Samurai for dissection

Homebrew and House Rules

Here is an update for Samurai, using the 3.0 Oriental Adventures one as a base.

Level BAB Ref Fort Will Class Features
1 1 0 2 2 Ancestral Daisho, Code of
Conduct, Martial Arts Training
2 2 0 3 3 Bonus Feat
3 3 1 3 3 Kata (Iejutsu)
4 4 1 4 4 Uncanny Dodge
5 5 1 4 4 Zanji +1
6 6 2 5 5 Bonus Feat
7 7 2 5 5 Kata (Conservation of Movement)
8 8 2 6 6 Improved Uncanny Dodge
9 9 3 6 6 Zanji +2
10 10 3 7 7 Bonus Feat
11 11 3 7 7 Kata (Armored Assault)
12 12 4 8 8 Combat Awarness
13 13 4 8 8 Zanji +3
14 14 4 9 9 Bonus Feat
15 15 5 9 9 Kata (Improved Conservation of
16 16 5 10 10 Blindsight 10ft
17 17 5 10 10 Zanji +4
18 18 6 11 11 Bonus Feat
19 19 6 11 11 Kata (Ferocious Charge)
20 20 6 12 12 Kensai

HD: d10
Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial Weapons and also Light and Medium Armor.
Skill Points: Int+4
Skills: Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Kn: History, Kn: Nobility, Kn: Religion,
Perception, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Swim.

Ancestral Daisho: as Oriental Adventures.
Total Sacrifice Minimum
Weapon Bonus Required Character Level
+1 2,000 gp 4th
+2 8,000 gp 7th
+3 18,000 gp 9th
+4 32,000 gp 11th
+5 50,000 gp 13th
+6* 72,000 gp 14th
+7* 98,000 gp 15th
+8* 128,000 gp 16th
+9* 162,000 gp 17th
+10* 200,000 gp 18th

Martial Arts Training: Samuria are treated as Fighters for the purposes of qualifing for Feats involving
Katana (Bastard Sword), Wakizashi (Shortsword), Yari (Longspear), Daikyu (Longbow), or Unarmed
Strikes. Samurai also gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword and Improved Unarmed

Kata (Iejutsu): Gain the benefits of Quickdraw for Katana and Wakizashi only. If the Samurai gains
the Quickdraw Feat she gains +2 to Initiative when her swords are sheathed at the start of combat.
Iejutsu also gives a Samurai the abiliy to sheath a sword as part of a move action.

Zanji: at 5th level a Samurai gains +1 to Perception to detect foes lying in ambush and to Initiative.
This bonus increases by +1 every four levels there after.

Kata (Conservation of Movement): A Samuria's attacks and defenses flow together from one to the
next. A Samuria suffers only half of the penalty to AC to any attack action such as Charging, Cleave,
or Lunge.

Kata (Amored Assault): A Samurai does not suffer movement penalties in Medium and Heavy Armor
when calculating Charge Range.

Combat Awareness: When wearing light or no armor a Samurai may add her Wisdom bonus to her

Kata (Improved Conservation of Movement): A Samuria no longer suffer AC penalties on Attack

Kata (Ferocious Charge): A Samurai may make a Charge as part of a Full Round Attack.

Kensai: Weapon specific Feats apply to all Weapons a Samurai is proficient with. She also suffers
no penalties to attack roll wether from being Entangled, Sickened, or Two Weapon Fighting.

I give up trying to format this

some first impressions, as i don't have the oriental adventures book in from of me.

I feel like I want to see mounted combat addressed in some way. Samurai started as mounted archers. This class is very melee oriented, and I think that it would be good if it could find a balance between the samurai's role as a cavalryman, a swordsman, an archer, and a battlefield leader.

Might I suggest some class features that give the samurai a direct bonus to willpower saves, an intimidating presence feature of some kind. Maybe a battlefield presence that gives comrades a moral bonus. You could add a feature progression like the ranger where the samurai decides whether to focus on ranged combat or melee combat, and then let them imbue an ancestral weapon along those lines (as bows were thought to have spirits just as much as swords).

Some of the features you have could be made into feats, like the conservation of movement features, and added to a bonus feat list, if space becomes a problem

Over all though I like a lot about this class

This looks real nice!

I've often tried to come up with Monk/Fighters based on Mushashi and The Book of Five Rings, and really like the katana/wakashahi cultured swordsman concept.

The one thing I would add is the ability to use the deflect arrows feat while armed with the swords (as well as the normal required free hand).

Love the class you posted here, and think it is probably much more enjoyable to play then many paladins end up.

Thanks for posting, and don't worry about the formatting.

Anburaid wrote:

some first impressions, as i don't have the oriental adventures book in from of me.

I feel like I want to see mounted combat addressed in some way. Samurai started as mounted archers. This class is very melee oriented, and I think that it would be good if it could find a balance between the samurai's role as a cavalryman, a swordsman, an archer, and a battlefield leader.

Might I suggest some class features that give the samurai a direct bonus to willpower saves, an intimidating presence feature of some kind. Maybe a battlefield presence that gives comrades a moral bonus. You could add a feature progression like the ranger where the samurai decides whether to focus on ranged combat or melee combat, and then let them imbue an ancestral weapon along those lines (as bows were thought to have spirits just as much as swords).

Some of the features you have could be made into feats, like the conservation of movement features, and added to a bonus feat list, if space becomes a problem

Over all though I like a lot about this class

Trust me, I seriously thought about a mounted progression for that reason. The problem is that I've seen a lot of people complain about their mounted combat feats when they go into a dungeon. I left it out for the same reason Paladins can choose to imbue their weapons. You can still get it, you get 5 bonus feats if you want to focus on Mounted Combat or Archery.

For the Will Saves, I don't really want to add anything on top of the good Will Save progression. I think I'd be more willing to go with some thing that boost intimidation rather then boosting other troops' moral, as Samurai were more interested with psyching out an enemy then inspiring allies. I'd think I'd like to see how it plays as it is and allow people to take feats like the Intimidating Prowess and Dazzling Display feats.

As for Ancestral Daisho, I understand what you mean but the Daisho is the symbol of the Samurai's class and their souls. Honestly, I think I'd rather do away with it then open it up to any weapon, so people don't feel like they're being rail roaded into taking Katanasas your focus. On the other hand it would give you a good back up when you get a good magic spear or bow, just spend a few thousand GP.

Of course, feel free to do what you want to it in your games. Thanks for the feedback.

Fergie wrote:

This looks real nice!

I've often tried to come up with Monk/Fighters based on Mushashi and The Book of Five Rings, and really like the katana/wakashahi cultured swordsman concept.

The one thing I would add is the ability to use the deflect arrows feat while armed with the swords (as well as the normal required free hand).

Love the class you posted here, and think it is probably much more enjoyable to play then many paladins end up.

Thanks for posting, and don't worry about the formatting.

Thanks, my biggest concern is that I put in too much. I tried to think What Would Musashi Do as I worked on it. I kept getting kill everyone as an answer, so I'm not sure how well that worked out.

As for the Deflect Arrow, I never understood that. Why can't you use a Weapon or, gasp, a shield. I've always let my players do it.

Dissecting Samurai is illegal in 32 states, the District of Columbia, and the US Virgin Islands.

Skaorn wrote:
I give up trying to format this

If you submit it to the Pathfinder Database, I'd be happy to format it.

mdt wrote:
Dissecting Samurai is illegal in 32 states, the District of Columbia, and the US Virgin Islands.

Hey, I'm just practicing my 1st Amendment Rights as a mahotsukai... err... it was self defense... um... oh, screw it! Get'um Oni!

Pathfinder Database Pimp wrote:
Skaorn wrote:
I give up trying to format this
If you submit it to the Pathfinder Database, I'd be happy to format it.


"My biggest concern is that I put in too much."

It is good, and seems very powerful compared to a straight fighter, however, the "code of conduct" is a huge balancing factor. Just look at all of the stuff the paladin gets for being super Lawful Good.

I think this is a great mix of Fighter, Monk, Paladin, and a little "Bust out of the bathhouse swinging" (Then give up bathing forever) from legend.

In my opinion, this would probably be better then the Caviler as an addition to the advanced players guide.

Skaorn wrote:
mdt wrote:
Dissecting Samurai is illegal in 32 states, the District of Columbia, and the US Virgin Islands.
Hey, I'm just practicing my 1st Amendment Rights as a mahotsukai... err... it was self defense... um... oh, screw it! Get'um Oni!

sounds of growling, screaming, and chomping

Please send more Oni, the last one was delicious. buuurrrppp

I sent this to the Paizo Database. Hopefully the format will work. I left out Ancestral Daisho for the reasons stated above and so as not to get in trouble with WotC.

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