swings on #10.
Axe attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 and deals 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 points of slashing damage.
3. Bryson went in next, zigs left and finds himself blocked in by a bunk bed and #7. He swings on #7 [previous roll] and misses.
4. Ravtahl had nowhere to go, so he was stopped at the doorway. He throws his greataxe at #7 [previous roll] and #7 goes down, blood fountaining all over the adjacent squares; even hampered as he was by the close melee combat and the doorway! [Minus 8 and he still hit.]
5&6. And so of course Jon and Annie were stuck in the back wondering why there was no forward progress.
7. Bindlplotz, original plan to shut the door scrapped now and making use of his size, managed to squeeze through everyones legs to slide under the NW bunkbed and assume a sniper position.


CLICK for the Tactical situation at the top of Round 1.

Round 1 Initiatives_______________________________

22___Thief #1
21___Thief #8
20___Thug #10
19___Thief #9
18.5_Thief #5
16___Thug #12
13___Thief #3
12___Thief #4
11___Thief #2
9.5__Spinnaker Jon
9____Thief #6
8____Thug #11

22___Thief #1
Points at you guys, shouts "Its a hit! Get 'em!" He then opens the door in the east and runs through it out of sight.

21___Thief #8
Follows #1 out the east door and out of sight.

20___Thug #10 [Hurt bad]
Shouts in rage and grapples Dgrim.
Grapple attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 succeeds and Dgrim is no longer able to bring his axe to bear on his opponent.

19___Thief #9
Draws his rapier and runs around to attack Bryson.
Rapier attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 but Bryson parries easily.

18.5_Thief #5
Draws a shortsword in each hand, but can't get get close enough to attack in the press of bodies.

Male Half-Orc Wizard 2

Protected by the cover of the door jamb and wall, Ravtahl fires a magic missile at #2 in an effort to purge the entryway of threats.

1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 damage to thief 2

Thug 12 runs up to the scrum, but cant do anything at the moment.

CLICK for the Tactical situation at this point.

Next up:
13___Thief #3
12___Thief #4
11___Thief #2
9.5__Spinnaker Jon
9____Thief #6
8____Thug #11

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9

Dashing past the fray Ghirrak rushes thug 5 but in the tangle of mass combat finds his movements critically hindered.
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie keeps a watch around the corner, as she can't see what's happening in the room.

If this doesn't take an action, Annie will delay in order to do a positive energy channel if people start getting injured. she can't get in to heal anyone otherwise.

Bindlplotz delays for a second hoping someone can get the door closed...

Male Dwarf Shielded Fighter 5

Dgrim drops his heavy axe, then draws his hand axe and tries to hack the thug off of him.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

This is not what Bryson had in mind, but he tries to make the best of it and attacks #9.
Scimitar: to hit 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Scimitar: damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Possible crit
Scimitar: to hit 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Scimitar: damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
If thug 9 goes down, Bryson will take a step forward to, hopefully, make room for more of his allies.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

Dashing past the fray Ghirrak rushes thug 5 but in the tangle of mass combat finds his
movements critically hindered, his blows deflected by thrashing limbs.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
13___Thief #3

Runs out the east door and out of sight.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
12___Thief #4

Stabs at Dgrim, who is flat-footed in a grapple.
Rapier attack: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 - 4 = 6 is also hampered by the crush and misses.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
11___Thief #2

Also stabs at Dgrim, who is flat-footed in a grapple.
Rapier attack: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 - 4 = 11 is also hampered by the crush and misses.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
9.5__Spinnaker Jon

Unable to press forward, Spinnaker Jon roars out a sailors fighting sea shanty at a
startling volume.
>Inspire Courage: All allies gain +1 to saves vs charm and fear, and +1 competence bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
9____Thief #6

Runs out the east door with his buddies and out of sight.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

Dgrim drops his heavy axe, then draws his hand axe and tries to hack the thug off of him.
1d20 + 5 &#8658; (3) + 5 = 8
1d6 + 3 &#8658; (3) + 3 = 6
But cannot get a clean attack off in the crush.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
8____Thug #11

Runs up behind #5, but can't do anything.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

Bindlplotz delays for a second hoping someone can get the door closed...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

Annie keeps a watch around the corner, as she can't see what's happening in the room.

She sees #8, #1, #3 & #6 run around the corner of the outer hallway trying to flank you.
She see they'll crash into your position next round.
If this doesn't take an action, Annie will delay in order to do a positive energy channel if people start getting injured. she can't get in to heal anyone otherwise.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

This is not what Bryson had in mind, but he tries to make the best of it and attacks #9.
Scimitar: to hit 1d20 + 4 &#8658; (19) + 4 = 23
Scimitar: damage 1d6 + 2 &#8658; (1) + 2 = 3
Possible crit
Scimitar: to hit 1d20 + 4 &#8658; (11) + 4 = 15
Scimitar: damage 1d6 + 2 &#8658; (2) + 2 = 4
Thug 9 goes down when Bryson's forceless cut hits the jugular vein and his blood jets in an arc over the walls and floor. Bryson takes a step forward to make room for more of his allies.

Tactical situation at the top of round 2.

Round 2 Initiatives_______________________________

22___Thief #1
21___Thief #8
20___Thug #10 [Really hurt]
18.5_Thief #5
16___Thug #12
13___Thief #3
12___Thief #4
11___Thief #2 [Injured]
9.5__Spinnaker Jon
9____Thief #6
8____Thug #11

Annie and Bindlplotz are waiting and can take held action any time.
22___Thief #1
Runs up to the corner and tries to attack Annie.
1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 - 4 = 4 and misses.

21___Thief #8
Runs up to attack Annie. [Annie is eligable to make an attack of opportunity.]
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 but Annie shield blocks it.

20___Thug #10 [Really hurt]
Maintain grapple: 1d20 + 5 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 + 5 = 11 And Dgrim slips free! The crooks all moan in dissapointment as Dgrim recovers his full AC.

18.5_Thief #5
Attacks Bryson.
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 just hitting for 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 points of piercing damage.

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9


I plan to be out for the rest of the day so here's my plan
- Bryson will continue to hack and slash into foes. My first choice of targets will be those already injured (like 2 or 10) then a target that will allow for more room to maneuver (like 5).
Scimitar: to hit 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Scimitar: damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 includes inspire courage

Possible Crit: to hit 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Possible Crit: damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
- If it looks like the group is losing, I'll cast Obscuring Mist and go down fighting. Hopefully it will give the group time to withdraw.
Concentration 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
- If Annie goes down, I'll work my way to her to cast CLW on her. I'll do it even if I have to brave AoOs. I'll go down fighting if I can't revive her.
- If I get a moment to breath, I'll drink a potion of CLW.

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

When Annie first sees one of the thugs run around the corner, she steps forward to F-13 and says "Here they come!", and is grateful indeed for her new armor.

So, since Annie had a slow initiative this time, she essentially went when it was her turn. #1 attacked me, and number 8 couldn't? But I don't get an AoO either. :( I think this means I take my turn in my originally rolled initiative.

CLICK for the Tactical situation on round 2.18.

Ravtahl? Ghirrak?

So some went out the back door? I would have tried to shoot one of them as they went for the door...

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 +2 versus human=17 Touch

4d6 - 2 ⇒ (3, 6, 1, 3) - 2 = 11 +2 versus human=13

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9

Recovering from the tangle Ghirrak delivers a pair of lightning fast blows to his target's chest to the sound of snapping ribs

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Ghirrak, that will pulverize #4, the only guy in reach. Did you want to step (or backflip) into his square?

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