thebluecanary |

How close is the PathForge sheet to Erian's original one?
Not at all. Ford Prefect was from a small planet... oh wait. Never could get the handle of Thursdays.
The PathForge project was originally ment to combine sCoreGen and Erian's sheets together, and make them something different. It looks more like sCoreGen then anything else.

thebluecanary |

This is a reallllllly long thread.
I found your CS somewhere online, but I'm pretty sure you've updated it since then.
Where can I find the most up-to-date character sheet?You've done an amazing job, keep up the good work!
You can find mine here. I don't think Erian is updating his anymore.

thebluecanary |

I started playing with this last night and found a couple of issues. Where should I be posting them?
If your talking about sCoreForge, then go here: Support Tickets, if not, then I do not know.

Sethvir |

Sethvir wrote:If your talking about sCoreForge, then go here: Support Tickets, if not, then I do not know.I started playing with this last night and found a couple of issues. Where should I be posting them?
Yep, that is what I was after. I'll look at the new version and see how it is doing before I post any issues. Thanks.

thebluecanary |

thebluecanary wrote:Yep, that is what I was after. I'll look at the new version and see how it is doing before I post any issues. Thanks.Sethvir wrote:If your talking about sCoreForge, then go here: Support Tickets, if not, then I do not know.I started playing with this last night and found a couple of issues. Where should I be posting them?
I should have a new version out today or tomorrow.

thebluecanary |

thebluecanary wrote:New Version of sCoreForge out today.Is there a tutorial?
ATM saddly no. I have a couple of guys who are trying to help me write a better FAQ/Wiki for it. We haven't gotten very far.
Now that I have this new version up, I think its time to start a better one. At LEAST a play-by-play for what the tabs are/do.

Kilthar |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |
I am hosting a large number of character sheets and utility files for use with 3.5, 4E, Pathfinder and some other systems at http://www.nzcomputers.net/heroforge/
If you any other character sheets or utility files you would like to see hosted you can contact/email (link on website) me the file(s) for me to add.

thebluecanary |

New Version of sCoreForge out today. - Oracles, Bloodlines, and Favorite Class Bonus to name a few.

thebluecanary |

Seems to want to give my Elven Oracle the Alertness Feat free, and can't untick it. Comes up Blue so must be assigning it as a class/race feat?
Silly issue on my part. Check the buffs page, and unclick Alertness. I forgot to add the new buffs to the clear-all function. So just a minor over site on my part.
But I am glad you enjoy the sheet.

Dilvish the Danged |

When I try to download the new version, a red box appears on upper right of download screen saying
The"/sCoreForge Character Sheet/Pathfinder-sCoreForge-1.30.zip" file could not be found or is not available
P.S. I have ver 1.21 and I think this a very nice character generator you are developing, thank you for working on it.

thebluecanary |

When I try to download the new version, a red box appears on upper right of download screen saying
The"/sCoreForge Character Sheet/Pathfinder-sCoreForge-1.30.zip" file could not be found or is not available
P.S. I have ver 1.21 and I think this a very nice character generator you are developing, thank you for working on it.
I just found out about this this morning. Not sure why, but it never related the file yesterday. I've removed the old file and replaced it. Site shows it as active now. Enjoy.

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Erian_7's sheet has the Minotaur as a playable race
where did the info for this come from?
can someone please post a link to the source?
I would imagine he advanced it from 3.5. Here are some links to the Minotaur and its variants. I think the Rockland version would be the only one I would even consider allowing to be a PC.

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DropBearHunter wrote:Erian_7's sheet has the Minotaur as a playable race
where did the info for this come from?
can someone please post a link to the source?
I would imagine he advanced it from 3.5. Here are some links to the Minotaur and its variants. I think the Rockland version would be the only one I would even consider allowing to be a PC.
may be helpful as well.

thebluecanary |

I cant manage to use the 1.3 version some kind of error appears whe i try to open the file.
I am using the 1.2 right now.
I had some odd bug from the website that messed up the file. If you're still getting the error with, then post a ticket here: Support Tickets

thebluecanary |

New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.5.0.1 Pathfinder Society Support, Gunslingers & More.

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keeps getting better and better.
*watches for monk archetype hungrily*
I've just been copying the alternate arch ability for the usual ones over the default in the class table. All the stuff is already written out, but a quick name change on the table points everything to the right place.
Working in Quiggong stuff I've had to make custom class abilities that detail the spell descriptors, mechanics, and ki cost.

thebluecanary |

keeps getting better and better.
*watches for monk archetype hungrily*
I've just been copying the alternate arch ability for the usual ones over the default in the class table. All the stuff is already written out, but a quick name change on the table points everything to the right place.
Working in Quiggong stuff I've had to make custom class abilities that detail the spell descriptors, mechanics, and ki cost.
Not much left but Archetypes left to do. Ill get there as fast as i can.

thebluecanary |

New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.7.1.0 : Full Collection of Rogue Archetypes, (YES THUGS!), additional character sheets, and more fun stuff.
Shout out to Nez for picking the day! =P

thebluecanary |

New Version of sCoreForge out today. - v1.8.0.0 : Addition of all the Druid Shaman Archetypes, and a few more tossed in.
And if you'd like a specific Archetype added for the next update, please post a request on the projects page.
**hint hint** Nez **hint hint**