Niels |

as the subjekt reads, i was a little disapointed when i discovered that none of the feats in the 2handed weapon chain made it to the final cut, especialy the overhead chop, it was a favorit for the barbarian player in my grupe, and a way to even out the balace with the figher
where they somhow to powerfull or ...
if anyone has any answers pleas let me know.
this is not an effort to be over dramatic, and im not saying the barbarian is a useless class... was just wondering about thous feats, i think i might house rule the back in anyway:)

Derek Poppink |

as the subjekt reads, i was a little disapointed when i discovered that none of the feats in the 2handed weapon chain made it to the final cut, especialy the overhead chop, it was a favorit for the barbarian player in my grupe, and a way to even out the balace with the figher
where they somhow to powerfull or ...
if anyone has any answers pleas let me know.
this is not an effort to be over dramatic, and im not saying the barbarian is a useless class... was just wondering about thous feats, i think i might house rule the back in anyway:)
Read this thread: The Disappointed Halberdier