Stefan Hill |
I think the players of 4e (like myself) you should take heart that at least some of the heat directed at 4e when it first came out would appear to be no more "stranger danger". The Pathfinder RPG threads are alight with the disatisfied venting their spleens left and right. Yet another case of playing a "new game" with the "old game" stuck firmly in your mind. For a bunch of people whose hobby hinges on imagination and suspension of disbelief I am constantly amazed by the the lack of flexibilty and adaptibility that (some) roleplayers would seem to have.
Still enjoying playing 4e, still enjoying DMing Pathfinder, still amazed at capacity people to complain...
Happy gaming guys,
Steve Geddes |
I think the players of 4e (like myself) you should take heart that at least some of the heat directed at 4e when it first came out would appear to be no more "stranger danger". The Pathfinder RPG threads are alight with the disatisfied venting their spleens left and right. Yet another case of playing a "new game" with the "old game" stuck firmly in your mind. For a bunch of people whose hobby hinges on imagination and suspension of disbelief I am constantly amazed by the the lack of flexibilty and adaptibility that (some) roleplayers would seem to have.
Still enjoying playing 4e, still enjoying DMing Pathfinder, still amazed at capacity people to complain...
Happy gaming guys,
A good observation I think - 4th edition disappointed me until I approached it as a completely different game. As soon as I stopped trying to play 3.5 with 4th edition rules, I quite liked it.
PsychoticWarrior |
For a bunch of people whose hobby hinges on imagination and suspension of disbelief I am constantly amazed by the the lack of flexibility and adaptability that (some) roleplayers would seem to have.
Good lord isn't that the truth. I sometimes wonder how some of the people I have met who are self-described role-players can manage it as they come across as the most narrow minded, unimaginative dolts I've had the misfortune to meet.
Raevhen |
Agreed, even players of 4e can be like this. When I started my 4e game and one of my players invited a friend to play with us, the new guy was shocked and a little hurt that I didn't give out xp after every fight. I tried to explain to him that since the rules clearly state that characters should level up after 8-10 encounters, I decided to do away with the bookkeeping of tracking xp and after around 8-10 encounters the characters could level with my approval. He ended up not returning to the game, I guess I broke some cardinal rule and was outcast unclean :P
PsychoticWarrior |
Agreed, even players of 4e can be like this. When I started my 4e game and one of my players invited a friend to play with us, the new guy was shocked and a little hurt that I didn't give out xp after every fight. I tried to explain to him that since the rules clearly state that characters should level up after 8-10 encounters, I decided to do away with the bookkeeping of tracking xp and after around 8-10 encounters the characters could level with my approval. He ended up not returning to the game, I guess I broke some cardinal rule and was outcast unclean :P
er, *ahem* I mean what an interesting story! ;-)
Oh and I agree this kind of behaviour is most certainyl not confined to players of any one edition of D&D or D&D in general (Vampire players *shudder*)
Incanus |
I don't quite understand the purpose of this thread, aside to complain about people using rough generalizations and taking the chance to allow yourself to think how "better" some other people can be O_o.
Obviously, there are morons and/or people you disagree with, everywhere and anytime, in every given group of people. Deal with it. But please, don't use that to draw dubious conclusion about anything related to our hobby and those which practice it.
PsychoticWarrior |
I don't quite understand the purpose of this thread, aside to complain about people using rough generalizations and taking the chance to allow yourself to think how "better" some other people can be O_o.
Obviously, there are morons and/or people you disagree with, everywhere and anytime, in every given group of people. Deal with it. But please, don't use that to draw dubious conclusion about anything related to our hobby and those which practice it.
We are 'dealing with it'. Right here in this thread. Didn't you notice??
Incanus |
We are 'dealing with it'. Right here in this thread. Didn't you notice??
Oh, please, tell me it's ironic.
If, by "dealing with something" you mean "throwing blind psychological interpretations and abusive generalizations away" then i fail to understand how it will solve anything or make anything better.
Celestial Healer |
I think you are misinterpreting the posts. For one, they are self-deprecating. They are all about a community of which we are all a part.
Second, most of the posts seem to be of the "it takes all kinds" variety. I haven't seen any generalizations other than obvious tongue-in-cheek hyperbole.
Third, people need to vent. The posts on this thread that aren't tongue-in-cheek "it takes all kinds" quips have been anecdotes about frustrating situations people have been in.
I have seen many nasty threads, and this is not one of them. If you are looking for mean-spirited threads to call out, I'm sure we can point you to a few.
PsychoticWarrior |
Quote:We are 'dealing with it'. Right here in this thread. Didn't you notice??Oh, please, tell me it's ironic.
If, by "dealing with something" you mean "throwing blind psychological interpretations and abusive generalizations away" then i fail to understand how it will solve anything or make anything better.
Did I also mention how humourless some gamers are? No? Well let me tell you.....
Matthew Koelbl |
Quote:We are 'dealing with it'. Right here in this thread. Didn't you notice??Oh, please, tell me it's ironic.
If, by "dealing with something" you mean "throwing blind psychological interpretations and abusive generalizations away" then i fail to understand how it will solve anything or make anything better.
I think you may have misread pretty much every post in this thread. I was actually surprised how not-mean-spirited this thread was (given how other threads had gone), until your posts. I don't think you intentionally were stirring up trouble here, but I really think you have misinterpreted the nature of the discussion.