Dying to play more adventures

Pathfinder Society

This year the highest level will be about 12.
There will be about 40-50 adventures out (counting last season).
If I get to the highest level, do the adventure, then let myself die to lose one or two levels, I can then do the rest.
While I would lose some money, my PA would still go up and I'd get to be overequipped compared to some others.
Or would I be forced to remove the negative levels as an existing condition if I had the money? It seems that Restoration can now give you back the levels you lose from dying.


Dan Turek wrote:

This year the highest level will be about 12.

There will be about 40-50 adventures out (counting last season).
If I get to the highest level, do the adventure, then let myself die to lose one or two levels, I can then do the rest.
While I would lose some money, my PA would still go up and I'd get to be overequipped compared to some others.
Or would I be forced to remove the negative levels as an existing condition if I had the money? It seems that Restoration can now give you back the levels you lose from dying.

The Guide wrote:
PCs brought back from the dead in Pathfinder Society suffer no energy drain if brought back through raise dead. Note: this is different than how raise dead is normally handled (see page 329 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook).

Not only that, but in PFRPG characters no longer lose levels when they die. They gain permanent negative levels that are removed by restoration.


If your goal is just to play all the scenarios, then I suggest making a new character.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Kyle Baird wrote:
If your goal is just to play all the scenarios, then I suggest making a new character.

This is the best advice. Remember that if you are at 11 or 12th level you won't be able to play most of the adventures regardless because the maximum tier of them will be less that your maxed out character.

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