Page 548 of the Pathfinder RPG PDF is not where it should be

Customer Service

Dark Archive

I know this is minor, but I didn't see where anyone had posted about this yet. Page 548 in the Pathfinder RPG PDF is between pages 552 and 553 instead of where it should be.



Mine's the same way.

Iit the document security that won't let me extract/reflow pages?

Hey fellahs,

Gary Teter and Ross Byers, the IT guys have acknowledged this (in other threads). They're waiting for the folks to get back from GenCon to get this fixed. Once it is fixed.. every customer is going to get an e-mail letting them know a corrected version is avilable.

The folks responsible for the layout are actually at the Con.

It looks to me, based on the nearly unusably wrong bookmarks, and the fact that an entire page has moved, as if Paizo allowed the deadline of GenCon to determine the launch, rather than launching when the thing (pdf) was actually ready.

Is the page in the right place in the book, or did GenCon trump editing of the physical product as well? (need to know if I should cancel a preorder until they get the books right)

James Todd wrote:
Is the page in the right place in the book, or did GenCon trump editing of the physical product as well? (need to know if I should cancel a preorder until they get the books right)

In my physical copy, page 548 comes right in between pages 547 and 549... does that sound right?


The book is basically right. There may be some small fixes with the second printing, but nothing all that major, at least judging from the errata.

The PDF is marginally borked, meaning that it was obviously planned to be hyperlinked everywhere, and is currently only linked to half of everywhere. But it's still readable and useful, and having it in your downloads means that you'll also get the revised debugged PDF when it appears.

I think the facts of the matter are that Paizo is a small company and all the staff was working like beavers to prepare for the trade show and to get all the books in the mail, and fully hyperlinking and debugging the PDF? Well, less urgent, in that it's still readable and the fix can be put out for free a little bit later.

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