The 8th Dwarf |

Greetings and Salutations, Sydney Paizonians its time to sort out a date in our calendars for the September Pub Gathering.
This is open to all Paizonians, you are all welcome.
We had an excellent time last time.
So same location: The Exhibition Hotel next to Central Station in Surrey Hills.
Maybe an 11 or 10:30 start?
So what date would be best?

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Greetings and Salutations, Sydney Paizonians its time to sort out a date in our calendars for the September Pub Gathering.
This is open to all Paizonians, you are all welcome.
We had an excellent time last time.
So same location: The Exhibition Hotel next to Central Station in Surrey Hills.
Maybe an 11 or 10:30 start?
So what date would be best?
The Exhibition was OK, so no problems going back there. I'm pretty open at the moment in September, so any weekend would be fine for me. Just give me enough warning to book it in (which is what we're doing I guess...)

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I'm definately still in. I just need advance warning so I can plan to have that day avilable. I still very much prefer Sunday around lunchtime as my wife works Saturdays and I have to look after the kids. Sundays are just easier for me to plan around.
Are we still looking at doing Pathfinder Society games? I vote yes if we are still on the fence. They are designed to be run in 4 hours which means we can have lunch and start around 12.30-1pm and be done by 5pm (at least that would be the plan).

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I, personally, am not a huge fan of playing in public spaces, but could just meet you all for lunch then run off home.
I am pretty OK for Sundays, except the 4th October (planning on dropping into MOAB that day, seeing if there is any cool figures and what specials Milsims have bought with them).

DarkTemplar |
I agree, a way for all of us to contact each other over the internet is a good idea. From the ammount of interest just in these last few days there is clearly enough of us out there to get a campaign up and going.
I for one can be contacted at dark_templar_1987@hotmail.com
So if anyone wants to get hold of me with regards to gaming I can be found there.

Peasant Railgun |
It's still on, though it's likely going to be proponed until October in order for there to be sufficient advance warning. It's just that we don't notice new posts on this thread because they quickly scroll off the messageboards sidebar to the <-- left. I'll contact the other attendees via the mailing list to let them know you're interested.
I, personally, am not a huge fan of playing in public spaces, but could just meet you all for lunch then run off home.
I am pretty OK for Sundays, except the 4th October (planning on dropping into MOAB that day, seeing if there is any cool figures and what specials Milsims have bought with them).
Don't worry, after lunch we'll probably go to Good Games on George St where there are plenty of tables. What's MOAB?
I would also be interested. Perhaps for us new to the site, there could be a way to get in direct online contact, possibly via email, or if you have your own site?
Faenor has recently set up a website for the Sydney Pathfinder Society to gauge the interest of potential players and DMs for regular games.
Anyone else who'd like to join, please feel free to e-mail me at fullyloadedman.dfs@dfgh.net, and I'll add you to the list!

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thank you Andrew for adding me to the mailing list, any time would be great, just need a heads up on time place and what to bring.
and for those who want to know where im coming from, im from south western sydney, so getting to the City isnt really a bother for me.
Peebo AKA Ekeebe :D
[EDIT] i think he is referring to the Mother of all Battles in Sylvania, its a 3 day wargaming event in October, no i've never been, i'm just good at resourcing XP [/EDIT]

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[EDIT] i think he is referring to the Mother of all Battles in Sylvania, its a 3 day wargaming event in October, no i've never been, i'm just good at resourcing XP [/EDIT]
I am indeed speaking of the Mother of All Battles (psst... it is she, not he), held on the October weekend. Although I don't do wargames, I do a bit of figure painting and they have a lot of retailers, and it is always nice to catch up with those friends who do play.

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20th should be also cool for me (just need to check with hubby to make sure he is cool with kid minding).
Slight thread-jack - Flash, you mentioned in the June thread that you own the Orision T-shirt...what was the sizing like?

Peasant Railgun |
Peebo wrote:I am indeed speaking of the Mother of All Battles (psst... it is she, not he), held on the October weekend. Although I don't do wargames, I do a bit of figure painting and they have a lot of retailers, and it is always nice to catch up with those friends who do play.
[EDIT] i think he is referring to the Mother of all Battles in Sylvania, its a 3 day wargaming event in October, no i've never been, i'm just good at resourcing XP [/EDIT]
Cool, do the retailers just sell minis and wargaming stuff? Or do they have RPGs and other games as well?

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There is definately a heavy emphasis on wargaming products, with a lot of figure and terrain manufacturers. However, that being said, there is some more general gaming stuff (RPG and board games) around. Milsims normally has a pretty big set-up and other games stores as well.

Peasant Railgun |
There is definately a heavy emphasis on wargaming products, with a lot of figure and terrain manufacturers. However, that being said, there is some more general gaming stuff (RPG and board games) around. Milsims normally has a pretty big set-up and other games stores as well.
Excellent! I might check it out.
If there's a mailing list, I want in! :)
Added! Anyone else who'd like to join can post their address or mail fullyloadedman.dfs@dfgh.net if you're worried about address harvesters.

Faenor |

Dang, looks like I can't make it that Sunday after all. *mutter* *mutter*
I'll try to make it the following months though.
What about the others? Still okay for the 18th at the Royal Exhibition pub around noon? Do we have enough people coming?
And good idea for the Society scenario in the afternoon; Is there a DM willing to run one? :D

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Neil Mansell wrote:Dang, looks like I can't make it that Sunday after all. *mutter* *mutter*
I'll try to make it the following months though.What about the others? Still okay for the 18th at the Royal Exhibition pub around noon? Do we have enough people coming?
And good idea for the Society scenario in the afternoon; Is there a DM willing to run one? :D
I'm still keen. I'll also be keen for the Society Scenario in the afternoon as well. I don't have any of the new PFRPG ones yet though so I'll be content to be a player (Rogue... I'll have to get her updated to PFRPG!)

Peasant Railgun |
I'm willing to DM a Society Scenario as well as play in one. I just have to print out hardcopies of The Frozen Fingers of Midnight and Among the Living.
Scenario 04: The Frozen Fingers of Midnight has you investigating a curse afflicting a fellow Pathfinder in Absalom.
Scenario 07: Among the Living is for those that wonder what it would be like to cross Phantom of the Opera with Left for Dead and is set in Oppara, the capital of Taldor.
Do you guys normally handle combat with minis or not?

Faenor |

I'm willing to DM a Society Scenario as well as play in one. I just have to print out hardcopies of The Frozen Fingers of Midnight and Among the Living.
Scenario 04: The Frozen Fingers of Midnight has you investigating a curse afflicting a fellow Pathfinder in Absalom.
Scenario 07: Among the Living is for those that wonder what it would be like to cross Phantom of the Opera with Left for Dead and is set in Oppara, the capital of Taldor.
Do you guys normally handle combat with minis or not?
Sounds great! I prefer minis but I don't have any here.

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If you want to prepare a character to play on Sunday just follow the instructions on pages 15-16 in the Pathfinder RPG for a first level character using 20 point buy. In the spirit of Pathfinder Society Organised Play you might like to choose a faction—amongst the five vying for control of Absalom—to swear allegiance. Each of the factions have different secondary goals to accomplish. If we follow the guidelines set in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organised Play PDF your character should be legal if you choose to participate in sanctioned Organised Play in the future.

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If you want to prepare a character to play on Sunday just follow the instructions on pages 15-16 in the Pathfinder RPG for a first level character using 20 point buy. In the spirit of Pathfinder Society Organised Play you might like to choose a faction—amongst the five vying for control of Absalom—to swear allegiance. Each of the factions have different secondary goals to accomplish. If we follow the guidelines set in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organised Play PDF your character should be legal if you choose to participate in sanctioned Organised Play in the future.
So we're not actually going to be playing a Society game then? :(

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So we're not actually going to be playing a Society game then? :(
I will look into this. I can create a sanctioned event with my Paizo account, but I need to be sure what kind of (e-)paperwork is involved first.
So for clarification, is your :( in jest or is it real disappointment? :)
And when you say "actual PFS session" do you mean the type where I collect Pathfinder Society numbers, fill in forms at the end, and report to Paizo the result?

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This is important so I'll put it at the start:
If you've already registered with the Pathfinder Society and have been assigned with a Pathfinder Society number you need to write it down and bring it to the game tomorrow.
Okay, I've registered the game as event #1,018 with Paizo, I figured if we're going to go this far with PSOP rules we'd might as well go that extra 1.6 kilometre ;) and make it official/sanctioned/FOR REALZ and so on. For those of you who still want to play but don't have a Pathfinder Society membership number you can join on the day or do it yourself through your account on the Paizo boards.
I initially thought an event needed 4-6 registered society members to be legal but by Joshua Frost's own words:
Go ahead and report them. Playing with 3 is highly inadvisable, but not strictly "illegal." We say a minimum of four so you don't TPK the party, but exceptions are allowed when players are hard to come by (in the case of 3) or when there are a few extra players (in the case of 7-8 players).
There's nothing you can do about people who just want the one-shot experience. Go ahead and report everyone else.
So you'll still get credit (but more importantly experience, prestige & gold :D) for playing.