Warforged Gardener's Savage Tide (PFRPG)


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Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

"Oh!" Annie turned from her silent companion as someone behind them cleared their throat.

"Well, looks like we aren't the only ones to be invited to dinner," a large, somberly dressed half orc said. Beside him was a smaller character, a human man shorter than her, who looked around with surprisingly wide and interested eyes for the wary set of his shoulders. Annies eyes widened in surprise.

"And two more join! This is turning into quite a dinner party, isn't it? And each of us is so different from the others..." She cleared her throat to give her a moment to collect herself before she embarassed herself with nervous babbling. "This is Bryson Deepwinter," she continued, half turning to motion in Bryson's direction. "and I'm Annie. Pleased to meet you!" She held out her hand, half braced for it to be slapped or spat on or...who knew what? Maybe these two were strange out of towners as well.

A dwarf, under arms and looking ready for anything abruptly stopped his steady walk next to their strange little group and demanded "Why are you here? Were you invited?"

Annie couldn't resist a delighted laugh. "Yes! Of course! And next will be gnome! A group this varied would never be considered well rounded without a gnome!" She sighed happily. No matter what happened, she was glad she'd come. This was going to be such an interesting evening!

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9

Smiling in amusement, Ghirrak took the redhead's hand, shaking it firmly yet gently.

"This should definitely be interesting." he mused, his deep voice resonating with a wry tone.

Sovereign Court

The front door of the mansion cracked open and the elderly halfling that had approached each of them emerged, her clothing as plain and utilitarian as it had been the night before. Kora Whistlegap folded her hands and approached the group at the gate. "My, my, what a hungry group of adventurers you be." She opened the gate with a sardonic smile. "Miss Lavinia's expecting the lot of you, but dinner's a mite underdone and we're expectin' a few more yet. Why don't ye all come inside and warm yer bones in the library? The Ravens'll keep ye company while I finish up."

There's no rush to head inside the mansion if everyone wants to finish their conversations outside first

Once inside, the group found themselves inside an enormous great hall with smooth marble walls, stonework of obvious Dwarven design, meticulous and perfectly proportioned. Two oak stairwells ascended to an open landing on the first floor that overlooked the atrium. As Kora ushered them into a door immediately to their left, they caught glimpses of a series of vivid tapestries hanging from the upper landing: beautiful and savage frontiers, jungle landscapes and even an eerie shoreline that seemed almost real, as if the stitchcraft was bewitched.

The room Kora led the group into was a well-stocked library with a softly glowing hearth on the north wall. Contrary to expectation, the Ravens she spoke of were a group of well-equipped, well-dressed men and women with the air of adventurers. A half-elf man with slicked-back hair and leather armor leaned against a bookshelf and balanced a dagger on the tip of his finger, one of dozens fastened to his armor. A dour, dark-skinned dwarf man in leafy green and brown robes filled one of the cushioned chairs, a large curved spear across his lap. In one corner of the library, apart from the others, an attractive young woman with a tattoo of a crescent moon on one cheek sipped wine or water from a metal goblet. The fourth "Raven," a tall, handsome man arrayed in polished breastplate strode toward the newcomers and gave Annie a broad smile.

"Tolin Kientai, leader of the Jade Ravens," the tall man said, bowing without taking his eyes off her. His eyes took in the others and he straightened. "Welcome to Vanderboren Manor. You must be...the new gardeners?"

The half-elf by the bookcase snickered and spun his dagger. The tattooed woman rolled her eyes.

"You'll have to forgive our glorious leader," the dwarf said gruffly, leaning forward. "He's a bit full of himself and when he's not careful a little of my right boot. Why don't you help yourselves to some strong drink while you wait for the lady?" He gestured toward a rectangular reading table with several bottles of wine and fine liquors flanked by goblets and glasses on either side.

Male Human Rogue 1

The rogue was unable to react properly outside the manor when they met the group gathered around the gate... When the red hair girl, the same he and his friend have seen the night before at the Plucked Parrot, looked at him offering her hand to welcome him, he was only able to lower his eyes rising involuntarily a hand to cover his bigger visible scar on his cheek.

He tried to perceive, as he was used to do from that night, if anyone in the group was showing some sign of recognition... but as usual without any major success... it was as he was springed out from the void...

The rogue decided to keep a low profile for now trying to study all those new comrades before interacting with them... just giving back minor nods when peered at.

And he was glad with his decision when the group was taken to the library from the old halfling they met the night before... another strange group of people was there assembled and this time the rogue had a worse feeling...

Sense Motive check on the Jade Ravens group 1d20 + 4 = 7 + 4 = 11; Perception check on the Jade Ravens group to see signs of recognition 1d20 + 4 = 6 + 4 = 12

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9
Gull Street Annie wrote:
"Ah..." Annie was a little nonplussed at Bryson's manner and looked down at her slap-reddened palm. "Pleased to meet you, Bryson...? You're not from Sasserine, are you?"

“No ma’am. Ahm not. Ah grew up out on the edge of the Elfwood.”

Gull Street Annie wrote:
He seemed harmless enough at first glance, mostly uncomfortable with the situation. Annie arrived at a decision and reached out and grabbed his hand, pumping it up down firmly, twice. "This is a form of greeting here," she explained, then let go.

“So sorry, ah’ll try to keep that in mind.” He says with a sheepish look.

Gull Street Annie wrote:
She turned to survey the gate in front of them, peering inside the walls. "Big place, isn't it! I've been invited over for dinner too, and the offer of some work. Maybe she wants us all to help with the same thing, eh? Or maybe it'll be a contest, who knows! So, Bryson, where are you from? There's a good community of elves here in Sasserine, you have relatives here? What kind of work do you do? I work up at the Plucked Parrot," Annie tossed her head north toward Shadowshore. "It's got cheap, decent food and," she smiled, "wonderful service!" She looked at him and raised one eyebrow.

“No, no relatives. At least none ah no ‘bout. I don’t really got a trade neither. Ahm looking for one though.” He gestures toward the house. “Kinda hoping this might be it.”

Warforged Gardener wrote:
… "Tolin Kientai, leader of the Jade Ravens," the tall man said, bowing without taking his eyes off her. His eyes took in the others and he straightened. "Welcome to Vanderboren Manor. You must be...the new gardeners?"...

Bryson is amazed and awed by the sights within the manor. His mouth doesn’t seem to close during their brief trip to the sitting room. Kora will have to give him an extra nudge to keep him moving at each room they come to. He is totally taken in by Tolin’s chiding, “D’ya think she’s looking for staff? She does seem to need a gardener and ah do have quite a green thumb, if ah do say so myself. Ah think if she offers ah’d take it”

Grand Lodge

Sorry about this. I want the dot. You are now returned to your regularly scheduled game.

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9

Ghirrak shakes his head in amusement at the exchange,raising an eyebrow at the armored man.

"Do we look like gardeners?" he asks the man, sarcastically looking over the group. At Bryson's reply his shoulders shake slightly.

"He's entertaining himself at your expense my friend," he looks at the man still holding Annie's hand,"very much so it seems."

Male Human 1/Sorcerer

Zomm strode quickly toward the area of the manor house and as he approached he realized that there were other somewhat assorted characters milling about in front of the structure. As he walked up, he flourished and bowed when he got to within talking distance with anyone and smiled widely, awaiting a response.

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie tried to gauge the other "Jade Ravens" as she stared back at Tolin Kientai. The dwarf was at least polite, and the woman seemed annoyed at Tolin's arrogance. She was less sure of the snickering half-elf, but...

She struggled with her anger for a moment, then gave a mental shrug. You couldn't let people treat you wrong from the start, or you'd never be able to work with them. Bryson's stammering innocence and Ghirrak's insulted pride just made her more sure of her decision.

Annie put on her widest smile - perhaps it was a shade too much like she was baring her teeth. "Why no, I'm no gardener. Just a serving girl at a local tavern, is all. But I'm very good at what I do." She stepped closer, doing her best to keep the wattage on up on her smile, since Tolin seemed so fixated on her. "If you were to come to my tavern, I would know exactly what drink would be best for each of you. This gentleman over here, for example," Annie pulled Thorin's attention over toward the half elf with the daggers, "would love a high quality rice wine. It's smooth and goes down easily, yet it's deceptively strong. And you, ma'am, would appreciate a nice brandy, sweet and rich, but with a bite to it as it goes down your throat." Annie looked from the woman with the tattoo toward the dwarf who'd been kind enough to apologize for his leader's arrogant jest. "And you would undoubtedly enjoy a nice whiskey - dark and sharp, with smokey wood undertones." She gave a sketch of a curtsey to the dwarf, only slightly awkward with the unusual bulk of her leather coat. Then she sidled on step closer to Tolin and lowered her eyelids and voice. "And then there's you, sir. You have a certain depth and maturity. You..." Annie stepped back, maneuvering herself behind one of the comfortable armchairs in the room. "You...I would serve watered down small beer. Yes. That would serve you nicely." She added a false note of concern to her voice. "Unless that would be too strong for you as well?"

Annie is adopting a stance of total defense, unsure if Tolin will explode into violence or not. If he does, she will withdraw and seek to flee and prevent herself from being injured, rather than attack him in any way.

Diplomacy to amuse the other Jade Ravens, and avoid stepping over the line and inciting actual violence as she insults Tolin: 1d20+7=13

Sense Motive check to see if any of the Jade Ravens mean her or any of her fellow dinner guests harm: 1d20+8=16

Male Dwarf Shielded Fighter 5

For several moments, Dgrim looks flatly at the girl as she response with laughter to his query. He begins to speak further, then, when the halfling woman who he met yesterday arrives to welcome everyone. Given her acceptance of the motley group's presence, Dgrim doesn't continue to press the issue, accepting it himself.

At the library, the dwarf again looks inquisitively at the individuals already gathered here...these 'Ravens'. He's quick to respond to the verbose girl. "Ease your stance, girl. Remember where you are. You're a guest here. Show some respect."

In a gruffy, deliberate, and monotone voice, he addresses the tall plate-wearer. "That was quite clever. No, I don't think most of us here are gardeners." Dgrim quickly glances at the one the girl introduced as 'Bryson'. "In fact, I'm guessing we're here to be offered a task that's beneath you and your companions."

Urnidukr heads over to the liquor, rather excitedly, as suggested by the fellow dwarf, and looks over his option of spirits.

Trying to see if Dgrim knows anything about the Ravens:
Knowledge (local) (1d20+5=16)
Knowledge (nobility) (1d20+3=5)

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

Spinnaker Jon hurried up to the gate outside the manor and glanced down at the note in his hand. Yes, this must be the place. He was already late from getting lost in this district, and he was already getting strange glances from people not used to a sailor walking around in the nice section of Merchant District.

As he approached the door a gust of wind seemed to push the ornate door open ahead of him. Jon sighed a little and passed into the marble atrium. As he turned to close the door, another gust of wind slammed the door closed with a crash that probably was heard all the way out at the lighthouse. Jon cursed under his breath and looked around. Hearing voices down the corridor, he proceeded to the Library, distracted for a moment by some of the exquisite trophys on display. Pausing outside the door, he swept off his cap and smoothed his hair and went inside.

“Ar, I be Spinnaker Jon and I’m here about the…” Jon stopped suddenly at seeing a dozen odd people crowded into the Library. “What the… are ALL of ye swabs here about the same job?”

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

"Making fun of me? That's not nice." From this point on, Bryson pretty much ignores Tolin.
"Gardnin's an honorable way to spend time. Besides, the grounds could use some tending to."

Sovereign Court

Zomm wrote:
Zomm strode quickly toward the area of the manor house and as he approached he realized that there were other somewhat assorted characters milling about in front of the structure. As he walked up, he flourished and bowed when he got to within talking distance with anyone and smiled widely, awaiting a response.

Anyone who wishes to reply to Zomm may do so. We'll assume he's part of the group Kora Whistlegap leads inside.

As for Spinnaker Jon, well, he seems to have caught up with you already. :)

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie turned with an expression of wide eyed innocence toward her back as she recieved reprimand from an unexpected quarter - the dwarf behind her. "Oh, but sir, I am." Her smile hardened a little. "Exactly as much as I was shown by this...associate...of our hostess!"

Sovereign Court

As the leader of the Jade Ravens spoke, Sneaky examined each of the Ravens in turn for signs of recognition and ill intent, but he saw nothing of either.

Bryson Deepwinter wrote:
“D’ya think she’s looking for staff? She does seem to need a gardener and ah do have quite a green thumb, if ah do say so myself. Ah think if she offers ah’d take it”
Ghirrak Ironfist wrote:

"Do we look like gardeners?" he asks the man, sarcastically looking over the group. At Bryson's reply his shoulders shake slightly.

"He's entertaining himself at your expense my friend," he looks at the man still holding Annie's hand,"very much so it seems."

Bryson Deepwinter wrote:
"Making fun of me? That's not nice." From this point on, Bryson pretty much ignores Tolin.

Tolin seemed disappointed that he couldn't get a rise out of Bryson. He returned his focus to Annie. "How about you, lovely lady? Are you a gardener as well, or do your talents lie...elsewhere?"

Gull Street Annie wrote:
Annie put on her widest smile - perhaps it was a shade too much like she was baring her teeth. "Why no, I'm no gardener. Just a serving girl at a local tavern, is all. But I'm very good at what I do."

"Gardnin's an honorable way to spend time. Besides, the grounds could use some tending to," Bryson said, to no one in particular.

The dwarf with the spear nodded, his demeanor softening a little. "Aye, they can at that, but for a man of the green like myself, I like my nature like I like my women, wild and full of brambles. Kaskus Kiel's the name. You look like a man of the green, yourself."

Gull Street Annie wrote:
The redhead stepped closer, doing her best to keep the wattage on up on her smile, since Tolin seemed so fixated on her. "If you were to come to my tavern, I would know exactly what drink would be best for each of you. This gentleman over here, for example," Annie pulled Tolin's attention over toward the half elf with the daggers, "would love a high quality rice wine. It's smooth and goes down easily, yet it's deceptively strong. And you, ma'am, would appreciate a nice brandy, sweet and rich, but with a bite to it as it goes down your throat."

The woman with the tattoo sipped her drink, hiding a sly smile behind the goblet.

Gull Street Annie wrote:
Annie looked from the woman with the tattoo toward the dwarf who'd been kind enough to apologize for his leader's arrogant jest. "And you would undoubtedly enjoy a nice whiskey - dark and sharp, with smokey wood undertones." She gave a sketch of a curtsey to the dwarf, only slightly awkward with the unusual bulk of her leather coat. Then she sidled on step closer to Tolin and lowered her eyelids and voice. "And then there's you, sir. You have a certain depth and maturity. You..." Annie stepped back, maneuvering herself behind one of the comfortable armchairs in the room. "You...I would serve watered down small beer. Yes. That would serve you nicely." She added a false note of concern to her voice. "Unless that would be too strong for you as well?"
Dgrim Urnidukr wrote:
[T]he dwarf again looks inquisitively at the individuals already gathered here...these 'Ravens'. He's quick to respond to the verbose girl. "Ease your stance, girl. Remember where you are. You're a guest here. Show some respect."
Gull Street Annie wrote:
"Oh, but sir, I am." Her smile hardened a little. "Exactly as much as I was shown by this...associate...of our hostess!"
Dgrim Urnidukr wrote:

In a gruffy, deliberate, and monotone voice, he addresses the tall plate-wearer. "That was quite clever. No, I don't think most of us here are gardeners." Dgrim quickly glances at the one the girl introduced as 'Bryson'. "In fact, I'm guessing we're here to be offered a task that's beneath you and your companions."

Urnidukr heads over to the liquor, rather excitedly, as suggested by the fellow dwarf, and looks over his option of spirits.

Tolin barely heard Urnidukr, his expression frozen between rapt attention and unwelcome surprise. The half-elf with the daggers tittered and pointed at Tolin. "Watered-down beer! Small beer!" He covered his mouth with his hand. "Tolin, would you like a spoon with your small beer so you can take little-bitty sips?" He spun the dagger again and in the same fluid motion, slipped it back into a hidden sheath. As stormclouds flashed across Tolin's face, the half-elf sauntered over to Annie and tried to clap her on the shoulder, paying no mind when she gently avoided the contact. "This one's all right. Say, maybe we can use her in the Ravens? She could follow us around and make fun of Tolin. You know, to distract whoever we're fighting?" He gave Annie a sideways bow. "Zan Oldavin, dagger for hire, worth every copper. And you are?"

The man in the breastplate crossed his arms, trying not to let Annie's barb diminish him, though it was clear from his sour face that it had. "I think one incompetent performance artist is our limit."

The half-elf pretended to be hurt. "Tolin, that was unkind. Liamae isn't always incompetent, just when she's casting spells."

The woman with the tattoo said, "If I wasn't paid well, I'd leave both of you in the bilge for the druid's crocodile."

The halfling let another man into the library.

Spinnaker Jon wrote:
“Ar, I be Spinnaker Jon and I’m here about the…” Jon stopped suddenly at seeing a dozen odd people crowded into the Library. “What the… are ALL of ye swabs here about the same job?”

For Annie:

You don't win any new friends with your attempt to entertain the Jade Ravens, but you do amuse Zan and Liamae. Your attempts to sense their intentions proves a little more reliable and you're fairly certain that no one in the group harbors ill will(though Tolin is strangely less cordial than before).

For Dgrim:

The name and reputation of the Jade Ravens is familiar to you. They are a group of mercenaries that have been in the Vanderboren family's employ for several years. Tolin Kienti is a ranger of some skill, Kaskus Kiel is a reliable druid with a crocodile companion, Zan Oldavin is a dagger-wielding rogue with a reputation for being just a touch more mercenary than his companions, and Liamae Teslikaria is the group's somewhat haughty sorceress.

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie relaxed as she saw the Jade Ravens' reaction to her gambit, satisfied that she had at least established herself as someone who wouldn't be belittled without response.

She smiled a real smile of amusement at Zan's bow as he introduced himself and curtsied in kind. "Gull Street Annie, sir. Pleased to meet you." There, as proper and polite as you please. And not her full name. Annie pretty much never spoke of her family or past. "Gull Street Annie" was enough name for who she was now. "Server at The Plucked Parrot, which has the finest food in Shadowshore!" She laughed, half of it nervous tension finally bleeding away. "Not that that's saying much!"

"Ar, I be Spinnaker Jon and I'm here about the...What the... are ALL of ye swabs here about the same job?"

Annie turned toward the newcomer, amusement again reasserting itself completely over the burning anger and pride she'd indulged earlier. "Ah, welcome! No, not all of us are here about the job. These four gentles," she indicated the Jade Ravens with her hands, "are already in the employ of our kind hostess, I believe." She turned and offered a hand to Jon. "I'm Annie. Pleased to meet you, Jon."

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9
Warforged Gardener wrote:
The dwarf with the spear nodded, his demeanor softening a little. "Aye, they can at that, but for a man of the green like myself, I like my nature like I like my women, wild and full of brambles. Kaskus Kiel's the name. You look like a man of the green, yourself."

Bryson blushes at Kaskus' mention wild of women and gives a quick glance over to Annie. "A-a-a-ah am a man o'the green. And ah like mah nature wild too, but ah've come to the city to find my fortune. 'Cause the Wood don't got nothin left fo' me." His voice trails off quite a bit at the end of the sentence. "So when he mentioned gardnin I just figured it'd be a good way to spend mah time until somethin' better come along."

Sovereign Court

Bryson Deepwinter wrote:

Bryson blushes at Kaskus' mention wild of women and gives a quick glance over to Annie. "A-a-a-ah am a man o'the green. And ah like mah nature wild too, but ah've come to the city to find my fortune. 'Cause the Wood don't got nothin left fo' me." His voice trails off quite a bit at the end of the sentence. "So when he mentioned gardnin I just figured it'd be a good way to spend mah time until somethin' better come along."

"No harm in earning your way by working the earth," Kaskus said, "but I suspect Lavinia has something else in mind for all of you."

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

Spinnaker Jon grins at Gull Street Annie, gives her hand a friendly shake and nods to the rest.

“Aye, lassie, good to meet’cher! That’s a whale of a relief t’me; I was taken aback a bit to see all the competition for the replacement sorcerer position on the Jade Ravens!”

Bindlplotz strolls through the gate...pipe in his mouth, rifle slung over his shoulder..."This is the Vanderboren residence is it not? Where's that hungry hungry hippo of a halfling what served the invite?

Sovereign Court

Bindlplotz Cogwhistle wrote:

Bindlplotz strolls through the gate...pipe in his mouth, rifle slung over his shoulder..."This is the Vanderboren residence is it not? Where's that hungry hungry hippo of a halfling what served the invite?

Kora Whistlegap answers the door in due course, the corner of her lip twitching. "Oh, finally here, are ye? Well, come on, come on. They're in the library, the lot of them. When dinner's ready, I'll be back for ye." She leads Bindlplotz into the library and mutters to herself, "Dinner party for eight guests, one bloody halfling to mind the stoves and the kettles and light the lamps..." Her voice raises. "Oh, I hear ye, steam pots--why don't ye go whistle up a proper cook!" She closes the door behind her, leaving the assembled group to finish making each others' acquaintances.

Everyone should be in the library now. I'll give you all a little while longer to finish catching up with one another, and then it's off to meet the young Lady Vanderboren.

Male Human Rogue 1

Sneaky is quite impressed by the inside of the manor but he's especially awe-struck by the people inside the library...

the group they found already there: the strong ranger who, even if not openly, everyone in his team considers the chief, the dwarf druid and his crocodile pet, the rogue who seems to deal with knives better then himself and that intriguing mage...

and what could be said of the mates arrived with him and his half-orc comrade: the polite dark skinned half-elf druid, the severe dwarf but especially the spiced red hair girl... also the newcomers appear to be interesting: a sailor and a strange gnome...

Yeah Sneaky is unaware of which was his temper before he lost his memory but for now he prefers to keep for himself a low profile, trying to understend who will became a friend and who will be better to keep aside...

The only one he can trust for now is the half-ork monk who saved him from a certain death in that Shadowshore alley near Worgul Street.

Sneaky focus his attention on the furniture and details in the environment... Perception check 1d20 + 4 = 16

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9

Ghirrak raises an eyebrow as the gnome enters the room and gives Annie a look.

"Ask and it shall be given apparently"

The half orc's deep voice carries a note of genuine humor to it.

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

"Ah was thinking the same thing."

Sovereign Court

Spinnaker Jon wrote:

Spinnaker Jon grins at Gull Street Annie, gives her hand a friendly shake and nods to the rest.

“Aye, lassie, good to meet’cher! That’s a whale of a relief t’me; I was taken aback a bit to see all the competition for the replacement sorcerer position on the Jade Ravens!”

In the corner, Liamae, the Jade Raven sorceress with the moon tattoo, choked on her drink and spit most of it back into the goblet.

Zan smirked at her. "And here we always thought you were bluffing about leaving us, Li."

Tolin, the Raven in polished breastplate, walked up to Spinnaker Jon and scrutinized him uncomfortably. "Who told you we need a new sorcerer?"

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:
Tolin wrote:
Tolin walked up to Spinnaker Jon and scrutinized him uncomfortably. "Who told you we need a new sorcerer?"

Spinnaker Jon fidgeted uncomfortably under the new scrutiny.

"Well yer Lordship, there were these help wanted posters." He looked down and squinted a little as he read the paper in his hand.

"Jade Ravens mercenary company seek replacement for old sorcerer. See Captain Tolin at the Vanderboren estate." Jon looked up; "They were posted all over Lubbers Loop."

Sovereign Court

Spinnaker Jon wrote:
Tolin wrote:
Tolin walked up to Spinnaker Jon and scrutinized him uncomfortably. "Who told you we need a new sorcerer?"

Spinnaker Jon fidgeted uncomfortably under the new scrutiny.

"Well yer Lordship, there were these help wanted posters." He looked down and squinted a little as he read the paper in his hand.

"Jade Ravens mercenary company seek replacement for old sorcerer. See Captain Tolin at the Vanderboren estate." Jon looked up; "They were posted all over Lubbers Loop."

Tolin shook his head, the faint trace of a smile touching the corner of his lips. "I think someone's having a bit of fun at your expense." He cast a glance at Liamae, whose eyes had the semblance of cold iron daggers. "Or they're trying to kill you. Either way, you're out of luck, my friend."

Kaskus Kiel rose from his seat and approached the pair of them. "Now, hold on a minute. Do you have any other useful skills? You sound like you know your way around the docks."

Spinnaker Jon probably answers in the affirmative.

Kaskus nodded at Tolin. "Might be best to have him stick around a bit, given the situation."

Liamae spoke from her corner, shrugging. "When quality's not available, quantity will suffice."

I always find quality over quantity is the better course, but if'n your mistress chose me, I'm sure'n she chose well for these others. According to me mathematical mind, that equals Quality and Quantity. Excellent. Bindlplotz Cogwhistle at your service. Pleased as to meet your acquaintance as you are to meet mine I'm sure. Don't mind ole Bessysou, my trusty alchemical powder actuated projectile propelled device, she ain't loaded currently.

Sovereign Court

Bindlplotz Cogwhistle wrote:
I always find quality over quantity is the better course, but if'n your mistress chose me, I'm sure'n she chose well for these others. According to me mathematical mind, that equals Quality and Quantity. Excellent. Bindlplotz Cogwhistle at your service. Pleased as to meet your acquaintance as you are to meet mine I'm sure. Don't mind ole Bessysou, my trusty alchemical powder actuated projectile propelled device, she ain't loaded currently.

Tolin, intrigued by the device, asked the gnome if he could examine the weapon.

The sorceress raised an eyebrow. "The gnome's quality is a matter of debate, but I very much doubt a metal rod and some powder will ever equal even the simplest spell."

"Makes the hair stand on the back of my neck," Kaskus said, glancing at Bryson, "as unnatural as a silk dress on an ogre."

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

"What? Thar be no job then? But these help wanted posters..." Jon stopped there, his face frowning with concentration.

"Ah. Well, me luck be running true to form then." He said dejected. Spinnaker Jon pulled out a pipe, set his thumb on fire with a word, then lit the tobacco with a puff.

"I've an idea how those posters came to be put up then. I'm thinking I'll be sharing my bad luck with some deserving folks real soon." He puffed thoughtfully. A cabinet door creaked open for no apparent reason.

"But what was that you said about the Docks? And what IS yon contraption?" he pointed at Bindlplotz with the stem of his pipe. "It's got the look of some Gnomish clockwork contraption about it."

Sovereign Court

The library door opened and Kora Whistlegap, harried and a bit out of breath gestured for the group to follow her. The Jade Ravens took that as their cue and quickly gathered their affects, bidding the dinner guests a not-uncordial farewell. Their business seemed to lay elsewhere.

Kora led the group through a courtyard at the center of the mansion, lush and green with a stream running into a small pool of water, and then through a magnificent ballroom that appeared recently stripped of many of its more luxurious trimmings, blank places on the walls marking where paintings had been. The halfling opened another door and gave a tight smile, indicating their journey through the mansion was at its end.

Inside the private dining hall, a long table was set for nine, its surface covered with sumptuous food of every conceivable kind: two roast turkeys, bowls of piping hot soup that smelled of exotic spices, bowls of ripe fruit, freshly baked bread, tankards of ale, expensive wines. The table was a sharp contrast to the bareness of the room they'd just passed through.

Beside the table, an attractive human woman wearing a long, flowing blue dress stood looking at a portrait of a handsome young man with a short beard. She turned to face the guests, greeting with a sad smile. "Thank you for your patience. I'm afraid poor Kora has been running herself ragged trying to keep this house together. My name is Lavinia Vanderboren, and I'm grateful to all of you for coming."

She waited a few moments for everyone to seat themselves and become comfortable at the table, and then she seated herself. "Please," Lavinia said, "I'm too soon a noble to stand on ceremony. Help yourselves to whatever you'd like." She folded her hands. "As you may have heard, I recently inherited my parents' estate. Along with this fine house, unfortunately, came a fine amount of debt owed the Dawn Council, the harbormaster, and quite a few guildhalls. It seems my parents, for all their success as adventurers, were not as skilled at finance as one might expect. If I'm to get these taxes paid, I'll need to access my family's vault under Castle Teraknian.

"And that's the problem, you see. The vaults are magically locked and keyed to special signet rings. Both of my parents had these rings, at least, until recently. My mother lost hers a few months before..." Lavinia stopped abruptly, her eyes unexpectedly tearing up. She quickly rubbed her eyes with her palm and continued, undaunted. "She lost it a few months ago. The replacement she arranged for won't be done another month or so, too late for me. Which leaves my father's ring. He never wore it--he had a thing about men wearing jewelry. He kept it hidden somewhere aboard his ship, the Blue Nixie. The problem there is that the harbormaster has seized the ship until someone pays for the last four months of mooring. I've paid the fines to the man the harbormaster put in charge of my ship, a despicable man named Soller Vark, but when I went to claim my ship, Vark's men refused to let me aboard, claiming I haven't yet paid the fines. I spoke to Vark again and he denied ever receiving the money. My complaints to the harbormaster have fallen on deaf ears--he trusts his man and won't relent.

"Vark and his men are up to something on my ship, I know it. What I need is to find out what they're up to. Unfortunately, Vark is not the type to listen to diplomacy or logic. I need someone who can speak his language...which is where you come in. If you can find out what he's using my ship for, or even better, recover the money I paid him, I'll pay each of you 200 gold in return, once I have access to my vault."

She paused, waiting for their reactions.

Everyone's doing a fantastic job so far and I'm rewarding the roleplay in the OOC thread.

Warforged Gardener wrote:
Bindlplotz Cogwhistle wrote:
I always find quality over quantity is the better course, but if'n your mistress chose me, I'm sure'n she chose well for these others. According to me mathematical mind, that equals Quality and Quantity. Excellent. Bindlplotz Cogwhistle at your service. Pleased as to meet your acquaintance as you are to meet mine I'm sure. Don't mind ole Bessysou, my trusty alchemical powder actuated projectile propelled device, she ain't loaded currently.

Tolin, intrigued by the device, asked the gnome if he could examine the weapon.

The sorceress raised an eyebrow. "The gnome's quality is a matter of debate, but I very much doubt a metal rod and some powder will ever equal even the simplest spell."

"Makes the hair stand on the back of my neck," Kaskus said, glancing at Bryson, "as unnatural as a silk dress on an ogre."

Except it takes skill to cast a spell, 1000 peasants armed with these could change the world. Now imagine 10000, now imagine larger ones...defending your town against pirate ships and dragons! My projectiles can penetrate plate mail.

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie's mouth dropped open as the gnome entered the room, and she stood frozen, her shock preventing her from bursting into laughter again. A gnome! Who knew!

She was saved from having to come up with a witty response to the half orc's amused comment by Kora announcing that dinner was ready to commence.

Annie couldn't help craning her head and looking all around as they moved through the Vanderboren household, eager for glipses of a life her mother always had insisted they deserved when she was a girl. She was mostly at peace with her situation now, living within her means and confident in her ability to increase those means with hard work, but the prospect of seeing inside a noble house was still exciting.

She felt little pangs of pain as she saw the newly bare potions of walls, darker than the surrounding wood and stone in different shapes as they followed Kora through the house. A few large rectangles here indicated large paintings or possibly tapestries. A shape here indicated a large cabinet or possibly a bookshelf, now gone. A odd shape over the cold and bare fireplace mantle confused her, and then she recognized a coat of arms, with crossed long weapons, probably swords or maybe shortspears. It reminded her of the troops of creditors taking treasured items from her home in childhood, as her mothers stood screeching at the moving men and she stood helpless, lost and crying, clutching her favorite rag doll. Things were not going well for Miss Lavinia Vanderboren, despite her family's station.

Kora waved them all into the dining room, and Annie smiled and nodded to her in appreciation before entering, as the sumptuous smells coming from the room indicated the halfling's skill in the kitchen - and to cook for so many. Annie knew what skill that took and was suitably impressed. She was greatful the room here looked intact - both for Miss Vanderboren's sake, and her own. It would be hard to enjoy the treat of the meal she saw set before them if those reminders of reopened childhood wounds were before her eyes as she ate.

Annie hesitated before taking a seat, looking over their hostess with sympathetic eyes. She thought to offer condolences, but the sight of the beautiful and elegant woman in her finery made Annie suddenly shy and unsure. For all the warmth of the words in her note, would a woman of means like Lavinia accept condolences from a simple tavern wench?

Her hesitation lost her a seat next to the head of the table where Lavinia stood, and she sat about halfway down, three chairs between her and their hostess. She looked at the table setting and smiled wryly. Look! A salad fork! It'd been a while since she'd run into one. Annie toyed with the base of the implement for a second as she looked around the room at her new companions, then back up toward their hostess and the painting she had turned away from upon their entrance into the room. The young man...was he a friend? Old family? A lover? Annie examined the picture with curious interest for a second, then her attention was drawn back to Lavinia as she began to speak.

Annie sat back as Lavinia invited everyone to begin taking food, expecting a near melee to erupt from all the men sitting around the table as they dived for the turkeys. She elected instead to calmly unfold her napkin on her lap and take a sip from the fine glass of pale wine in front of her. She held it in her mouth, savoring it as she listened to Lavinia continue. She couldn't help a startled jump and involuntarily swallowed her sip of wine as Lavinia mentioned Soller Vark.

Annie put her glass of wine down and leaned forward, focusing her attention on Lavinia. "Lady Vanderboren, I first wanted to offer my condolences in your recent loss. It's a hard thing, to lose your parents. I have patrons that remember Lord Verik and Lady Larissa with great fondness." As she looked at the young woman before her, near in age to herself, she was overcome with thoughts of how hard the girl had it, how similar their situations could be. She arrived at a sudden decision. "I'll do whatever I can to help you. I've had a run in with Vark myself recently. he's a lot of trouble, he is! Trust a terrible man like him to take your gold for himself and leave you without your own property! It won't be easy to get what's yours from his like without a certain ugliness." She scowled down at the table at her memory of Vark, already a problem when he wouldn't take "no" for an answer at the tavern, pulling out steel to meet the patrons trying to protect her with simple words and honor. He'd almost killed many that day. "He's dangerous, and quick to draw steel. No doubt, there will be trouble."

The table settled as people served themselves, and Annie asked for the soup and salad to be passed in her direction and began to serve herself. She hoped the others around the table would be willing to help out Lavinia as well - she quailed internally at the thought of facing up to Vark again - but she would do it, whether others came or not. Whether she was paid or not. Cayden Cailean fought for joy, but also for right, and she felt a little righteous anger stirring in her gut. It was a signal - time for her to take action against some of the wrongs she saw around her every day in Shadowshore.

Perception to look at the painting of the young man and determine what she can of him from it: 1d20+7=16

Male Dwarf Shielded Fighter 5

Dgrim seats himself and, as soon as he's offered, tears off a leg of turkey for himself and devours it's meat hastily. As Lavinia tells her story, the warrior-scholar's focus on starts on the food in front of him, then gradually becomes intent on what the Lady has to say, particularly when she claims she's been cheated by some scumbag. "Lady Vanderboren, did you not receive a document in return for your payment, or have anyone with you to witness the deal?"

Anything about Vark that Lavinia hasn't told them:Knowledge (local) (1d20+5=24)

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

Bryson follows Kora and tries to stay close by Annie, his amazement at the mansion still evident on his face. When Annie chooses a seat, he fumbles as he scrambles to get one across the table from her. During the dinner he watches her and tries to imitate her actions. Unfortunately, he doesn't pay much attention to what Lavinia is saying until Annie agrees to help her. "Me too!", he says without really knowing what he has just agreed to do.

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9

Ghirrak listened closely as he ate, watching those around him. Annie was an intersting case, the way she looked at everything, she had definitely known wealth at one time, and loss. an interesting story the pretty barmaid had to tell, smart too.

Bryson was, to use an analogy he was apt to grasp, a fish out of water, he seemed good hearted but simple, the salt of the earth kind of person that Ghirrak found a welcome addition to any group.

The gnome, Bindleplotz, was it, carried himself with a distracted confidence that spoke volumes about the capability of his weird weaponry, and the sailor, he looked and smelled like a bit of a drunk, but there was something about him that the monk just couldn't put his finger on. The dwarven man had yet to say enough to give a good read.

An interesting group. And an interesting tale. This woman needed help and it seemed as if she had an eye for capable talent.

"I will, help you my lady, how about it Sneaky?"

Sovereign Court

Dgrim Urnidukr wrote:

Dgrim seats himself and, as soon as he's offered, tears off a leg of turkey for himself and devours it's meat hastily. As Lavinia tells her story, the warrior-scholar's focus on starts on the food in front of him, then gradually becomes intent on what the Lady has to say, particularly when she claims she's been cheated by some scumbag. "Lady Vanderboren, did you not receive a document in return for your payment, or have anyone with you to witness the deal?"

** spoiler omitted **

Dgrim recalls hearing Vark's name before, in reference to a nasty bar fight on Gull Street. The rumor is that Vark knifed some unarmed patrons in a scuffle over the honor of a bar maid, but no one was badly injured when the watch came to investigate despite the patron's assurances that blood was spilled in the altercation. Dgrim also recalls a description of Vark, which includes a nasty scar on his nose.

Lavinia shook her head, obviously embarrassed. "I'm afraid I rival my late parents for poor business sense. I make a very poor noble, for all the lessons I received at the Thenalar Academy." Her eyes returned momentarily to the young man's portrait. "Of course, all of their lessons were utterly pointless. Being genteel and ladylike is all well and good, but a few lessons in common sense would have served me better."

Sovereign Court


The subject of the portrait, upon closer inspection, bears trace resemblance to Lavinia. The man is possibly a relation. The cast of his mouth seems to indicate disdain or perhaps outright disgust.

Gull Street Annie wrote:
Annie put her glass of wine down and leaned forward, focusing her attention on Lavinia. "Lady Vanderboren, I first wanted to offer my condolences in your recent loss. It's a hard thing, to lose your parents. I have patrons that remember Lord Verik and Lady Larissa with great fondness."

Lavinia seemed overwhelmed for a moment, fresh tears welling behind her eyes, held back only by force of will. "You are too kind, madame," she said, very softly. "I thank you for that kindness. It seems as though I cannot throw a grain of rice in Sasserine without it touching someone to whom my parents meant a great deal." She tried to smile, a single tear overcoming her defenses and rolling down her cheek. "It should give me comfort to grieve in such large company, but it does not. It merely multiplies the grief." Her breath caught and she took a sip of her own wine.

Gull Street Annie wrote:
As [Annie] looked at the young woman before her, near in age to herself, she was overcome with thoughts of how hard the girl had it, how similar their situations could be. She arrived at a sudden decision. "I'll do whatever I can to help you. I've had a run in with Vark myself recently. he's a lot of trouble, he is! Trust a terrible man like him to take your gold for himself and leave you without your own property! It won't be easy to get what's yours from his like without a certain ugliness."

"Yes." Lavinia quickly nodded, searching the faces of those assembled. "You must all understand, I would never advocate the use of violence. If you are to be in my employ, I fully expect you to maintain honorable standards of behavior." She paused. "But that said, this is an unscrupulous man accustomed to resolving his differences with threats and violence. If he attacks you, you may have no choice but to sink to his level and I would not fault for doing so. You would have my support, as much as I can offer you." Behind her eyes, a trace of wildness long suppressed by the Thenadar Academy flickered to life. "This man has stolen what rightfully belonged to my parents. I will not weep if his nose is bloodied. Gods know he deserves much worse, if he is using the Nixie to further some criminal agenda."

Gull Street Annie wrote:
[Annie] scowled down at the table at her memory of Vark, already a problem when he wouldn't take "no" for an answer at the tavern, pulling out steel to meet the patrons trying to protect her with simple words and honor. He'd almost killed many that day. "He's dangerous, and quick to draw steel. No doubt, there will be trouble."

The young noblewoman agreed. "That is why I have called so many of you here. It is my hope, my fervent hope, that most of you accept this mission. Vark employs a great many men, how he affords them on the harbormaster's gold I do not know. The greater your number, the safer you will be if Vark will not admit wrongdoing."

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie would like to know if there's anything that can be done to pressure the harbormaster to distrust Master Vark. If Vark is able to afford thugs and he shouldn't, possibly he has perpetrated similar frauds on others. Would signed papers from multiple victims make him distrust Vark enough that Lavinia could gain access to her ship? I'll make a roll, please feel free to apply it to the most appropriate skill check: 1d20=13 (probably Knowledge(Local): 3)

Sovereign Court

Gull Street Annie wrote:
Annie would like to know if there's anything that can be done to pressure the harbormaster to distrust Master Vark. If Vark is able to afford thugs and he shouldn't, possibly he has perpetrated similar frauds on others. Would signed papers from multiple victims make him distrust Vark enough that Lavinia could gain access to her ship? I'll make a roll, please feel free to apply it to the most appropriate skill check: 1d20=13 (probably Knowledge(Local): 3)

You know enough about Keltar Islaran, the harbormaster, to know that he's an elderly man with traditional beliefs about loyalty. Without direct proof(signed statements MAY be enough, if you can find anyone else who's been cheated, though your local knowledge doesn't tell you of any such people), he'd never take an outsider's word against that of his employee, even one of unimpeachable moral character. You might have to gather more information before knowing for certain if seeing the harbormaster is a waste of your time, as it was for Lavinia.

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie concentrated on her soup bowl for a moment as she thought. She was glad to hear the half orc agree to come, and couldn't resist glancing up at the half orc's silent companion as the half-orc addressed him as "Sneaky". That might come in handy. The quiet elf agreed as well, and she sighed with relief, trying to disguise her sigh as blowing on a spoonful of hot soup. At least someone else would be with her. She knew Vark was violent, and she wanted to avoid trouble if she could. All she could think of was undermining Vark in the eyes of the harbormaster, but Keltar Islaran was an old school type of man, loyal to a fault. They would need more than one young woman's word that Vark was dishonest to get him to give her access to her ship. Other than the spot of trouble he'd caused in The Plucked Parrot, she didn't have anything more than his belligerent attitude and nasty demeanor to hold against him before his boss. But with all these others at the table, maybe someone else knew of someone that had been cheated.

The other nonviolent option Annie had in mind was less palatable to Annie, but Mr. Sneaky might make it possible. If they could sneak onto the lady's ship and get her father's ring for her, she could probably afford to deal with Vark if she still wanted to, or could accept the loss of the payment she'd offered Vark as the cost of a lesson in being an important person in town. That seemed a dangerous course to Annie, though, as getting caught would get them all in big trouble.

"Lady Lavinia, might you know of anyone else that has had some similar trouble with Vark?" Annie looked around the table at her fellow guests. "Might any of you have information on others who might have been cheated or threatened by Vark? I have some history with him, he pulled a knife in a barfight at the Plucked Parrot not that long ago. I could possibly get some statements from witnesses to the fight to talk to harbor master, but bad behavior off duty is less likely to turn the harbormaster against him than dishonesty in his duties at the harbor."

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

Dissapointed, Spinnaker Jon was about to follow the Jade Ravens out when Kora's words registered. "Well, she did say all of you..." He thought to himself. Perhaps something better will turn up. So he swung smoothly about and melded into the mass of people as they walked to the private dining room.

Amazed at the feast provided, he dug in along with the rest until repleated. Then he leaned back in his chair drinking a glass of a very nice port while idly blowing smoke rings through other smoke rings.

Hearing of Lavinia's plight he became disgusted and rose to his feet.

"Milady, I be an old seafarin' man, and we knows from right and wrong. This Vark fella be right embarassin' to me entire profession. Why, he be little more than a pirate!."

He raised his glass; "I say we get Milady's ring, her gold AND her ship back! Who's with me?" He glanced around at the rest of the people at the table.

Would I know this Soller Vark?

Male Dwarf Shielded Fighter 5

"Alright." Dgrim states. "I'll go down to the harbor tonight and see what I find. Who's with me?"

Bindlplotz eats the feast with great enjoyment.

I will accompany you

Sovereign Court

Spinnaker Jon wrote:
"Milady, I be an old seafarin' man, and we knows from right and wrong. This Vark fella be right embarassin' to me entire profession. Why, he be little more than a pirate!"

Spinnaker Jon:

Just for fun, we'll say you never met the man, but you met a scurvy sort a few weeks ago, name of Penkus, a smuggler every bit as mean and unscrupulous as any pirate you've ever heard of, and the two of you got into a little scuffle. He had a sense of fair play and even helped you up after the fight. He bought you a drink and remarked about "a scallywag what had no honor in 'im," that had to be taught a lesson. That scoundrel's name, you recall, was Soller Vark.

"I appreciate that," Lavinia said, a little amused at the man's nautical parlance. "In truth, I have known very few in your profession, and you, sir, go a long way to reassuring me that Vark is the exception and not the rule."

Gull Street Annie wrote:
"Lady Lavinia, might you know of anyone else that has had some similar trouble with Vark?" Annie looked around the table at her fellow guests. "Might any of you have information on others who might have been cheated or threatened by Vark? I have some history with him, he pulled a knife in a barfight at the Plucked Parrot not that long ago. I could possibly get some statements from witnesses to the fight to talk to harbor master, but bad behavior off duty is less likely to turn the harbormaster against him than dishonesty in his duties at the harbor."

Lavinia considered, then shook her head. "I'm sorry. My circle of friends is very small, mostly consisting of Kora and myself. My parents had many friends, but in the short time I lived here with them, I did not make any of their acquaintance. I have no way of knowing if any of them have been similarly extorted by Soller Vark, but I doubt it. In any case, nobles are not so free with their troubles as I am. It would be very difficult to admit to falling so low that a common...pirate, as you call him, sir...could frustrate to ruin."

Everything's moving along well, everyone. Some people have posted at the dinner, but I'm only going to give them until later on today before I post the map for the docks. Make sure you've all agreed what you want to do next.

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

Bryson's hardly touched the meat on his plate. He finds it too seasoned for his simple tastes. However, he's really enjoying the vegetables. In fact after finishing the latest mouthful, he asks, "What d'ya think Miss Annie? Should we go down by the docks and see if he's had a change of heart? Maybe we could help him see the light. In mah experience, predators like that scare easy if you stand up to 'em."

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

Spinnaker Jon looks around at the rest of the guests. "Ever'one aboard then? Good." He slugs down his drinks and sits down.

Frowning thoughtfully as he puffs on his pipe, he sturdily ignores the window creeking open for no apparent reason. Kora noticed and hustled over to shut it, missing the slow opening of a cabinet behind her.

"Seems t'me I have heard of this Vark swabbie; me old sparrin' partner Penkus ran afowl of him not too long ago, much like Annie here. Seems t'me if his reputation be true he ain't going to give up and go quietly. Hmmm." He puffs and thinks some more.

"Milady Vanderboren, can ye tell us whar yer ship be berthed? We c'n scout the lay of the pier; mebbe that'll suggest a way. Also can ye draw us a layout of yer ship? We may be able t' sneak in yet. What else can we think of before we launch?" He looks around expectantly, idly sending smoke ships through smoke rings above the feast on the table.

Bindlplotz smiles!! Yes please all come, It'll give me a chance to give a live demonstration of this alchemical marvel.

Male Dwarf Shielded Fighter 5

"I look forward to seeing your projectile device in action."

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