The Jade

Off-Topic Discussions

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Arcana Whupass wrote:
Rone Barton wrote:
I keep thinking my alter grEGgO here is suggesting something naughty, but what if by fan servicing, he just means coming in to fix a fan's motor? I'm sure that's it.
Fix my fan motor? That's what SHE SAID! BOOYAH!


Röne Bartön wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Röne Bartön wrote:
*I* care!
Aren't you a metal/industrial/goth band from Finland?
It's like a pair of eyes. You're looking at the umlaut, and it's looking at you.
Lemmy Kilmister told me if I rocked the umlaut that my fan servicing would expand exponentially. If you got moles like that cat and get multiple swings at bat, you can't pass up sage advice.

I'd be wary about taking the advice from someone who's hanging about with ÖIS-supporters. Bunch of upper-class twits the lot of them.

Kajehase wrote:
Röne Bartön wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Röne Bartön wrote:
*I* care!
Aren't you a metal/industrial/goth band from Finland?
It's like a pair of eyes. You're looking at the umlaut, and it's looking at you.
Lemmy Kilmister told me if I rocked the umlaut that my fan servicing would expand exponentially. If you got moles like that cat and get multiple swings at bat, you can't pass up sage advice.
I'd be wary about taking the advice from someone who's hanging about with ÖIS-supporters. Bunch of upper-class twits the lot of them.

But I thought he wanted us all to eat the rich? What happened?

The Exchange

The Jade wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Röne Bartön wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Röne Bartön wrote:
*I* care!
Aren't you a metal/industrial/goth band from Finland?
It's like a pair of eyes. You're looking at the umlaut, and it's looking at you.
Lemmy Kilmister told me if I rocked the umlaut that my fan servicing would expand exponentially. If you got moles like that cat and get multiple swings at bat, you can't pass up sage advice.
I'd be wary about taking the advice from someone who's hanging about with ÖIS-supporters. Bunch of upper-class twits the lot of them.
But I thought he wanted us all to eat the rich? What happened?

The economy!

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