Why should I / shouldn't I allow you to re-play scenarios?

Pathfinder Society

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Shadow Lodge 4/5

Martin Kauffman 530 wrote:
There is also an introductory series of three goblin themed modules which can be played for an unlimited number of times for new first level characters.

Can someone confirm this? I know of We be Goblins!, but was unaware that there were two more.

Liberty's Edge

Sorry- my bad. I was thinking of the "First Steps series: Part One: "In Service to Lore", part two: "To Delve the Dungeon Deep" and part three: "A Vision of Betrayal". This series introduces new player?characters to Pathfinder Society and its ten factions.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

That's fine. :)

I was afraid you were referring to Frostfur Captives and Rise of the Goblin Guild, which (while they are excellent, goblin-themed scenarios) cannot be replayed for credit.

Sczarni 4/5

Mystic Lemur wrote:
lantzkev wrote:

out of all the arguments presented here, I just haven't found any argument against replay that honestly makes sense.

Well I don't think you make sense. :P

Specifically, your rejection of the arguments presented in this thread without so much as a nod to why you feel they're incorrect. Your point has already been brought up. In fact, it's in the Guide. DMs are expected to kick out players who ruin the plot for others.

without so much as a nod to why they feel they're incorrect? what part of:

To everyone that says it ruins the experience, so does having the PDFs available to anyone with a wallet/internet connection/friend that's played it/gm'd it themselves.

doesn't address every single point of spoiling and is at the least a "nod" to why I think they're incorrect, you are clearly either trolling or just lack reading comprehension.

The simple point is that the only argument against it that holds any weight is a desire to see factions play out on a one player basis... Although this is sketchy because why let Dm's get credit twice then?

Sczarni 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Pullman

lantzkev wrote:
Although this is sketchy because why let Dm's get credit twice then?

Everyone has the ability to get Credit twice, once for playing once for GMing. If you step up, you can get credit for every scenario twice. It is done this way so that GMs wont end up with level one characters when everyone else at the table has level eight plus.

Sczarni 4/5

There's no reason to let DM's replay the scenario also if you're worried about spoilers, as it is they've already received credit also, because for every game his players have been in, he's gotten credit too as if he was there.

There's just absolutely no reason to allow repeats at all. Any partial repeats just undermines the whole "we don't want spoilers bit" Every GM earns as much credit as his players do, and they never fail faction missions either on top of it, or did I read that wrong?

Sczarni 4/5

we all know that practically you cannot have everyone get credit twice, the math just does not add up even if you consider 3 man tables with 1 gm npc... a max of 25% of the population can get credit twice.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

lantzkev wrote:

There's no reason to let DM's replay the scenario also if you're worried about spoilers, as it is they've already received credit also, because for every game his players have been in, he's gotten credit too as if he was there.

There's just absolutely no reason to allow repeats at all. Any partial repeats just undermines the whole "we don't want spoilers bit" Every GM earns as much credit as his players do, and they never fail faction missions either on top of it, or did I read that wrong?

Because it's a reward. The math isn't supposed to "add up". Formerly, if you DMed a session you didn't get credit, and you weren't allowed to play it for credit if you hadn't already. This was changed, on purpose, to what it is now as an incentive to get people to step up and GM. If a GM wants to play a scenario he has already ran, he still has to inform the table GM, and can be refused like anyone else who could potentially spoil the plot.

And as for earlier, call me a troll if you like. Whatever makes you feel better.

At some point you just need to accept that you can't because you can't. Asking why isn't going to do any good. Telling Mark and Mike good reasons why you should be able to replay for credit might do some good. Try that instead. (Or don't mind me. I am a troll, after all.)

Grand Lodge 4/5

Removed a post. Do not make personal attacks or throw insults at another poster, or otherwise simply don't post. Keep it civil.

5/5 5/55/55/5

lantzkev wrote:
There's no reason to let DM's replay the scenario also if you're worried about spoilers, as it is they've already received credit also, because for every game his players have been in, he's gotten credit too as if he was there.

Its not about the credit, its about what bob, the person, is going to do for that 4 hour block of the convention or the Tuesday night when you're all getting together. He shouldn't be out with nothing to do because he's already run the scenario, much less cause 4 other people to have nothing to do.

Sczarni 4/5

The whole point isn't to not reward a GM, it's that by rewarding them this way (and it seems a logical way to do it) you're invalidating the biggest reason I've seen presented for not letting players run a scenario twice.

The don't spoil it for other players, keep player vs character knowledge apart is enough.

Between how easily available the information is and the GMs able to play as players after running it, there's no reason others can run it a second time on different characters as well.

This would actually solve alot of problems some groups have when players go short. Here in Knoxville we have three pfs groups going at my flgs and they need some additional players this sunday, I can't go because with my wednesday group I want to play with them... I'd be more than happy to roll up a new char and play it, but wait, that's illegal too.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Folks, the majority of players I have talked to have advised they do not want unlimited replay. I don't think it is best for the long term health of the campaign so it isn't going to happen anytime in the foreseeable future. This thread has reached its end as people can't keep it civil and I've had to remove several posts.

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