Looking for Dungeon #118

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Howdy fellow gamers - I am going to run the Istivin trilogy of adventures and I desperately need a print copy of Dungeon 118 (with Greyhawk map included, please). Anyone have a copy to sell or trade? If so, contact me here or email me at yankmychain@gmail.com.


You can buy the PDF copy on this site you know?


christian mazel wrote:


You can buy the PDF copy on this site you know?


Yeah, I know, but I want the print copy which is as scarce as hen's teeth! Now, the map is available to purchase separately, but I really want a print copy of 118...but I'm not above buying the map and downloading the pdf if I get desperate.

hedgeknight wrote:
christian mazel wrote:


You can buy the PDF copy on this site you know?


Yeah, I know, but I want the print copy which is as scarce as hen's teeth! Now, the map is available to purchase separately, but I really want a print copy of 118...but I'm not above buying the map and downloading the pdf if I get desperate.

I wasn't going to bother mentioning this, until I saw the word "desperate," but if you truly do get to that state - $29.99 worth of "desperate" - then there's this.

But I guess I'm just pointing out the obvious; Amazon.com is always the first place you look, right? It's always the first place *I* look.

Yeah, I'm not 30 bucks worth of desperate! LOL!

Prolly will have to just buy the map and download the pdf.
Of course, I'm gonna be scouring the boxes at Gen Con for it too!

Liberty's Edge

hedgeknight wrote:

Yeah, I'm not 30 bucks worth of desperate! LOL!


Prolly will have to just buy the map and download the pdf.
Of course, I'm gonna be scouring the boxes at Gen Con for it too!

We have a gaming store that has some old copies of Dragon and Dungeons still on their shelfs. I'll take a look see next time i'm there.

... and yes, I do mean OLD.

Thanks Misery - just let me know.

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