Raven34 |
hiya catman!
i was in one of your other games, which unfortunately died
i would be up for trying a high level game, all the ones i do seem to be are low level and i am curious how a high level pbm would work (and if it would work) i would like to play a wizard
so what are the rules for making up a character

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My schedule was in a lot of flux the last couple weeks, but it actually looks like it has settled down for the fore-seeable future and I'd love to get in a game. Haven't had a chance to try out PF characters above 16th level yet(I ran CotCT for some players, I haven't played a PF character above 5th myself).
Are there any character creation rules that we should be aware of? Just standard wealth for character level? How are we rolling up stats? Any class restrictions?

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Do you guys have any idea just what you would want to play so we can form up a varied team?
I need to talk to her first... she set me into finding a pbp that we can play together in while she's in china. I'll come up with a character idea pretty soon... possibly a sorcerer or cleric.
Aside: I've played a ton of clerics lately...

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Sounds good. All my characters recently have seemed to need to be spellcasters(either wizards or clerics) so I would have a preference towards either a bruiser or rogue-type, but I can play just about anything as well.
Would be fun to test out some of the higher level caster spells if thats what is needed.

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Hey! I'm Alizor's girlfriend ;-)
Looks like Alizor is thinking a sorceress at this point. I'm willing to fill any party role that is needed...I pretty much play all classes. If Tarlane wants to be a bruiser or a rogue, and Raven wants to be a wizard...in that case I shall take the divine role. I'll probably be a full cleric, no PrCs.

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Sorry, my weekend is being a bit hectic on me. I should have my character made tomorrow night, but some surprise family obligations are making it hard to get it done before then. I'll have all the details up in the evening.
I think I am really leaning towards rogue since it sounds like we have most other roles covered now.

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sure pm me sheets
Still working on finalizing my character, high level crap takes a while... especially when busy! Also Catman, how do you want me to handle the harrow deck in play? I do own a harrow deck at home so I can either just pick from the deck that way and tell you what I get. Or you can roll/pick or whatever.
Note: Are there PMs on the Paizo boards?? I didn't think there were.
Note 2: Making my character on Google Docs, I'll let you know/give you a link when I finish.

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catman123456 wrote:sure pm me sheetsStill working on finalizing my character, high level crap takes a while... especially when busy! Also Catman, how do you want me to handle the harrow deck in play? I do own a harrow deck at home so I can either just pick from the deck that way and tell you what I get. Or you can roll/pick or whatever.
Note: Are there PMs on the Paizo boards?? I didn't think there were.
Note 2: Making my character on Google Docs, I'll let you know/give you a link when I finish.
you pick and tell me, and take your time

Raven34 |
hi everyone
i am going to make up a cohort
and im just getting your guys opinions, paticularly the catmans but the rest of you can make a comment or two
it looks like the cohort will be level 16
i am thinking of a dwarf cleric, prevoulsy i have played cohorts and given them half the starting wealth of a pc, does that sound right?
anybody else having a cohort?
is the person playing a cleric PC happy with me having a cleric cohort (i dont want to steal any of your thunder, my prevoius experience of having a cleric cohort is that cleric PCs like them because you can make the cohort carry all the boring buff spells! and the PC does not have to always be the medic)
so what do people think?

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hi everyone
i am going to make up a cohort
and im just getting your guys opinions, paticularly the catmans but the rest of you can make a comment or twoit looks like the cohort will be level 16
i am thinking of a dwarf cleric, prevoulsy i have played cohorts and given them half the starting wealth of a pc, does that sound right?
anybody else having a cohort?is the person playing a cleric PC happy with me having a cleric cohort (i dont want to steal any of your thunder, my prevoius experience of having a cleric cohort is that cleric PCs like them because you can make the cohort carry all the boring buff spells! and the PC does not have to always be the medic)
so what do people think?
Few things I've noticed, I tend to love bard cohorts, just cause their buffing is wonderful. But a cleric is a pretty good choice too. Clerics have a vastly different feel dependent on what deity you choose. I think the wealth is from the NPC wealth table. Catman would have to confirm.

Therin Ulric |

Alright, this is what I think my character is looking like so far(its tarlane). If you have any suggestions or questions, I don't mind adapting as needed.
Are we going to be set in golarion or another world? Anything we might know about the upcoming adventure that could give us an idea for our backgrounds?
Also, do any of you others want to work to build our backgrounds together?

Raven34 |
Alright, this is what I think my character is looking like so far(its tarlane). If you have any suggestions or questions, I don't mind adapting as needed.
Are we going to be set in golarion or another world? Anything we might know about the upcoming adventure that could give us an idea for our backgrounds?
Also, do any of you others want to work to build our backgrounds together?
it all looks good! it would be kind of cool if we have adventured together since level one, that way we have to pull each other out of the fire rather than say why bother.
so one thing my character can offer is a couple of greater magic weapons to you at caster level 20(+5, duration 20 hours) i think that the spell will mostly stack with your shortswords making them +5 with their abilities intact
(that works in 3.5 and i am assuming that it does in pathfinder)

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Therin Ulric wrote:Alright, this is what I think my character is looking like so far(its tarlane). If you have any suggestions or questions, I don't mind adapting as needed.
Are we going to be set in golarion or another world? Anything we might know about the upcoming adventure that could give us an idea for our backgrounds?
Also, do any of you others want to work to build our backgrounds together?
it all looks good! it would be kind of cool if we have adventured together since level one, that way we have to pull each other out of the fire rather than say why bother.
so one thing my character can offer is a couple of greater magic weapons to you at caster level 20(+5, duration 20 hours) i think that the spell will mostly stack with your shortswords making them +5 with their abilities intact
(that works in 3.5 and i am assuming that it does in pathfinder)
of course were in golarion

Therin Ulric |

Alright, I might swap up some of my languages then. Because I maxed linguistics, I was really stretching to pick some of them by the end there. With us being in golarion, I can take things like Shoanti and Varisian.
And Raven, I like that idea as well, something where we can share stories of our previous adventures and will have a real sense of kinship and willingness to risk ourselves for the other.
Any thoughts on what would have brought us this far? Maybe members of the pathfinders or something. Maybe from a different country, like having spent much of our time doing battle at the world wound or something. There are a lot of good possibilities, but with us being this high of a level in a world that hasn't shown a whole lot of really high level characters we might want to come up with a good story that shows why we haven't been really affecting the flow of the world yet.
Edit: And I'd love magic weapon. I was trying to have fun and pick up some interesting gear(like storing gauntlets and an immovable rod) so by the time I got to my weapons I was trying to be somewhat choosy and to stick with the same philosophy. Having those bonuses would be great since two weapon fighting as a rogue really puts your attack rating in the toilet, plus it would give them some good ways of getting through DR.

Raven34 |
i have always liked playing wizards and doing lots of damage, and i like to have a spell for every situation (that why i normally dont play socerers)
recently i have played some high level stuff and discovered (to my suprise)that i can do more damage if i spend some time buffing up other characters
eg a rogues melee damage goes really high if i can get a greater invis on them , and everybody benefits from a haste
so people tell me what arcane buffs you want, so i make sure i have the spells in my book
i think that being part of the pathfinder soc sound like a good idea, in our exploration we could have bonded, saved each others lives and fought off some great evils
Catman, can i use the spell compenduim?

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OK, it's looking like a Cleric of Irori for me. I'm also going to have a full retinue of buffs, fun fun! If it's allowed, definitely going to use things from Spell Compendium, Magic Item Compendium. Going to try not to use too many splatbooks though...I just don't have the time to browse 800 spells!
Oh yeah...9th level spells here we come ^^

Therin Ulric |

Greater invisibility is a lot of fun since it will let me get off my full set of attacks with all of them being sneak attacks. The only other spell I can say I really hope you have is grease, since if the enemies are wobbling on it then that makes them good targets for me too. Beyond that, pick and choose any buffs that sound good to you and that you would feel were lots of fun.
And I could see a rather enjoyable interaction with a cleric of Irori. I don't see my character taking himself real seriously, so I'm sure there will be a lot of joking back and forth with someone who worships a god of self-perfection.

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i have always liked playing wizards and doing lots of damage, and i like to have a spell for every situation (that why i normally dont play socerers)
recently i have played some high level stuff and discovered (to my suprise)that i can do more damage if i spend some time buffing up other characterseg a rogues melee damage goes really high if i can get a greater invis on them , and everybody benefits from a haste
so people tell me what arcane buffs you want, so i make sure i have the spells in my book
i think that being part of the pathfinder soc sound like a good idea, in our exploration we could have bonded, saved each others lives and fought off some great evils
Catman, can i use the spell compenduim?
Raven, I have my spells known list already made for my sorc, so I can show it to you. I do have a few of the buff spells (like haste) and some utility spells as well. However I don't have all of them so we can easily mix and match.
I'll show it once we get an answer on spell compendium. I included a few (I think maybe 4 spells in total) from spell compendium, and those are my only non-core spells. However if it isn't available I could probably pretty easily switch those out.

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i have always liked playing wizards and doing lots of damage, and i like to have a spell for every situation (that why i normally dont play socerers)
recently i have played some high level stuff and discovered (to my suprise)that i can do more damage if i spend some time buffing up other characterseg a rogues melee damage goes really high if i can get a greater invis on them , and everybody benefits from a haste
so people tell me what arcane buffs you want, so i make sure i have the spells in my book
i think that being part of the pathfinder soc sound like a good idea, in our exploration we could have bonded, saved each others lives and fought off some great evils
Catman, can i use the spell compenduim?
see above
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Raven34 wrote:i have always liked playing wizards and doing lots of damage, and i like to have a spell for every situation (that why i normally dont play socerers)
recently i have played some high level stuff and discovered (to my suprise)that i can do more damage if i spend some time buffing up other characterseg a rogues melee damage goes really high if i can get a greater invis on them , and everybody benefits from a haste
so people tell me what arcane buffs you want, so i make sure i have the spells in my book
i think that being part of the pathfinder soc sound like a good idea, in our exploration we could have bonded, saved each others lives and fought off some great evils
Catman, can i use the spell compenduim?
see above
Raven, here's my list of spells known so you can work around it:
Spells Known (CL 18th, +16 ranged touch, SR check +24)
8th (6)- form of the dragon III, irresistible dance (DC 34)
7th (8)- limited wish, mass hold person (DC 33), phase shift
6th (8)- disintegrate (DC 28), greater dispel magic, true seeing
5th (8)- dominate person (DC 31), feeblemind (DC 31), greater blink, teleport
4th (15)- assay spell resistance, dimensional anchor, scrying, orb of force
3rd (9)- clairaudience/clairvoyance, dispel magic, fly, harrow, haste, slow (DC 25)
2nd (9)- blur, glitterdust, hideous laughter (DC 28), invisibility, knock, resist energy
1st (9)- feather fall, identify, magic missile, nerveskitter, reduce person (DC 23), shield
0th - acid splash, detect magic, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, message, prestidigitation, read magic
Spell Like Abilities (CL 18th)
1/day - divination
6/day - daze (DC 26)

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looks good Alizor
i have craft wondrous item too!
so who wants half price items!!??
how come you dont have 9th level spells?
i will have my spell list out in about a year!!! (it's hard putting one together for a 18th level wizard)
Maybe I should take a different craft then... And I don't have 9th because I took a prestige class that made me lose one caster level (I'm 18 because of an item). So I'll get 9th level spells next level.

Elrohir Ringëril |

im slowly building my charcter up
here is a bit of him so far
just to say, the assay spell resitance is a seriously cool spell!
do we have a front line fighter type
if not i could play around with my cohort, change his name to "this is my last day on the job, look here's a picture of my family and the boat im going to buy"
and he could wear a red shirt too!

Raven34 |
Hey Raven,
Since you're taking Craft Wondrous Item, I'm going to go ahead and replace that feat on my character and get Forge Ring. That way I can make our rings be a little less expensive as well. What do you think?
my rings are cheaper!my cohort may take a craft feat too
possibly rods or weapons

Caffeineated |

Caffeineated wrote:Awesome. Yeah I think I'll make a Dwarf Fighter, as generic as it is I've always wanted to play one. I'm wanting to use some feats and racial sub levels from Races of Stone and a few feats from PHB2 from 3.5, is that alright?YOU ARE 18 LV GO NUTS!!!
see above
Cool. Just wanted to make sure You were allowing 3.5 stuff in, some DMs want to just use pathfinder by itself.