Undefined Feats

Rules Questions

Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack are both listed as possible feats for animal companions.

There is no rules text for either of these feats.

Should we assume the same text as 3.5?

Liberty's Edge

crmanriq wrote:

Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack are both listed as possible feats for animal companions.

There is no rules text for either of these feats.

Should we assume the same text as 3.5?

My guess is that they're in the Bestiary.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

crmanriq wrote:

Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack are both listed as possible feats for animal companions.

There is no rules text for either of these feats.

Should we assume the same text as 3.5?

Yeah; those feats are in the Bestiary; it does indicate as much in the "Animal Feats" section on page 53 of the PRPG. I'm relatively certain that they work exactly they way they do in the 3.5 SRD, in any case.

James Jacobs wrote:
crmanriq wrote:

Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack are both listed as possible feats for animal companions.

There is no rules text for either of these feats.

Should we assume the same text as 3.5?

Yeah; those feats are in the Bestiary; it does indicate as much in the "Animal Feats" section on page 53 of the PRPG. I'm relatively certain that they work exactly they way they do in the 3.5 SRD, in any case.

Thanks for the quick answer. Followup:

In the Bonus Bestiary, Ascomoid has Improved Overrun, while not meeting the prerequisite of having Power Attack.

Is this an exception for Ascomoid, Creatures in general (it's listed as a possible feat for animal companions), or simply an oversight?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

crmanriq wrote:
In the Bonus Bestiary, Ascomoid has Improved Overrun, while not meeting the prerequisite of having Power Attack.

The monsters in the Bonus Bestiary were created long before we had the format down for the actual Bestiary, and even before we had all of the actual rules of the RPG itself locked down. So there's a certain amount of inaccuracy in the Bonus Bestiary; I'm pretty sure that all of these monsters will make it in to the Bestiary 2 next summer though, at which point the errors will be tended to.

Now, that said, the case of the Ascomoid's Improved Overrun is NOT an error. It's a bonus feat (indicated as such by the superscript B after the feat). As a creature without an Intelligence score, an Ascomoid doesn't get feats or skill ranks; we gave it Improved Overrun as a bonus feat because it fits so well with its role and flavor. As a bonus feat, it doesn't need to qualify for it with prerequisites; it just has the feat. No strings attached.

James Jacobs wrote:
crmanriq wrote:
In the Bonus Bestiary, Ascomoid has Improved Overrun, while not meeting the prerequisite of having Power Attack.

The monsters in the Bonus Bestiary were created long before we had the format down for the actual Bestiary, and even before we had all of the actual rules of the RPG itself locked down. So there's a certain amount of inaccuracy in the Bonus Bestiary; I'm pretty sure that all of these monsters will make it in to the Bestiary 2 next summer though, at which point the errors will be tended to.

Now, that said, the case of the Ascomoid's Improved Overrun is NOT an error. It's a bonus feat (indicated as such by the superscript B after the feat). As a creature without an Intelligence score, an Ascomoid doesn't get feats or skill ranks; we gave it Improved Overrun as a bonus feat because it fits so well with its role and flavor. As a bonus feat, it doesn't need to qualify for it with prerequisites; it just has the feat. No strings attached.

Again. Thanks!

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